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三言两语1.Only those athletes who have reached the required standard are allowed to take part. 2Its obvious that daily exercise is very beneficial to your health.3Not only does exercise improve our health but also it makes us cheerful and raises our learning efficiency.1.就我个人而言,跑步不仅是一个强身健体的好方法,而且有助于我们放松心情,缓解学习压力。As far as Im concerned,running is not only a good way to build up our strength but also helps us relax and relieve the pressure of learning.2我每天都有具体的旨在增强我的身心的计划。I have a detailed plan that is designed to strengthen both my mind and my body.单词拼写应用核心单词1.aid n& vt.帮助; 援助; 资助2barrier n屏障; 障碍(物)3complex adj.复杂的4vital adj.至关重要的; 生死攸关的5pour vt.& vi.倒; 灌; 注; 涌6ceremony n典礼; 仪式; 礼节7essential adj.最重要的;不可缺少的;本质的8temporary adj.暂时的; 临时的语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1My brother knows little English,which is one of the barriers(barrier) in looking for a job.2She is always aiding(aid) the poor student with money.3The house was still burning, pouring(pour) forth thick black smoke.4Take time off from work; stop working temporarily(temporary).拓展单词1.press v压, 按pressure n压力; 挤压; 压迫(感) 2injure vt.受伤injury n损伤; 伤害3poison n毒药; 毒害 vt.毒害; 使中毒 poisonous adj.有毒的4vary v变化 variety n变化; 多样(化); 多变(性) various adj.各种各样的 语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1The people in the flooded area fought bravely against the natural disaster.Their bravery deserved to be praised.(brave)2We like to live a life full of variety and our tastes are various(vary)拓展单词5.mild adj.轻微的; 温和的; 温柔的 mildly adv.轻微地; 温和地6treat vt.& vi.治疗;对待;款待n.款待;招待treatment n治疗;疗法;对待;待遇7tight adj.牢的; 紧的; 紧密的 tightly adv.紧地; 牢牢地8firm adj.(动作)稳定有力的; 坚定的 firmly adv.坚固地; 稳定地9apply vt.涂; 敷; 搽; 应用; 运用 vi.申请; 请求; 使用; 有效 applicant n申请人 application n申请10brave adj.勇敢的bravely adv.勇敢地 bravery n勇敢; 勇气3.People had to treat themselves in their own way before they received the treatment sent by the government.(treat)4Tom got badly injured in the car accident.The injury to his leg was really serious.(injury)5Dont press me any longer.These days, I cant fall asleep because the coming final exam is putting great pressure on me.(press)6The applicants who want to apply for the position should hand in their applications(apply)阅读单词1.bleed vi.& vt.流血2choke vi.& vt.(使)噎住;(使)窒息3cupboard n橱柜;衣柜4organ n器官5ray n光线;射线6.liquid n液体7radiation n辐射;射线8scissors n(pl.) 剪刀9basin n盆;盆地10symptom n症状;征兆11.swollen adj.肿胀的12damp adj.潮湿的13sleeve n袖子14throat n咽喉;喉咙15squeeze vt.& vi.榨;挤;压榨1(2017全国卷)Bradford sold the building and land to a local development firm, which plans to build a shopping complex on the land where the theater is located.综合大楼2(全国卷)By the time the group got up to leave,it was pouring outside.下大雨;大雨滂沱短语多维应用高频短语1.first aid(对伤患者的)急救2fall ill生病3make a difference区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用4over and over again反复;多次5act as担任语境运用选用左边短语的适当形式填空。In our daily life,we often need to do some temporary treatments when someone is mildly burnt, falls ill or becomes poisoned suddenly.In order to perform first aid properly,we must know about a variety of common symptoms and practice the first aid process over and over again.In a word,first aid can make a difference in our life.6.squeeze out榨出;挤出7in place在适当的位置;适当8prevent .from .阻止9put ones hands on找到10a knowledge of懂;了解语境运用选用左边短语的适当形式填空。A knowledge of common practices for first aid is vital in our daily life.If a person is drowning,you must squeeze out the water in his stomach at first.As for bleeding badly, put your hands on a clean handkerchief or a piece of cloth,press it on the bleeding point and hold it in place.The way to deal with being poisoned by the gas is to open the doors and windows to let the fresh air in.句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.unless引导条件状语从句Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.(安徽卷)这个项目要求紧密的团队协作,如果大家不能很好地合作,什么成果都不会取得。This project requires close teamwork.Nothing will be achieved unless we work well together.2.be doing .when .“正在做这时”John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.我们正在讨论问题,这时停电了。We were discussing the problem when there was a power cut.3.There is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slades life.毋庸置疑,全球变暖对我们所有人的安全都是一个威胁。There is no doubt that global warming is a security threat to us all.1.aid n& vt.帮助;援助;资助(1)come/go to ones aid/help帮助某人with the aid of在的帮助下(2)aid sb.in (doing) sth.在(做)方面帮助某人aid sb.with sth.以某事/物帮助某人aid sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事economic/emergency aid 经济/紧急援助teaching aids教具基础练习单句语法填空a.(上海卷)With the governments aid,those who were affected by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.bNeighbours aided him with money when he almost lost everything in the
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