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(满分:100)听力部分(20分)听句子,把下列句子补充完整。(5分)1What I for you, sir?2. do you of talk shows?3. I some orange juice, please.4. Bill sits Jane Jenny.5. His brother “Chinese cooking”.听对话,选择相应的答案(5 分)6. What does Emmas new teacher look like?A. He is short with glasses. B. He is a tall man with glasses. C. He is tall 7. What does the man want?A. Soup B. Rice C. noodles8. How did Emily go to the park?A. Bus B. Car C. Walk9. How much is the sweater?A. 14 yuan B. 50 yuan C. 40 yuan10. What does the woman do when it is raining?A. She stays at home and read books B. She goes shopping C. She plays computer games.听对话,选择正确答案。(5分)11When did the mans mother visit Aunt Jane?A. Last Sunday evening. B. Last Sunday morning C. Last Sunday afternoon.12. What does the womans sister do?A. She is a nurse B. She is a doctor. C. She is a teacher.13. Where are Nancy and Steve going?A. They are going to the park B. They are going to the hospital C. They are going to the supermarket.14. Who went to Central Park on vacation?A. Brad. B. Brads parents. C. Brad and his parents15. What does Peter want to do?A. He wants to go the movies with Mary B. He wants to watch TV with MaryC. He wants to go to the library with Mary.听短文,选择正确答案(5分)16.Michael Jackson is a famous(著名的) .A. clerk B. singer C. doctor 17. How many brothers and sisters does Michael Jackson have?A. Seven B. Nine C. Eight18.Michael Jackson was years old when he started the band with his brothers.A. 5 B. 14 C. 2519. Michael Jackson begin (开始) to make his own (自己的) CDs from .A. 1963 B. 1972 C. 198320. Many people like Michael Jackson because .A. he is from the USA B. he is popular C. he sings very well 笔试部分(80分).单项选择(15分)。1There so many children losing(失去)their homes and families in Sichuan.A. is B. are C. was D. were2The girls often practice English after class.Aspeaking Bspeaks CspeakDto speak 3What you think Jackie Chans new movie Shen Hua?Aare; of Bdo; of Cdo; for Dare; for 4 _ have an English Evening Party? Last Sunday morning. A. When do you BWhen did you CWhere do you DWhere did you 5 did he sleep in class? He played computer games until 12:00. AWhen BWhy CWhat DWhere6Would you like some ice cream? AYes, please BNo, I dont want any CI dont like ice cream DGo away7Do your grandparents enjoy _Beijing Opera? Awatching Breading Cseeing Dlooking 8. The children are having fun basketball in the playground. Ato play B. Playing Cplay Dare playing9The weather great and there many people on the beach last weekend.Awas; were B. Was; was Cis; are Dare; are10.Look at the little boy _ a picture under the tree. Adrawing Bto draw Cdraws Dis drawing11Jay Chou has a new song. _ name is Qing Hua CiAIts BIt s CIt D. His12The 2008 Olympic Games will be August 8.A. in B. on C. of D. from13How do you like these flowers? They are _.Adelicious Bbeautiful Cinteresting D. relaxing14. Where _ they yesterday? They went to the park. A. did; do B. did; go C. do; go D. do; do 15. What does your pen pal look like? She short and long blonde hair.A. is; is B. has; has C. is; has D. has; is .句型转换(10分) 1I visited my grandfather yesterday. (对划线部分提问) you your grandfather? 2We studied for my math exam last Sunday. (对划线部分提问) you last Sunday?3How is the weather in your hometown. (同义句转换) the weather ? 4The street is very busy at this time of day.(用last Saturday t替换now) The street very busy . 5Thomas likes the Chinese food.(用the Chinese people 将本句变为疑问句) Thomas like the Chinese food the Chinese people? 6My little cousin does housework at home every weekend.(变成否定句) My little cousin housework at home every weekend.7Where are koala bears from?. (变为同义句)Where koala bears from? 8Across from the supermarket are a zoo and a hotel.(将倒装句变成正确的语序)A zoo and a hotel the supermarket.9. The post office is between the park and the restaurant.(对划线部分提问) the post office?10My uncle wants to be an actor. He thinks its interesting.(将两句合为一句)My uncle wants to be an actor he thinks interesting. .完形填空(20分)A hobby (爱好
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