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第二部分语法专题研究 专题十情态动词 1 2019 北京 Lily you finish the letter in ten minutes Yes I can A must B should C need D can 2 2019 青岛 As middle school students we follow the public rules wherever we go A would B should C might D could 3 2019 日照 You be very tired with the long drive Let s stop to have a rest A must B can C shall D need 4 2019 本溪 The man be a doctor in this hospital but I m not sure A must B would C can D might 5 2019 甘肃省卷 Whose cap is this Is it Cindy s It be hers Don t you remember she even didn t come to the party A can t B might C may not D must 6 2019 郴州改编 May I take the magazine out of the reading room No you Please read it here A mustn t B wouldn t C needn t D couldn t 7 2019 菏泽改编 How is your friend going to the station I m not sure He take a taxi there A must B has to C may D should 8 2019 乐山改编 Where is Monica I can t find her anywhere She be in the library She loves reading books when she is free A must B need C can t D shouldn t 9 2019 合肥高新区二模 Can I smoke here No you Smoking is not allowed on the high speed rail A can t B mustn t C shouldn t D needn t 10 2019 安徽名校大联考 It s said that Tom saw a movie with Lily yesterday It be Tom He came back home early A mustn t B should C can t D may 11 2019 合肥 42 中一模 May I hand in my test paper and leave now No you You aren t allowed to leave until the bell rings A needn t B may not C mustn t D shouldn t 12 2019 合肥蜀山区一模 You worry I m not going to mention it to anyone A can t B may C needn t D should 13 2020 原创 Andy come to our reading club but she hasn t decided yet A mayB mustn tC willD can t 14 2020 原创 All passengers go through safety check before they take a plane A can B may C must D could 15 2020 原创 Excuse me I take the umbrella out of the hotel Yes of course but please remember to give it back here A must B would C may D need 16 2020 原创 Listen Helen is singing in the next room It be Helen She has gone to Beijing A can t B needn t C mustn t D wouldn t 17 2020 原创 Boys you talk loudly in the library Students need a quiet environment to study A mustn t B wouldn t C needn t D can t 18 2020 原创 we invite Jim and his sister to our game They are also our friends Of course A Must B Shall C Would D Need 19 2020 原创 Students pay attention to their eyesight as more and more students wear glasses these days A should B may C can D would 20 2020 原创 Jenny finally got the job because she speak English well A might B must C could D shall 21 2020 原创 Just be patient You expect the world to change so soon A can tB needn t C may notD won t 专题十情态动词 1 D2 B3 A4 D5 A6 A7 C8 A9 B10 C11 C12 C13 A14 C 15 C 16 A17 A18 B19 A20 C21 A 参考答案
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