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Unit 43I.GROUP A1. F2. D3. A4. B5. C6. EGROUP B1. D2. E3. F4. A5. B6. CII.1. starve2. strike3. Statue4. stubborn5. status6. statistics7. steady8. steal9. step10. stomach11. straits12. stress13. storage14. strict15. struggle16. studioIII.1. remain2. slipped3. direct4. give in5. donated6. rigid7. topic8. impressed9. measures10. emphasisIV.1. strike / striking2. stubborn3. states4. starving5. submitted6. step7. style8. stomach9. subscribe10. strengthened11. subject12. statement13. strength14. subjectiveV.1. on2. with3. with4. on5. in6. under7. with8. by9. about /on10. inVI.1. Strike while the iron is hot.2. with all his strength3. Never give up without a struggle4. in a poor state5. my new purse was stolen6. Walk straight7. Dont stay up too late8. the first step in guaranteeing a good nights sleepVII.1. The activity was a great success.2. I realize the secret to success has nothing to do with when and where you were born.3. It is indeed a wonderful idea and everyone hopes for its success.4. Ive been trying to persuade her to take on more staff, but so far without success.5. I suggest you take your friends advice.6. I suggest that we wait a while before we make any final decisions.7. Almost all the evidence suggests it is greenhouse gases that cause global warming.8. If there is any problem, we suggest contacting the manufacturer directly.9. The idea of encouraging economy is highly praised and supported by the teachers and students.10. Once I leave for college, we can conveniently share our experiences and support each other spiritually.11. The majority of people in the town strongly support the plans to build a new road.12. Environmental groups are fast gaining support among young people.ReadingA: 1-5 CBDCBB: 1-4 CBAD
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