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Anxiety 1 1 Charles Charles DickensDickens said said it it well well It It was was the the best best of of times times it it was was the the worst worst of of timestimes He He could could have have been been describing describing college college lifelife from from a a student s student s perspectiveperspective A A significant significant factor factor 因素因素 in in this this experience experience of of the the worst worst of of times times for for many many students students is is anxiety anxiety Certainly Certainly there s there s no no shortageshortage of of things things to to worry about worry about Reading A Task 2 Now read the following passage Mark the difficult parts if there are any and ask the teacher to explain afterwards Consider Consider the the following following issues issues concernconcern over over which which major major to to choose choose fears fears about about fitting fitting in in socially socially worry worry about about getting getting a a job job after after graduation graduation test test anxiety anxiety concerns concerns about about performing performing well well enough enough to to be be accepted accepted intointo graduate graduate schoolschool 研究生院研究生院 fear fear of of flunkingflunking out out the the anxiety anxiety and and loneliness loneliness of of having having few few friends friends pressures pressures and and conflictconflict 冲突 矛盾 冲突 矛盾 at at home home financial financial worries worries and and confusion confusion 困惑 迷茫 困惑 迷茫 over over values values purposes purposes and and the the meaning meaning of of one s one s life life To To put put it it simplysimply there s there s a a lot lot going on and a lot going on and a lot at stakeat stake 处于成败关头 处于成败关头 Reading A Task 2 2 2 Each Each person person has has his his or or her her own own unique unique ways ways of of coping coping withwith 处理处理 对付 对付 tensiontension 紧张 不安 紧张 不安 worry worry and and anxiety anxiety Many Many self self defeatingdefeating coping coping strategiesstrategies 策略策略 for for example example drinking drinking too too much much abusingabusing other other drugs drugs over eating over eating or or engaging engaging in in 参加 从事 参加 从事 other other eating eating disorders disorders common common on on college college campusescampuses getting getting angry angry and and going going offoff on on roommates roommates or or friends friends to to name name just just a a fewfew can can be be considered attempts considered attempts 尝试尝试 to cope with anxiety to cope with anxiety Reading A Task 2 It It is is important important to to understand understand that that even even though though such such strategiesstrategies are are ultimatelyultimately destructivedestructive the the individual individual utilizing utilizing them them is is rightfully rightfully concerned concerned withwith 与 与 有关 牵涉 有关 牵涉 trying trying to to effectively effectively manage manage his his or or her her world world as as he he or or she she experiences experiences it it at at the the moment moment This This need need to to control control one s one s emotional emotional life life is is basic basic and and the the intent intent 意图 意向 目的意图 意向 目的 to to do do so so should should always always be be respected respected However However learning learning more more effective effective ways ways to to cope cope with with anxiety anxiety may may be be called called for for if if what what one one is is doing is not working or is only working doing is not working or is only working in the short runin the short run Reading A Task 2 3 Sigmund Sigmund FreudFreud the the founder founder of of psychoanalysispsychoanalysis considered considered anxiety anxiety to to bebe a a signal signal that that a a person person was was experiencing experiencing something something that that in in some some way way could could be be considered considered a a threat threat toto his his or or her her sense sense of of well beingwell being He He further further believed believed 进而认为 进而认为 that that this this feeling feeling acted acted as as a a catalyst catalyst for for the the person person to to anticipateanticipate 预知 预知 a a sense sense of of helplessness helplessness setting setting in in Thus Thus the the notion notion of of anxiety anxiety as as feedback feedback is is an an important important one one and and has has implications implications forfor what what can can be be done done to to help help with with this this feeling feeling In In effecteffect if if one one could could give give voice voice toto the the anxiety anxiety being being experienced experienced it it might might be be saying saying Pay Pay attention attention There s something important going on here There s something important going on here Reading A Task 2 Just Just what what this this something something is is is is not not always always easy easy to to discerndiscern especially especially by by oneself oneself This This is is where where counselingcounseling can can help help CounselorsCounsel
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