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Period ThreeReading and Vocabulary(2) & Cultural Corner.单词识记1_vt.放大_n.2_adj.令人生畏的_v禁止3_n尴尬_adj.感到尴尬的4_adv.极其;极度地_n罪犯5_adj.相当大的;相当多的_v考虑6_adj.可替代的_v更替7_n投稿人_n贡献;投稿人_v投稿;贡献8_v安排_n.9_adj.片刻的,短暂的_adj.暂时的;短期的10_adj.相互的,彼此的11_adj.抽象的_adj.具体的12_v给(书等)题名;给命名13_adj.可替代的,供选择的_v(使)轮流;交替14_v浏览答案1.enlarge;enlargement2.forbidding;forbid3embarrassment;embarrassed4.criminally;criminal5considerable;consider6.alternative;alternate7contributor;contribution;contribute8.arrange;arrangement9.momentary;temporary10.mutual11abstract;specific12.entitle13.alternative;alternate14.browse.短语天地1make sbs _ 结识某人2_ 精神错乱3turn _ 使变成4launch _.开始做5_ 最后,终于6_一点也不7view._把看作是8look _查询,查找9_ones throat清嗓子10_ connections between.在间建立联系答案1.acquaintance2.go insane3.into4.into5.at long last6.not at all7.as8.up9.clear10make.句型搜索1After 20 minutes or so, the carriage turned into a long drive lined_with_tall_poplars.信息提取句中lined with tall poplars为过去分词作定语,相当于定语从句which was lined with tall poplars。例句仿写这是一本由农民来写的书。_2In the 150 years since it first appeared, Rogets Thesaurus has_been_updated many times.信息提取本句的时间状语In the 150 years since it first appeared是现在完成时态的标志。例句仿写自从他生病以来,我一直在他的床边陪伴着他。_3It is an honour and a pleasure to at long last make your acquaintance, for you must be Dr.W.C.M.信息提取for可引导原因状语从句,放在主句之后,起到补充说明的作用。例句仿写我感冒了,因为我在雨中走了一阵子。_答案1.This is a book written by a peasant.2I have been at his bedside since he was ill.3I caught a bad cold, for I walked around in the rain.预读理解阅读课文,根据课文内容选择。1James Murray wanted to visit Dr.W.C.Minor because_AMinor had come to see him before BMurray was sociableCMinor made great contributions to the dictionary compilingDthe distance between them was short2Murray made an astonishing discovery that_AMinor was in an asylumBthe mansion was forbiddingCthe person in the study was not MinorDMinor was in fact a patient in the asylum3Which of the following statements about Rogets Thesaurus is not true?AThe first version of it came out over 150 years ago.BAll the words are listed in an order of alphabets.CThe book provides a lot of opposites of given words.DIt is easier to use an AZ thesaurus than Rogets Thesaurus.答案1.C2.D3.D1grateful adj.感激的,感谢的Your kindness is grateful.你的友善令人感激。I am grateful to you for your help.我感谢你的帮助。【归纳拓展】be grateful to sb for.感谢某人be grateful for sth感谢be grateful that.感谢Id be grateful if you could.如果你能我将感激不尽。I was grateful that they didnt ask me.我感到庆幸的是他们没有问我。Id be grateful if you could pay in cash.如果你能给付现金,我将十分感激。【翻译句子】她感激乔治为她所做的一切。_答案She was grateful to George for all that he had done for her.2momentary adj.片刻的,短暂的;时时刻刻的We feared a momentary attack.我们为随时可能遭到攻击而提心吊胆。I caught a momentary glimpse of them.我瞥了他们一眼。【完成句子】_(她的恐惧感仅是瞬息间的);it soon passed.答案Her feeling of fear was only momentary3embarrassment n尴尬;窘迫He couldnt hide embarrassment at his childrens rudeness.他无法掩饰孩子们的无礼给他带来的难堪。His mothers boasting was an embarrassment to him.母亲的夸耀令他无地自容。【归纳拓展】embarrass vt.使窘迫;使困惑,使为难embarrassed adj.(感到)尴尬的embarrassing adj.(令人)尴尬的embarrassment n尴尬,窘迫to_ones_embarrassment 令人尴尬的是【完成句子】Dont_them_(让不好意思)asking personal questions.She _(尴尬)by his loud laughter.答案embarrass;with/bywas embarrassed4entitle vt.给题名;给称号(尊称);给予权利(资格)(to);使有资格(做某事)This ticket entitles you to a free lunch.凭此券你可免费吃一顿午餐。You are not entitled to unemployment benefit if you have never worked.从未参加过工作,就没有资格领取失业救济金。【归纳拓展】entitle sb to do sth给某人权利或资格做某事entitle_sb_to_sth 授予某人某项权利be entitled叫做,称为;题目是be entitled to do sth 对享有权利;值得;有(做某事)的资格(权利)【完成句子】Every child in the country is_(都享有免费上学接受教育的权利)答案entitled to free education at school5considerable adj.值得考虑的;不可忽视的;重要的;相当(大、多)的;可观的He made a considerable sum of money in real estate.他做房地产生意赚了大笔钱。Paul is a considerable person in his town.保罗是镇上的一位重要人物。She still suffers considerable discomfort from her injury.她因那次受伤至今仍感不适。He bought the house at considerable expense.他花了很多钱买了这所房子。【归纳拓展】considered adj.考虑过的,经过深思熟虑的;被尊重的considerate adj.考虑周到的,体谅的;对关心爱护的,体贴的;会照顾的(of)considering conj.& prep.考虑到;就而
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