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辨别 one the one ones the ones it that those one ones用来代替可数名词 表泛指 the one the ones that those 表特指 that指上文所提到的事 it指上文所提到的物 本身 I have a bike Do you have I have two pens a red and a blue Which one in the white car 当one和ones被定语修饰 表示特指时 前面用定冠词 These new English books are different from the old Which windows in the classroom one前面可以加this或that 构成this one和that one 而ones前面不能用these或those 但当ones前面有形容词修饰时 可以用these或those 如 This apple is red but that one is yellow These white coats are Li Ping s and those blue ones are Li Dong s one one one The one ones The ones 替代词one ones that those it this that 1 one ones that those that替换单数可数名词或不可数名词 one只 替换单数的可数名词 Eg The vase on the left is more beautiful than on the right The coffee produced in Brazil is more famous than in Mexico the one that that只用于替换表示事物的名 词 而one ones替换表示人和 表示事物的名词皆可 Eg His younger sister is taller than the elder I need the plastic bags not the paper one ones that those一般不带前置定语 但必须有后置定语 one ones都可 当替换词的后置定语用所有格的 of短语或当替换词被所有格修饰时 不用one ones 而用that of those of Eg I like the vase better than in another shop The windows of your flat are cleaner than of mine A grandparent s job is easier than of a parent The computers in our school are connected to the Internet while in their school aren t the one that those that those that those用于替换有定冠词的名词 one ones用 于替换有不定冠词的名词 Eg The style of the building is similar to of a temple A CD player made in Japan costs more than made in China that one 1 I prefer red roses to white 2 A cake made of wheat is cheaper than made of rice 3 The cost of wheat is less than of rice 4 The houses of the rich are generally larger than of the poor 5 The population of China is much larger than of Japan 6 The students in our class are much cleverer than in their class 7 The pen my father bought for me is cheaper than of my classmates ones one that those the houses that the population those the students those the pens 1 A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientist in other countries than who doesn t A one B those C D that 2 The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from spoken in England A which B what C that D the one 2 it this和 that 都可以替代前文已提到的事或情况 细微差别在于 it不如其余两者那么强调 Eg So she decided to paint the door pink upset the neighbours a bit So she decided to paint the house pink really upset the neighbours It That 当前面提到的事物不止一件时 it通常指最先提到 的事物 而this that是指最后提到的事物 Eg We keep the ice cream machine in the spare room is mainly used by the children 指 the machine We keep the ice cream machine in the spare room is mainly used by the children 指the spare room It This That This可以出现在它所指代的事物之前 而that则 指上文所提到的事物 Eg Listen to We will have three days off A penny saved is a penny earned Who said this that Eg I bought a dictionary three years ago and I am still using now I bought a dictionary three years ago but I am going to buy a new soon It用以指特定的前面提到过的事物 即 it和 它替换的是同一个事物 it前无修饰语 而one 用于替换与前提事物有共同之处但并不完全一 样的事物 因此 one之前或之后一定有修饰 语来加以区别 3 It和one it one It引起的几个易混淆的时间句型 It be 时间 since clause 这个句型表示从since 从 句谓语动作发生以后到现在或过去所经过的一段时间 意为 自从 以来已多久了 It is three years since his father passed away It be 时间 before clause 这个句型中的时间一般为表示一段时间的词语 如 a long time months weeks days hours minutes 主句中的谓语动词用肯定式 意为 过多 长时间才 主句的谓语动词是否定式时 意为 没过多长时间就 主句的时态可用过去时was或 将来时will be 用was 时 before从句的动词用一般过 去时 用will be 时 before从句常用一般现在时 她没过多久就背会了那些诗歌 It was she learned those poems by heart 过了很久警察才来 It was the police arrived 要过好几个小时他才会作出决定 It hours before he makes a decision 要不了几个小时我们还会再见面的 before meet again not long before long before will be It will not be hours 3 It be 时间 when clause 这个句型中 it 指时间 而且表示时间的词语 前没有介词 时间一般为具体时间 主句中的 谓语动词和从句中的谓语动词在时态上一般是 一致的 主句是will be when从句用一般现 在时代替将来时 It was already 8 o clock when we got home It was the next morning when we finished our work It will be midnight when they get there It be 时间 that clause 这个句型是个强调 句型 例如 It was two years ago that he made an important invention 原句是 It was at 5 o clock that he practised playing the violin in the morning 原句是 比较 It was 5 o clock when he started in the morning 5 o clock前没有介词 这是个定语从 句 He made an important invention two years ago He practised playing the violin at 5 o clock in the morning It be time that clause 这个句型属虚拟语气结构 不管主句中用的是 is 或 was that从句都须用动词的过去式或 should 动词原型 但不及用过去式普通 在 time之前有时可加上high或about 以加强语气 例如 It is time that we handed in our exercises It is time that we should hand in our exercises It is high time that she wrote a letter to her boyfriend It This That the first second third time that clause 这个句型表示截止到说话时为止的某人的一种 经历 关键是注意time前有序数词 主句是 is 时 从句要用现在完成时 如果主句用一般过 去时was 则从句须相应地用过去完成时 例如 This is the first time that these Europeans the Great Wall It was the fifth time that I a friendly visit to Africa had paid have visited There起始的句型归纳 1 there live stand lie exist There lay a ditch two metres wide ahead 2 There come go appear occur follow 用于 描述某事的发生或某个动作的开始 Eg There will follow a break of 10 minutes and then we will go on with the lecture 3 There being 独立主格结构 Eg There being nothing
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