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3T 英语二阶班第二次考试模拟试卷一Name: 满分 120+50=170一、 单选 (45分,共15题,每题3分)1、 I dont have _ time _ money1) any / and b. some / orc. any / or d. _ / and 2、 We _ a lot of time.1) has b. doesnt have c. havent gotd. dont have got3、 He is busy and _ lots of time1) hasb. doesnt has c. doesnt have gotd. hasnt got 4、 _ you got a piece of paper to write on?1) do b. Didc. Haved. Has5、 “I must go to _” Jerry said when he has got a headache.1) the hospitalsb. doctorsc. the doctors d. the doctors house6、 Have you got _ tomatoes _ potatoes ? -I am afraid we _1) _/ and / dontb. any / or / havent c. any/or/ dont d. any / and / dont have. 7、 How much _ the blue skirts?1) am b. isc. ared. be8、 The sightseeing is very beautiful, lets _ it.1) have a look, b. have lookc. have a look at d. look9、 Our friends will go to Haikou _ the evening of May 10th1) inb. onc. atd. from10、 On the way driving _ home, I met one of my friends.1) to b. atc. / d. from 11、 Where _ Thomas Edison born? Where _ you born?1) are / areb. is / is c. was / are d. was / were12、 Tom will arrive _ France tomorrow, and will reach the China Town _ the day after tomorrow1) In / in b. on / onc. at / ind. in / at13、 In Microsoft, Jordan and Thomas _ next door1) are inb. are / c. are ond. are at14、 Rainbow has money classes _ weekends1) inb. onc. for d. with 15、 Does Thomas _ an drawer?1) want to dob. wants to bec. want to be d. are 二、 给A组的问句选择合适的答问(15分,每题3分)A组 ()Hello, Jack! Are you feeling well ? () When did you bring it to us? () Hows the weather there now? () What do we need? () Do you want to have lunch with us?B组 (A) No, thank you. (B) Three days ago. (C) some snacks and fruit. (D) No, not really. (E) Its neither too hot nor too cold. Its very warm三、 介词 填空 (10分,每题2分)1、 I have waited _ you _ three hours.2、 I have studied English in Jerry School _ two years ago. 3、 Have you ever been _ Beijing ?4、 Thomas tries _ have a look _ the elephant.5、 That films has been _ from last week. 四、 用动词的适当形式填空 (20分,每题2分)1、 She hasnt _ (write) to me for a month.2、 He _ ( have go ) to Shanghai.3、 Thomas has just _ (eat) lunch.4、 My mother has _ (take ) the schoolbag to the car.5、 Thomas has _ (drink ) 5 cups of milk.五、 阅读理解 (10分,判断对错,正确的句子写T,错误的写F,每题2分)六、 加分题 (20分)1、 改错 (5分,每题1分)1) I have waited for you since three hours.2) I have seen that film on TV last night.3) They have taken him to school yesterday. 4) Tom dont often has a bath.5) There isnt some water in the glass. 2、 汉译英 (10分,每题2分)1) 他已经浇花了 2) 你是那一年出生的呢? 3) 我学习英语已经10年了.4) Ken刚刚买了一部字典5) Fiona 已经写了一个购物清单3、 对划线部分提问(5分,每题1分)1) We had a lot of work to do yesterday afternoon.2) I saw two deer near the river yesterday.3) The Koala bear is short and the Giraffe is tall, because it has a long neck.4) I have seen the movie. 5) David has been in America for six months. 七、 单词与短语 (50分)电影院曾经在电视上取来机械式修理说实在的努力去做带走星期三凌乱已经整洁的到处刚刚手提箱丢弃牛排患上感冒上课几乎楼上举办聚会喝杯果汁玩的开心写购物清单希望水果蔬菜根本不杂货店肉店蔬果零售店笔记本胜利者礼物文具薯条意大利面洗澡抽一支烟参观撞车看一下上映度假楼下烤牛肉零食超市答案:单选 (45分,每题3分)1. C2.c3.d4.c5.c6.b7. C.8. C. 9. B10. C11. d12. D13. B14.b15. C 加分题 (20分)2. 连词成句(10分,每题2分)3. 汉译英 (6分,每题2分)i. He has already watered flowers.ii. When you were born?iii. I have already learnt English for 10 years.iv. Ken has just bought a dictionary already.v. Fiona has already written a shopping list.4. 对划线部分提问(4分,每题4分)单词与短语 (50分)3T 英语二阶班第二次考试模拟试卷二Name: 满分 120+50=170一、 单选 (45分,共15题,每题3分)1. Would you like some _?A. juicesb. porksc. mealsd. fruit 2. I can see _ book, _ book is very newA. a, ab. a, the,c. / a,d. /,the3. When _ you _ your home work?A. did / finishb. have / finishc. have / finishedd. did / finished4. Lets _ the garden to help your fatherA. went intob. going intoc. go intod. go 5. Jordan brings Thomas a box of milk, _ he doesnt like it at all.A. andb. or c. but d. so6. Can you speak Japanese?A. no, a littleb. Yes, a little, c. No, Little,d. Yes, Little7. Where have you _, Rainbow? I have _ to the bank.A. gone / goneb. been, beenc. gone, beend. been, gone8. Rainbow, come _, Thomas go _ please.A. here / to thereB. here / thereC. there / over thereD. to here / to there9. Id like two_A. bottles of orangeB. bottles of orangesC. bottle of orangeD. bottle of orange10. If you dont feel well with your teeth, you need to see the _A. dentistB. doctorC. nurseD. policeman11. Her name is Thomas Dong, please let me know whats his last n
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