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制度名招标公告电子文件编码GLWA265页码2-1Ministry of EducationP.O Box 435 Rarata, ABC2 November 1996The Ministry of Education of Buanda invites all prospective bidders for the supp ly of educational materials to submit their quotations.The bidders are expected to send their quotations in waxsealed envelopes to our Post Office Box to arrive not later than 11:00 hours on 31 March 1997. The bids will be opened on the same day at 15:00 hours local time.The address at the head of this letter should be written clearly on the sealed e nvelopes, which must be marked Tender Box 6.The bidders address should be written on the back of the envelope.The sealed quotations will be opened in the presence of the bidders, or their ac credited repressentatives, by the Tender Committee in conference room 4 at the M inistry of Education. After a thorough examination of the tenders, the winning b idder will be informed. An agreement will then be signed within 15 days.Yours faithfullyK M AbdullahChief Procurement OfficerEnc: 1 General instructions and conditions2 Schedule of requirements 签发人责任人签名制度名招标公告电子文件编码GLWA265页码2-2ABC教育部招标公告现招标承投提供教育物资的供应商。投标书放入信封后,必须用蜡封好,于1997年3月31日11时前投入教育部邮政信箱里。在同 日当地时间15时开标。投标书信封面须写上上列的教育部地址,注明“第六号投标箱”。信封背后写上投标人姓名 和地址。密封的投标书将在教育部第4会议室由投标委员会开启,投标人需亲自或委派代表到场。投标经全面审查后,中标人将获通知,并于15日内签订协议。采购部主任阿卜杜拉敬上1996年11月2日附件:(一)一般说明和条件(二)所需材料目录 签发人责任人签名
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