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高一英语同步练习:必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating第1课时 Warming-up & vocabulary基础练习本单元重点词汇呈现1_ vt. 平衡;n 天平,平衡 _ vi变细,减肥adj苗条的 _n羊肉_v.aux应该,应当_n.好奇心_n.日常饮食vi节食_n.蘑菇_vt&vi油煎,油炸_vt.n限制,限定_n利益,好处v受益_ n.醋_ v.联合,结合 _n.强项,力量_adj生的,未加工的_n.v消化,摘要_n.胸部_n.折扣_n.顾客,消费者_adj.有毒的_n&v叹息,叹气本单元重点短语:_ 平衡膳食 _ 应该,应当 _体重减轻,减肥_被放过,不受惩罚_说谎_谋生_欠债_削减,删节_不久以后 _增加体重_ 暗中监视,侦察_从获益 _在回家的路上_即使,尽管_赢回_与某人结婚_把和合并_建议某人做某事_按照,依照实战演练一.用下列单词或词组的适当形式填空。diet, consult , benefit , lose weight , get away with , in debt , win back , balance , discountearn ones living , cut down , tell lies 1. I dont want any cake . Im trying to_.2.If I cheat in the examination , do you think I might _ it ?3.She lost her _ and fell off the desk .4.It is of great _ to everyone .5.If you dont know the word , _ a dictionary .6.At the age of twelve , he began to _.7. They are trying to _ their customers .8.His business failed , and he is heavily _ now .9.The doctors have told my father to _ smoking and drinking .10.Proper _ and exercise are both important to our health .11.If you buy now , well offer a 10% _.12. Dont believe him . He often _.二. 词义匹配1.hostess A . a type of plant with large purple fruit that is eaten as a vegetable 2. eggplant B (of food ) not cooked 3. curiosity C to look in an angry way or stare 4consult D. a female host5.raw E. (of creatures and their bodies)having too much fat6. benefit F. the desire to know or learn7. obesity G. advantage , good effects ,be of great use 8. glare H to go to (a person,book,etc) for information, advice ,an opinion,etc三根据首字母及句意填空1. The child couldnt keep his b_ on his new bicycle .2. Just to satisfy my c_ , how much did you pay for your car ?3. We cant always c_ work with pleasure .4. Ill help as much as I can , but there is a l_ to what I can do .5. One of h_ on tonights show is Mary .6. I have b_ a lot from extensive reading .7. She flavored the fish with sugar and v_.8. I have c_ a number of law books in the British Museums.9. The new store across the road has taken away most of my c_.10. The doctor says that Ive got to go on a d_.反馈检测单选:从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处最佳选项: 1.The sick man mustnt go without _ but he must have a _without sugar.A. foods; diet B diet; food C food;diet D food , foods 2. Use the umbrella to _ yourself from the rain.A. prevent B keep C save D protect 3. -You are always full of _. Can you tell me the secret? -Taking plenty of exercise every day.A. power B strength C force D energy 4. People have always been curious _ how living things on the earth exactly began .A. in B at C of D about5. If you want to learn skating , it is important to learn _ yourself .A. to keep to balance B. to keep balancing C. to keep skating D to keep to skate6. - A cigarette ,please ?- No,thanks . Im trying to _.A. cut up B. cut down C. cut into D cut off7. -Are you pleased with what he has done ? - Not in the least . It couldnt be _.A. so bad B. much better C. any worse D the best 8 Tom waited for his girlfriend for four hours in the rain and reached the _ of his patience.A. weakness B. strength C. limit D balance 9. If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week , better _ it -You have got some big bills coming .A. forget B. forgot C.forgetting D to forget 10.Mother said , “You should _such a bad habit and make use of time to study harder ,Tom.”A get down B. throw away C get rid of D. get off第1课时基础练习单元重点词汇balance, slim, mutton , should , curiosity , diet , mushroom , fry , limit , benefit , vinegar , combine , strength , raw , digest , breast , discount , customer , poisonous , sign 单元重点短语balanced diet , ough
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