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池州华佑高级实验中学人本跨界大课堂自主学习型英语学道堂 组姓名编号 M3 unit3(9) 日期2017-04- 16 主备校长备课组 高一英语组 【佳句欣赏】(大声朗读三遍):Keep good men company and you shall be of the number. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。【自研课导学】(时段:晚自习)预习内容及目标:预习课本P58的内容,借助字典查出所有的生词,了解课文的内容。 【晨读课】 1. 熟读unit3 所有的单词 2. 大声自由朗读unit3 reading 和project 的文章。【展示课导学】(一)学习内容:M3 Unit 3 Back to the past Project: Ancient Greek statue found in Xinjiang 第九课时 (二)学习主题:1.掌握这篇文章的主旨大意。 2. 掌握这篇课文里的知识点。 (三)定向导学互动展示 Self-study & Self-explorationCooperation & ExplorationShow & ImprovementConclusion & Summarization自学指导内容学法时间 20互动策略内容形式时间 18展示方案内容形式时间 17 随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练热身活动:导生导学:你看过电影亚历山大大帝吗?你了解亚历山大的个人历史吗?他是不是你崇拜的偶像之一?Step1:背景知识亚历山大大帝生于纪元前365年为马其顿国王(菲利普斯)之子,是历史上第一位征服欧亚大陆的著名帝王。亚历山大自幼聪颖过人,曾受教于大师亚里士多德,稍长即被授予首府总督之职,并以评定山贼有功而任命为马其顿大军统帅,随父横扫希腊城邦之乱。继而,他征战整个欧洲大陆,所向披靡,当他的军队征战到印度的时候,因战士思乡被迫退回。亚历山大融合东西文化,倡导民族间平等,开创希腊时代文化,影响了整个欧亚大陆。Step2:略读带着问题看课文请同学带着下列六个问题,认真阅读P58 课文,并将问题的答案记录在随堂笔记处。1. Where was the statue discovered in Xinjiang probably from?2. When did Alexander become king?3. What was his ambition?4. Did his own army always support him? Why or why not?5. How old was he when his kingdom become the largest in the world?6. What happened to his kingdom after he died?Step3: 析读走进本文1. 请再次认真阅读课文,并归纳文章每段的段落大意,并记录在随堂笔记处。2. 在阅读过程中,请将本文的重点句子摘录下来,并加以解析(不得少于4个)Pair Work:(5)1. 与你的合作对子相互摘段朗读这篇课文;ABCD2. 选择四人相互间一人认真讨论Step 2 的六个问题。Group Work of Five:(8)1. 组长主持,带领组员共同讨论本文的段落大意,并用一句话进行概括。2. 讨论本文中的重难句子,并向其他成员简单解析句子的特俗之处。Team Work of Ten:(10)组长主持全员参与A.十人共同体讨论准备展示的主题,做到组长引领,组员参与,人人有事做,事事有人做。B. 积极准备预展和板书,要求板书工整,速度。展示主题一“理解文章”1. 组长带领组员展示Step 2 的六个问题,展示时要做到有理有据,引起台下对抗质疑。2. 概括本文的段落大意,只需简短的语言,每段几句话即可。【要求:板书工整,展示声音洪亮清晰】展示主题二:“走进文本”1. 请在本文中挑出4个重点句子加以分析讲解。要求板书工整,讲解详细。2. 组长带领组员分段通读全文,要求声音洪亮,读音准确流畅。Step2: 5.6.Step3:1. Paragraph 1:Paragraph 2:Paragraph 3:Paragraph 4:2. 等级评定:【训练课导学】1.时段: 晚自习 2.时间:20 3.训练方式: 独立 ,自主完成 “日日清过关”巩固提升三级达标训练题姓名 自评: 师评: 批阅日期:一、基础题 英译汉1. on board6. no doubt2. in memory of7. stand in ones path3. have a deep influence on 8. come down with4. declare war against9. get tired of5. rise up against10. aside from二、提高题 单选1. Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but of them wants to, because they have work to do.A. eitherB. anyC. neitherD. none2. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain until the plane has come to a complete stop.A. seatedB. seatingC. to seatD. seat3. “QQ” on the Internet as well as e-mails and mobile phones an important role today in daily communication.A. would playB. are playingC. have playedD. is playing4. Every possible means to increase the income of the people in the rural areas.A. has been takenB. have been takenC. has takenD. have taken5. The valuable paintings under the ground for many years were still.A. burying; out of conditionB. were buried; out of conditionC. were buried; in good conditionD. buried; in good condition6. Just in front of our house with a history of 1,0000 years.A. does a tall tree standB. stands a tall treeC. a tall tree is standingD. a tall tree stands7. -I reminded you not to forget the appointment. -.A. So you didB. So I do notC. So did youD. So do I8.With a lot of trees and flowers on both sides, the newly-built highway does look beautiful.A. plantedB. plantingC. to be plantedD. being planted9. -What did the manager tell you to do? -He said that hed like to see the project before he returned from Japan.A. carried awayB. carried outC. carry outD. carry away10. -Im not good at basketball, you know. -. We are playing for fun. Just try and youll see you can do it.A. Well, it dependsB. Take your timeC. Come onD. Thats OK11. The basketball coach, as well as his team, interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance.A. wereB. wasC. isD. are12. -John, when shall we meet again, Thursday or Friday? - . Ill be off to London then.A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. None今日心得:今日不足:【培辅课】(时段:附培辅单)疑惑告知:效果描述:1. 在船上 2. 纪念 3. 对有深远影响 4. 向宣战 5. 起义,反抗6. 无疑,确实 7. 阻碍,挡道 8. 患(病) 9. 对厌烦 10. 除开以外15 C A D A D 610 B A A B C 1112 C B资
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