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Unit 1支撑练习I.Multiple Choice 1-5 DACCC 610 ADADB 11-15BAABD 16-20 BBADC 21-25 DDBCB 26-30 DBCCC II语段练习1. 探索行为 exploratory behavior2. 一个有趣的现象 an interesting phenomenon 3. 试图帮忙 attempt to help4. 有所期待地对某人微笑 smile somewhat expectantly at sb.5. 没有尽到当父母的责任 neglect ones parental duties6. .做某事的最终目的 ultimate purpose of doing sth.7. 变得恢心丧气发脾气 get frustrated and angry8. 所希望的结果 a desirable outcome 9. 关键在于 the critical point be that10. 靠自己有效地解决问题 solve a problem effectively by oneself11. 一条最重要的育儿观 a principle value of child rearing 12. 不太可能自己想方设法去做某事 be less likely to figure out himself how to do sth.13. 将人生视为一系列的情境 view life as a series of situations14. 独立解决问题 to solve problem on ones own15. 从对的态度来说in terms of attitudes to16. “站在巨人的肩膀之上”的现象 the standing on the shoulders of giants phenomenon17. 技艺与创造力的培养 the fostering of skills and creativity18. 值得追求的目标 worthwhile goals19. 做某事的更好方法 a superior way to approach sth.20. 在之间寻求一种平衡 strike a balance between新题型专练I. Reading Comprehension A (Fast Reading)1. N 2.Y 3.N 4. N 5.Y 6. NG 7.Y8. insecurities and anxiety; 9. problems; 10. strong willed II. Reading Comprehension B (Reading in Depth)1.C 2.I 3.F 4.J 5.N 6.E 7.K 8.G 9.M 10.B III. Error Identification and CorrectionS1. particularly改为 particular S2. except for 改为 except S3. rare改为rarely S4. been 改为 beingS5. with 改为 by S6. good 改为well S7. them 改为 themselves S8. being 改为 be S9. shocking改为 shocked S10. to 改为 with IV. Translation from Chinese to English (中译英)1.with the exception of Nancy 2. has evolved into a violent conflict3. to promote this sort of products4. is far superior to mine in quality5. can also be made up forUnit 2支撑练习I. Multiple Choice1-5CAACC6-10BCCCC11-15BABCB16-20AAABA21-25BCABD26-30DBACAII语段练习1. 乡巴佬/土包子down home2. 老百姓/普通人plain folks3. 折扣连锁店discount chain4. 排队等候wait in line5. 特殊待遇special treatment6. 盛气凌人throw his weight around7. 成为新闻头条made headlines8. 坚守平民习惯hold firm to his folksy habits9. 狗仔队celebrity hunters10. 谁也说不清楚is anyones guess11. 尽力避开steering clear of12. 善待员工treat your people right13. 使某人不能专心比赛put him. off his game14. 连输四场lost four straight games15. 集思广益cultivate ideas16. 懒洋洋坐在秋千上lazy in a swing17. 奔腾咆哮的山间溪流a roaring mountain stream18. 把木头做成家具shape the wood into furniture19. 随着时间的推移as time goes on20. 当礼物送人give away as gifts21. 无须所说dont have to say but a few things22. 生活的起伏动荡ups and downs of life23. 强化基本技能reinforce ones basic skills24. 热心投入到中plunged with enthusiasm into25. 自然而然as naturally as breathing26. 拓宽兴趣范围expanding field of interest新题型专练I. 快速阅读 1. Y2. N3. N 4. NG5. y6. N 7. N8. was picking up momentum quickly then following9. plus size model; 10.she had confidence in herselfII. 改错1. of 去掉 2. is 后加 of 3. with 改为to 4. has改为 is 或者在has后加been 5. assures 改为 ensures 6. one 改为this / the 7. remembering改为 forgetting 8. narrower 改为 wider 9. increasingly改为 increasing 10. had 改为 has III. 句子翻译1. By/from all accounts, his retirement was (not of his own choice.)2. The city took on a festive air with nobody setting off fire crackers for fear that it would (make a tremendous noise and cause serious air pollution.)3. Only when the police confronted him with evidence (did he admit to stealing the money); he worried it would involve his reputation.4. (Carry on with your work) after I leave, its so important a business.5. You dont have to say (but the way he cheated all his colleagues.)Unit 3支撑练习I. Multiple Choice1. C2. B3. A4. A5. B6. A7. D8. B 9. C10. B11. C12. C13. A14.B 15. C16. C17. B18. A19. A20. B21. D22. A23. B24. A25. A26. C27. A28. C29. B30. BII. 语段练习1. 对观众讲话address the public2. 以而告终 end up doing sth.3. 对某人感到自豪be proud of sb.4. 包括consist of5. 拿去交换trade sb. / sth. for sb. / sth. else6. 传给某人hand down to sb.7. 无论怎么样at any rate8. 世界和平global peace9. 人类幸福human welfare10. 渴望做某事be eager / willing to do sth.11. 应该知道做某事是不明智的know better than to do sth.12. 一个优秀生an honor student13. 失去耐心lose ones patience14. 思路line of thought15. 试图站起来manage to stay on ones feet16. 高估某人的能力overestimate ones ability17. 面对in the face of18. 接受某人的建议accept ones advice19. 意识到be aware that-20. 辜负某人的期望dont measure up to ones expectation(s)21. 放弃某人的梦想let go of ones dream of doing sth.新题型专练I. Fast Reading1. N2. N3. Y 4. N5. Y6. Y7. NG8. 15 and 20 percent of the cost9.neighborhood restaurants10. some sauces and vegetables without extra chargesII. Reading in Depth
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