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选修7 Unit 3 Under the sea 2 课前三 诵读话题经典 言两语 3 It is well known that 4 what we have done to the earth 5 基础知 构建知识体系 识梳理 6 witness opposite 7 pause drag neat flee 8 meantime narrow shallow awesome 9 witnessed pausing 10 dragging fled narrowly 11 accommodation depth deeply deepen urgent 12 abandoned reflection awareness sharpen 13 tasty tasteless scared scary 14 scary scared tasty taste tastes tasteless 15 depth deeply deep reflected reflection 16 accommodations accommodate urged urgent 17 轶事 奇闻 迁徙 迁居 移居 海边 的 海滨 的 大叫 呼喊 叫声 喊声 18 慢跑 轻推 轻撞 纯的 纯粹的 纯洁的 潮 汐 潮水 潮流 闪光信号灯 手电筒 闪光灯 19 灰色 的 陡峭的 界限 分界线 保存 保护 20 吮吸 海豹 封条 印章 养老金 退休金 21 急剧的 缩小 22 aim at get close to hold up be become aware of be scared to death to of to 23 ahead of help out upside down in the meantime be about to In of about out 24 It was a time when I was addicted to playing 25 was about to do my homework when 26 where we fall 27 重难考 突破思维瓶颈 点探究 28 29 30 to make to take 31 should form urgent to 32 urges us to study hard urges that we should study hard 33 34 35 were abandoned abandoned carrying 36 abandoned himself to playing computer games Abandoning himself to playing computer games Abandoned to playing computer games 37 38 39 reflecting is reflected reflection 40 reflected on Reflecting on her volunteer experience 41 42 43 with out to develop 44 thinking turn 45 With the help of my teacher It is with the help of my teacher that 46 47 48 of awareness 49 are aware of 50 51 52 53 where where where 54 where Wherever 55 where there was nothing in the place where there was nothing 56 57 核心素 强化运用技能 养达标 58 reflected to come 59 Abandoned accommodations to watch 60 on upon of out 61 where when 62 has dragged has witnessed Being educated 63 scared narrowly 64 65 that 66 where were attacking breathing 67 finally depths waiting 68 astonishing in got 69 at the depth of the ocean 70 has witnessed has been greatly concerned 71 make people aware of the importance of protecting the ocean should urge immediate measures 72 abandon protecting the ocean 73 No matter how great the difficulty is never will we abandon protecting the ocean 74 As we all know there are varieties of resources at the depth of the ocean However the past decade has witnessed that many marine creatures have died out Therefore marine pollution has been greatly concerned by the whole world 75 On one hand we must make people reware of the importance of protecting the ocean As a matter of fact to protect the ocean is to protect human beings On the other hand the government should urge immediate measures to keep the balance of nature No matter how great the difficulty is never will we abandon protecting the ocean 76 课时提能练 点击右图进入 Thank you for watching
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