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人教版高二英语选修八Unit 2 Cloning 导学案 设计:王若妍 审核:王超群 课 题Period4 The return of the dinosaurs? 课 型New class姓 名学习目标1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part2. Get students to read the two passages.重点难点1. Develop students reading skills by extensive reading.2. Let students read and understand the two passages:showing our feelingsand the Open hand-a universal sign.学习流程自主合作探究 学 习 活 动二 次 备 课Step one探索新知Lead in Ask some questions.1.Have you ever seen the film Jurassic Park? Do people like this film? What animals do you see in the film? Are they real dinosaurs?2.Do you like dinosaurs? Can you see them in our real life? Why?3. Do you think it is possible to clone dinosaurs? If not,why? If yes, do you think thats good for human beings? Why?Step two新知应用Reading - I scanning ( 5ms )Read the text, then tell the following sentences are true or false. 1. Scientists are still experimenting with cloning mammals because they think it can make money.2. The animals that have disappeared from the earth, like dinosaurs, can be brought back to life through cloning.3. If we can clone any extinct animals, we should let them live in a zoo.Reading - II Detail reading ( 6ms )Read the text, then answer the following questions. ( Students can discuss in pairs. )1. Why shouldnt you clone an extinct animal unless there is enough diversity in the group?2. Why is it wrong to clone an extinct animal if it would have to live in a zoo?3. Why cant you clone the DNA of animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years?Reading - III Argument ( 10ms )1.Read the passage again and have an argument according to the requirement of Ex.2 on Page 16.2. Students work in groups, when discussing, the head of each group should write down the opinions of all the members.3. Ask some volunteers to show their opinions.Step three当堂检测.1.The genes of the cloned animal are so arranged that it cannot _such a disease , so it soon died. A. keep B. stop C. exist D. resist 2. You have to be firm, but _you should be sympathetic. A. from time to time B. at one time C. at a time D. in time 3. He said nothing, _smiled and watched her. A. most B. merely C. generally D. hardly 4. All their hard work has _! The house is finished at last. A. paid back B. paid for C. paid off D. paid 5. Further information can be _from our head office. A. obtained B. achieved C. resisted D. proved 6.Allen and I are in the same history class, but his assignment differs _ mine. A. on B. from C. in D. to 7. The two sides in the dispute still differ _each other _the question of pay. A. on; with B. with; on C. at; with D. from; in 8. As we are very busy these days, we might _this urgent work for the time being. A. undertake B. agree C. employ D. charge 9. It is very_ that there has been an increase in crime in the last six months. A. disturbed B. disturbing C. disturb D. being disturbed 10. Her father_ her to go out alone. A. hoped B. allowed C. forbade D. permitted 11. We hope there will be a new_ in high-technology in China. A. breakdown B. breakup C. breakthrough D. breakout 12. Dust _in a room if we do not clean the room regularly. A. accomplishes B. accumulates C. accommodates D. achieves13.They strongly object to _the plan. A. giving up B. give up C. giving off D. give off 14. I am not _satisfied with the decision. A. exactly B. altogether C. properly D. naturally 15. Since he heard of his failure at the examination, Tom has been very_. A. cast down B. put down C. turned down D. taken down 短文改错I watch TV until 12 oclock, so I could not go over my lessons. Thismorning I got up very late that I had to go to school without breakfast in hurry but I was late for the first class. When I entered the classroom, themaths teacher had to stop explain an important problem, and all the eyesfixed upon me. My face turned red. Something even worse was happened tome in English class. The teacher asked me to recite the text, yet I could speaknothing but sorry, for I did not spend any time preparing my lessons. The teacher looked at me with his coldly eyes. I stood at my bench without dare to raise my head. How a terrible day I had! I will never do anything like this.Step four 反思质疑板书设计教学反思资
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