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为明学校学生限时训练英语学科编号: 04使用时间: 2018/09组编人: 第2课 TheUnitedKingdom限时练(40分钟)班级:姓名:小组:分数:卷面:A卷 基础题(必做,人人要过关。基础知识或知识系统的巩固、梳理).单词拼写1The whole country _(团结)together and got through the horrible earthquake in 2015.2.You have to _(澄清)this problem to your classmates in public.3There was a _(矛盾)between the accounts of the witnesses.4In the exhibition this painting painted by that famous painter _(吸引) a lot of people.5To our great _(高兴), we will have seven days off this month.6There is no possibility that he will _(完成)that work on his own.7According to his _(描述), the scenery of the mountain is beautiful.8Have you noticed that all the statues in the temple are _(辉煌的)?9His fathers _(收集) of ancient coins will be displayed nationwide.10It is necessary for you to take some foreign _(货币)with you when you are abroad.单句改错1When first were introduced to the market,these products enjoyed great success._2Look at the pride on Toms face.He seems to have praised by the manager just now._3Entering the yard,I found it covering with lots of fallen leaves._4We are thrilled hear the news that our class has won the game._5We spent the days sightsee and the evenings sitting in the bars drinking the local wine._B卷 拓展提升题语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Nowadays the cost of a new car has fallen in real terms so that it is 1.(cheap) than ever to own one,and better road conditions have also attracted more drivers.The result is overcrowding on the road system,2. is one of the problems the local governments are faced with.When people travel to other towns,the problem might be relieved by getting them to park outside the town.Buses could be provided to take them into the centre.These Park and Ride projects are 3.(increasing) popular in the UK.At Southerton,for example,a council-funded project 4.(lead) to a 15% drop in city centre traffic over five months last year.Making car driving expensive is 5. way of encouraging people to use their cars less.Road taxes tend to mean that people use their cars less.6.(fine) drivers who are in areas where cars have been banned can also tend to encourage them to leave their cars behind.7.,one thing has to be got right for any solution to succeed.If we expect people to give up 8. habit of driving,we must give them an alternative they can rely on.Constant delays,unannounced changes to the timetable and 9.(suddenly) cancellations all discourage people from using public transport.People will only see it as a real 10.(choose) if the buses and trains are on time.C卷 能力挑战题阅读理解(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分)AMonthlytalksatLondonCanalMuseumOur monthly talks start at 1930 on the first Thursday of each month except August.Admission is at normal charges and you dont need to book.They end around 2100.November7thTheCanalPioneers,by Chris Lewis.James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers.He was also a major player in training others in the art of canal planning and building.Chris Lewis will explain how Brindley made such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early “civil engineers”.December5thIcefortheMetropolis,by Malcolm Tucker.Well before the arrival of freezers,there was a demand for ice for food preservation and catering.Malcolm will explain the history of importing natural ice and the technology of building ice wells,and how Londons ice trade grew.February6thAnUpdateontheCotswoldCanals,by Liz Payne.The Stroudwater Canal is moving towards reopening.The Thames and Severn Canal will take a little longer.We will have a report on the present state of play.March6thEyotsandAitsThamesIslands,by Miranda Vickers.The Thames has many islands.Miranda has undertaken a review of all of them.She will tell us about those of greatest interest.Onlinebookings:www.canalmuseum.org.uk/bookMoreinfo:www.canalmuseum.org.uk/whatsonLondonCanalMuseum12-13 New Wharf Road,London NI 9RTwww.canalmuseum.org.ukwww.canalmuseum.mobiTel:020 7713 08361.When is the talk on James Brindley?A.February 6th.B.March 6th.C.November 7th.D.December 5th.2.What is the topic of the talk in February?A.The Canal Pioneers.B.Ice for the Metropolis.C.Eyots and AitsThames Islands.D.An Update on the Cotswold Canals.3.Who will give the talk on the islands in the Thames?A.Miranda Vickers.B.Malcolm Tucker.C.Chris Lewis.D.Liz Payne.BLadies,if you want a man at your feet,wear high heels.Research shows that men are more likely to help a woman wearing heels than one in flats.This assistance ranges from taking part in a survey,to chasing after a woman who has dropped a glove.F
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