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选修8 Unit 2 Cloning 2 课前三 诵读话题经典 言两语 3 Science and technology 4 There is no doubt that 5 基础知 构建知识体系 识梳理 6 altogether forbid exact owe shortly 7 bother strike drawback breakthrough obtain 8 undertake unable 9 struck bothers 10 be obtained forbidden drawbacks 11 different difference correction objection 12 accumulation retirement assumption regulation popularity 13 resistance resistant decoration 14 accumulation accumulating 15 differences different differ 16 objection objected assume assumptions resist resistant resistance 17 简单的 直接的 坦率的 程序 步骤 手续 仅 只 不过 撞击 冲击 巨大的影响 道德 上 的 伦理的 18 扔 投 掷 同一的 一模一样的 最初的 开始的 虚荣的 自负的 徒劳的 崇拜 爱慕 喜爱 19 命运 天命 媒介 手段 工具 保守的 守旧的 必须做的 义务的 强迫的 强制的 商业的 贸易的 20 复杂的 难懂的 孵出 孵卵 孵化 合情理的 讲道理的 公道的 21 让人觉得 22 cast down in favour of bring back to life be bound to do in good poor condition in in bound to down 23 object to pay off in vain from time to time strike into one s heart to off into 24 came the exciting news that our team won the game 25 The advantage of cycling to work is that 26 重难考 突破思维瓶颈 点探究 27 28 29 being arranged objection objective 30 am opposed to object to 31 32 33 smoking to leave is forbidden 34 were forbidden to go out Forbidden to go out at night we had to stay at home aimlessly 35 36 37 to Owing it 38 Owing to It was owing to her assistance that we succeeded in starting the engine 39 40 41 42 is bothering bothers getting to get 43 getting about with 44 it bothers me greatly that what bothers me greatly is that 45 46 v 袭击 v 打动 给 以印象 v 钟 敲 47 v 想起 n 罢工 48 was struck stricken by Struck Stricken by his inspiring words 49 50 51 off back for to 52 did feel that my efforts paid off 53 54 in On conditions 55 on condition that 56 57 58 59 60 that that 61 The advantage strength of smiling is that 62 核心素 强化运用技能 养达标 63 conditions 64 to stay being called going to go struck 65 off that it 66 in to 67 taking undertaken to obtain 68 exactly decoration 69 70 making that The to undertake 71 scientific more raised on 21st biggest 72 people s ideas differ are in favour of be bound to benefit us 73 that people who suffer a certain rare disease can be cured in the future feel cast down morally reasonable should be forbidden 74 undertake it obtain great breakthroughs are unable to resist it 75 pay off undertake to use it properly 76 The advantage of cloning is that people who suffer a certain rare disease can be cured in the future In my opinion cloning will pay off as long as all undertake to use it properly 77 When it comes to cloning people s ideas differ Some people are in favour of its development for they believe it will be bound to benefit us The advantage of cloning is that people who suffer a certain rare disease can be cured in the future Some feel cast down because they think it is not morally reasonable and should be forbidden Actually many countries undertake it and obtain great breakthroughs So we are unable to resist it In my opinion cloning will pay off as long as all undertake to use it properly 78 课时提能练 点击右图进入 Thank you for watching
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