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江苏省连云港市东海县第二中学2020届高三上学期期中考试英语试卷【题文】3. Food supplies in the earthquake area _. We must act immediately before theres none left.A. are being run out B. are running out C. have run out D. have been run out【题文】4. The coat _ thin but _.A. is wornis dried easyB. wearsdries easilyC. has wornhas dried easyD. wearsdries easy【题文】5. Its illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money _ favors to them.A. in preference to B. in place of C. in agreement with D. in exchange for 【题文】6. Why are your eyes so red? You _ well last night. Yes, I stayed up late writing a report.A. mustnt have sleptB. cant have slept C. couldnt sleep D. might not sleep【题文】7. My father _ much importance to education. He will do his best to give me that priceless gift.A. paysB. appliesC. attaches D. links 【题文】8. Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do. Lets _ it.A. keep up with B. do away with C. get down to D. look forward to【题文】9. Its time that I _ my hair cut. Its the eighth time that I _ to the barbers shop.A. will have; have goneB. had; go C. have; wentD. had; have gone【题文】10. Miss Liu _ as an accountant for 4 years in the company, and now she is a general manager of it. A. servedB. has servedC. serves D. was serving 【题文】11. I suggest _, considering the patients serious condition.A. must send a doctor B. a doctor be sent for C. a doctor to be sent D. sending a doctor for【题文】12. Tom, our manager, _ for America in two days and he has asked me to find out when the earliest plane _ next Sunday.A. is to leave; is going to take off B. will leave; is taking off C. is leaving; takes offD. leaves; will take off【题文】13. The lecture, _ at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by a discussion.A. beginning B. began C. begun D. to begin【题文】14. The workers appeal for increasing salary is worth _.A. considered B. considering C. to be considered D.being considered【题文】15. _ we _ the other road, we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.A. If; took B. Did; take C. If; should take D. Had; taken【题文】二、完形填空共15题每小题分, 满分分阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D选项中,选择最佳答案Although one might not agree because of some of the criticism of it, advertising is essential to the kind of society in which people in the United Kingdom, and a very 16 proportion of the world live. Advertising is necessary as a 17 of communicating with others, of telling them about the goods and services that are offered, and of which most of them would never 18 to hear at all if it were not for advertising. And advertising helps a great deal to promote a 19 standard of living.In talking about advertising, one should not think only 20 a commercial on television, or an advertisement in the newspapers or periodicals. In its widest 21 , advertising includes a host of other 22 such as packaging, shop displays and in the sense of communication even the spoken word of the salesman. 23 , the roots of advertising are to be found in the market place.For many years it was thought that it was enough to 24 goods and supply services, it is only more 25 that it has become increasingly understood that the production of goods is a waste of resources 26 those goods can be sold at a fair price within a 27 time span. In the competitive society in which we live, it is essential that we go out and sell what we have to offer, and advertising plays an important role in this respect, whether selling at home or in 28 markets. Approximately 2 percent of the UK gross national product (GDP) is spent on advertising. But it must not be thought that this advertising tries to sell goods to consumers who do not want them. Of course, advertising does try to attract the interest of the 29 consumer, but if the articles when 30 does not match up to the standards that the advertising suggests that it will, it is obviously exceedingly unlikely that the article will sell well.16.A.enjoyableB.considerableC.agreeableD.knowledgeable17.A.dataB.proportionC.meansD.message18.A.getB.putC.findD.avoid19.A.demandingB.raisingC.decliningD.rising20.A.in honor ofB.in case ofC.in terms ofD.in favor of21.A.senseB.borderC.levelD.extent22.A.conferencesB.activitiesC.mattersD.actions23.A.Of allB.In allC.Above allD.After all24.A.protestB.programC.processD.produce25.A.quicklyB.immediatelyC.recentlyD.totally26.A.unlessB.thoughC.untilD.when27.A. inevitableB.comfortableC.reasonableD.available28.A. countryB.importC.job
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