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必修 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes 考点要求 中小学课件站 写出下列必考单词 1 轨道 足迹 痕迹 n 2 蒸气 v 3 灾难 灾祸 n 4 援救 营救 n v 5 废墟 使 破坏 毁灭 n vt shock 2 useful used used 3 honour honourable 4 organization organized 5 injured injuries 6 was damaged damages 7 prepared preparation 8 destruction destructive 中小学课件站 翻译下列必背短语 1 许多 大量的 2 对 感到震惊 3 结束 终结 4 被围困 5 以 为自豪 6 为 筹集资金 7 掘出 发现 8 分发 发出 气味 热等 9 废墟 10 立刻 马上 11 成千上万 12 消失了 不见了 be gone a great number of be shocked at at an end be trapped in by be proud of raise money for dig out give out in ruins right away tens of thousands of 中小学课件站 活学活用 根据句后的解析 用适当的短语完成下列句子 1 On her way home Mary found her necklace disappeared missing 2 Just wait a few minutes We ll be back at once 3 It seemed that the world was when he learned that all his savings were gone dead finished 4 The earthquake left the whole city destroyed or severely damaged 5 More than a dozen people of the ruins alive after the earthquake to remove sb sth from somewhere by digging the ground 中小学课件站 6 She the news that her husband was killed in his car in a traffic accident being worried or frightened caused by something unexpected and unpleasant 答案 1 was gone 2 right away 3 at an end 4 in ruins 5 were dug out 6 was shocked at 单元重点动词 burst ruin injure destroy shock rescue trap bury damage frighten judge express 中小学课件站 活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空 1 The bad weather my holiday in Guilin What a pity 2 Mr White drove his car at 120 kilometers an hour knocking into a tree himself badly and getting his car seriously 3 The earthquake the houses and schools making many people homeless 4 at the sad news she stood there still not knowing what to say 5 I find that myself in English is not easy and I must spend more time practicing spoken English 中小学课件站 6 It was reported that 108 miners under the coal mine and there was little chance of them although the government ordered to take every measure to save them 7 Tom into laughter in class making all his classmates 答案 1 ruined 2 injuring damaged 3 destroyed 4 Shocked 5 expressing 6 were trapped to be rescued 7 burst 中小学课件站 重点句型 1 It seemed that the world was at an end P26 世界似乎到了末日 It seems to sb that 在某人看来 好像 似乎 仿佛觉得 活学活用 模仿造句 1 好像没有人知道发生的一切 2 我好像以前见过他 答案 1 It seemed that nobody knew what had happened 2 It seems that I have seen him before 中小学课件站 2 There was no stopping the fire P65 没有办法扑灭这场大火 There is no ing 分词短语 It is impossible to do sth 没可 能做某事 模仿造句 1 无可否认 你在撒谎 2 没有办法知道未来会是什么样子 答案 1 There is no denying that you are lying 2 There is no telling what the future will be like 中小学课件站 语篇领悟 根据课文A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN T SLEEP完成下列短文 Several days before July 28 1976 many strange things happened in Tangshan The water in the village wells 1 and fell The water pipes in some buildings cracked and 2 They were signs for the earthquake But people in the city didn t think much 3 these At 3 42 a m that day the earth began to shake 4 destroyed the city Many people 5 include workers and doctors came to 6 those 7 trap under the ruins Later that afternoon another big quake struck Tangshan More people 8 kill or injured and 9 buildings fell down Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers Teams were organized to dig out the trapped and 10 bury the dead 中小学课件站 答案 1 rose 2 burst 3 of 4 which 5 including 6 rescue 7 trapped 8 were killed 9 more 10 bury 中小学课件站 考点活用 用本单元所学词组 句型翻译下列短文 2008年5月12日 我的家乡四川省汶川发生了一场特大地 震 下午两点二十八分 我们突然感到一切开始剧烈地摇晃 大地在上下抖动 在可怕的几秒钟里 汶川就成为一片废墟 水和电的供应被切断了 大量的人员受伤或丧生 许多人被困 在废墟下 死亡人数达到六万多 数以万计的孩子没有了父母 世界似乎到了末日 然而 不是所有的希望都破灭了 政府 派来了军队并组织许多人营救 他们把受伤的人送往医院 把 死去的掩埋好 现在我们正在全力以赴 克服各种困难 重建 家园 中小学课件站 答案 On May 12 2008 a strong earthquake shook my hometown Wenchuan in Sichuan province At 2 28p m we suddenly felt everything began to shake fiercely and the earth rose and fell sharply In a few terrible seconds the city of Wenchuan lay in ruins The supply of water and electricity was cut off A great number of people were injured or killed and a lot of people were trapped under the ruins The number of people who were killed reached more than 60 000 Tens of thousands of children were left without parents It seemed that the world was at an end But all the hope was not lost The government alled in the army 中小学课件站 and organized a lot of people to rescue the trapped They sent the injured to hospital and buried the dead Nowadays we are doing our best and overcoming all kinds of difficulties to rebuild our home 中小学课件站 1 Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away P25 假设你家的房屋开始摇晃 你必须立刻离开 shake作动词时 意思是 震动 摇晃 熟记下列词组 1 shake with因 而颤抖 2 shake hands with sb与某人握手 3 shake on sth握手确认某事 4 shake one s head摇头 自主学习 中小学课件站 即学即练 选用上述短语完成下列小片段 Mr Wang and Mrs Li agreed on the contract finally They 1 each other to 2 the deal with their hands 3 slightly 4 joy 答案 1 shook hands with 2 shake on 3 shaking 4 with 中小学课件站 2 In the city the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst P26 在市内 有些建筑物的水管爆裂开来 词语拓展 burst into sth 突然 进入某种状态或发生某种情况 burst out doing sth 突然 起来 burst into laughter burst out laughing 突然笑起来 burst into tears burst out crying突然哭起来 b
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