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外企高绩效教练grow模型培训PPT课件教程 Wele tothis Workshopon“Coaching For High Performance”in theNew MillenniumWhat do you know about“Coaching”?Me,the ManagerWhat kindof manageram I?Coaching-What doesit mean?Core CachingSkill-Asking QuestionsGROW-The Toolof CoachingG-Goal SettingR-Reality CheckO-Options W-What,When,Who andWill Role Play-You arethe CoachAgenda OfThe WorkshopLets BrainstormPlease writedown whatyou know about“Coaching”The Manageras CoachCoaching inAction LearnerCoach OrganisationalFactors The Coaching RelationshipCoaching ForHigh Performance In The New MillenniumWhat kindof Manageram I?does asmuch aspossible himselffocuses ontasks ratherthan peopledelegates workfocuses onpeople ratherthan tasksPlease chose(?):A DoerA DeveloperReasons forbeing Doer (1)Traditional ManagerConcept Thetraditional conceptof management:managing=Giving Ordersmanaging=controlling managing=solving problemsyourself Mostmanagers dorather belongto thegroup of“Doers”.Reasons areas follows:Reasons forbeing Doer (2)Internal/Personal reasonsTrust RiskControl SatisfactionTime SkillsReasons forbeing aDoer (3)Time andSkills Thereare twomain reasons,why theyDo so:Is being/being adeveloper worththe effort?Individual performances?The teams performance?Your performanceas manager?The performance of theorganisation?Your careerwithin theorganisation?If youinvested moretime in?developing?,would therebe significantbenefit to be gainedin termsof:Do theylive upto theirpotential?Do youagree tothe followingstatement?“There is a gapbetween theactual performanceand thepotential of the employeesI manage.”Yes NoPlease chose(?):What Coachingcan do?to help you to get a(better)developer.to narrowthe gapbetween performanceand potentialof yourstaff.The mostimportant aim of coaching is:Improve PerformanceCoaching is an importanttool:Definition OfCoaching Coaching is helpingpeople todevelop andperform totheir highestpotential.Coaching ForHigh PerformanceIn TheNew MillenniumWhy Coach?What doesit meanto?To helpsomeone tochange theirbehavior ina waythat theywill beable tosustain,because itenables them to buildon whatthey alreadyknow anddo Aresponse toto beleaner,flatter,faster,better etcAs standardskeep rising,managing toimprove performanceis thekey toprofitability and to achievingyour businessgoals inan increasinglypetitive worldCoaching ForHigh PerformanceIn TheNew MillenniumSection CoreSkill ofCoaching CoachingForHighPerformanceInTheNewMillennium Questions?Please writedown,when andwhy youuse questions.Why AskQuestions?NOT?TO GETINFORMATION FORTHE QUESTIONERBUT?TO DEVELOPTHE LEARNERS AWARENESS?TO SHARPENTHE LEARNERS FOCUS?TO STIMULATELEARNERS RESPONSIBILITY?TO HELPTHE LEARNERFIND THEIR OWN ANSWERS?TO GETLEARNER TOTAKE OWNERSHIPOF THEPROCESS Coaching:the artof askingquestions SpontaneousRaising coachees awarenessOpen QuestionsWhen and What can you coach?You can coach inbasically everysituation Youcancoachyourself and/or youremployees Someopportunities forcoaching?making aplan ordecision?solving aproblem?meetings withstaff?problematic relationsbetween employeesA verygood wayof findingout ifcoachingispossible isthis:Every timesomeone esto youand hasa question:Ask yourself:“Do I have toanswer it,or couldthey answerit themselves?”But beaware thatsometimes staffjust needsyour quickhelp andinformation.Overdoing itwill nothelp.As WeGo AlongKeep ThinkingAbout Oneof YourAssociatesand AnyRelated LiveCoaching Issuesfor RealRolePlayLater OnRemember!GROW-Asking Whatquestions WhenandWhatfor GGoal setting(mid-and long-term)R RealityCheck-clarify thecurrent situationO Options:discussing andsettling on alternatives/ways/actions to reach the goal WWhat?When?Who?Will?What shouldbe done?When bywhom anddoes thewill existto do it?GROW GROW-Some hintsfor askingthe rightquestions (1)THE FOLLOWINGHINTS MAYHELP YOUTO SUCCEEDIts about-helping,NOT tellingIts about-letting itout,NOT hammeringit inIts about-unlocking peoples potentialsIts about-helping someooget the bestperformance out of themselvesIts about-stepping back,and handingover theresponsibility forimprovement tothe LearnerIts about-turning problems into guidedlearning experiencesDo notimpose yoursolution onthe coacheeGROW Followthe trainof thoughtof the coachee Payattention tothe answersQuestions mustbe spontaneousShow realinterest inthe caseof the coachee Understand,Summarise andtake notesDont try to solve all theproblemsinone sessionGROW GROW-Some hintsfor askingthe rightquestions (2)G ROW:G oalSetting:What typeof Goal?Long-Term Goals/Visionary Goals1.Characteristic:they arereally bigand ambitious,e.g.:?bee themarket leader(corporate level),?bee Chief Rep.(personal level),?winning agold medal.2.Characteristic:External factorsmay becrucial:for achievingthem factorsmatter,which youCANNOT control,e.g.:?performanceof petitors/corporate level?helpful relationsofpetitorsfor theChiefRep.Position/personal levelA long-term goal is desirable:Having oneis motivating.It canbe theinspiration forour mid-
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