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精品资源备战中考完形填空专练完形填空考查的类型1.词汇题。这种题型从句子和语境层次上来全面考查名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、连词、介词、动词等词类的意义和用法。2.动词的时态、语态、非谓语动词和主谓一致题。这类题也是从语境的层次上来全面考查学生对上述内容的掌握程度。3.常用固定搭配和习惯用法题。这种题涉及动词短语、介词短语、副词短语等的搭配和用法。4.句法题。这种题型涉及简单句的五种句型、并列句、状语从句、宾语从句、定语从句等。5.逻辑分析题。这种题型主要考查学生的阅读理解能力、综合分析能力和语言运用能力。一、根据上下文确定答案There were so many people on the bus that there were1empty seats.When a young man got on,an old man near him wanted to2,but the young man pushed him back to his seat.“Thank you,”he said,“but please dont do that.I can stand.”1.A.manyB.someC.enoughD.no2.A.sit downB.get onC.set outD.stand up分析第1小题所给的选项从单句来看均可和后面的empty seats搭配。但根据上文的“There were so many people on the bus.”来判断,不可能有many(许多)、some(一些)、enough(足够的)“空位”。因此,该题的正确答案应为D。第2小题所给的选项是四个动词短语,根据下文的“.pushed him back to his seat.”和“I can stand.”来看,年轻人误认为老人要给他让座,而实际上老人是想站起来下车。所以,该题的正确答案是D。二、根据惯用法确定答案Its Sunday.Some students are going1a trip with their teacher.2their way they saw a bus behind them.1.A.toB.forC.onD.at2.A.OnB.ByC.AtD.To分析短文是叙述老师领着学生旅游的事情。第1 小题看似“be going to”结构,其实“go on a trip”是固定搭配,意为“去旅行”,所以应选C项。第2小题是习惯用法,表示“在(去的)路上”,英语中要用“on ones way (to.)”,故应选A项。三、运用逻辑推理确定答案Mr.Brown began to walk at eight in the morning.Now the sun was about to set.He was tired and hungry.He was walking slowly towards theand his shadow lay long behind him.He had to look for a place for the night.A.eastB.westC.southD.north分析此题所给的选项是四个表示方向的名词,均可和前面的介词“towards(朝着)”搭配,很难判断哪一个是正确答案。只有运用逻辑推理的方法才能找出正确答案。根据上文的“太阳就要落山了”判断此时应为下午,太阳是在西方。再根据下文的“他的影子长长地拖在后面”就可以推断出,此时布朗先生正朝着西方慢慢地走着,故选B。四、根据词语用法确定答案A little cock lived near the river.One morning the little cockhis beautiful clothes and went for a walk by the river.On his way he met a little duck.A.woreB.had onC.dressedD.put on分析所给的四个选项是一组同义词语,都可表示“穿”,但它们在用法上有所不同。wear和have on都可接“衣物”作宾语,意为“穿着”,表示状态;put on也可接“衣物”作宾语,意为“穿上”,表示动作;而dress的宾语只能是人,而不能是“衣物”。根据以上分析,再结合原句的意思,可以确定正确答案为D。真题训练 一For most children,the most useful way of spending their time is playing a game.It doesnt matter 1 the game is.Things become better when they need a(n) 2 to play with.On the one hand,it is quite 3 for the development of a childs personality (个性) to win and to 4 the best ways to get that.On the other hand,if a child only cares about 5,then for him,playing a game is funny only when he wins.Or if he finds a better partner,he will get 6 and he doesnt want to go on playing. Its parents 7 to make their children know that: you cant always win and there are many unpleasant moments 8 when you have to learn how to lose.The idea is to compete,to prove you are good,not only to win.In a word,playing a game is not funny only when you win.It is funny 9 you enjoy it and try your best to win.If you are just a little bit unlucky,dont 10 a lot.You will surely prove your abilities some other day.1.A.howB.whyC.whatD.when2.A.owner B.workerC.studentD.partner 3.A.useful B.simpleC.correctD.special4.A.pay attention toB.take pride inC.jump out of D.think of 5.A.playingB.studyingC.winningD.losing6.A.unhappyB.lonelyC.relaxed D.excited 7.A.rule B.duty C.planD.habit8.A.in lifeB.in the futureC.in factD.in the way9.A.orB.andC.whenD.before10.A.worryB.believeC.wishD.imagine 1.【答案】C【解析】句意:游戏是什么没关系。2. 【答案】D【解析】partner伙伴。根据下文中的partner可知选D项。3. 【答案】A【解析】useful有用的;simple简单的;correct正确的;special特殊的。根据上下文可知这里指与伙伴一起玩游戏对发展个性很有用。4. 【答案】D【解析】think of the best ways想出最好的办法。5. 【答案】C【解析】根据设空处所在句中的when he wins可知选C项。6. 【答案】A【解析】根据语境可知这里是说如果他只在乎输赢,当他找到一个比他玩得好的伙伴时,他就会不高兴。7. 【答案】B【解析】教导孩子是父母的责任,故选B项。8. 【答案】A【解析】根据语境可知这里表示生活中有许多令人不愉快的时刻。9. 【答案】C【解析】根据前句中的only when you win可知本空填when。10. 【答案】A【解析】句意:如果你只是有点儿不幸运,不必太过担心。二Be pleased to do anything even though it is very tiny. In fact, theres no single thing that is not worth doing or you are not able to do. So living a happy life with a light heart is the most important. A good mood decides your quality of life. Then1can you live a happy life?Make each day meaningful (有意义的) by helping someone or just making someone smile. The feeling which makes you want to help others2at the bottom of your heart. Happiness depends on your feelings in your heart. Helping others is helping yourself. By helping others, you3more. Seeing their satisfied smile will make you feel4of what you have done.Face difficulties bravely in your life.5may meet with difficulties. No one can avoid them. The difficulties can teach you a lot. They are your treasure. They will help you to be closer to6.Focus on the good experiences you7in the past few years. Be grateful to life. Dont think too much about the negative things. They8bad weather. Bad weather will pass sooner or later, so will the negative things. You may find many dead ends in
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