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Unit 4 Section Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Do you know what effects global warming have on penguins What can we do to reduce global warming to protect them Please read the following passage to get the answer Antarctica the coldest place on Earth is too cold for most humans It s a different story for penguins though Several types of penguins make their home in Antarctica The birds walk with short steps all over the icy continent However they don t all have happy feet Some of Antarctica s penguins are endangered The animals hunt for food in waters off Antarctica s coasts They use floating sea ice as a place to rest while they search In recent years global warming the slow rise of Earth s temperature has been causing the ice to melt Global warming is reducing the amount of food for penguins so that they can t find enough to eat scientist Shaye Wolf said Turning up the heat Humans may be directly responsible for the continent s temperature changes according to a new study in the journal Nature Geoscience Temperatures in Antarctica usually do not go above freezing or 32 degrees Fahrenheit But lately the weather has been heating up People add to global warming when they drive cars or use electricity That burns fossil fuels such as coal oil and natural gas The burning of fossil fuels gives off gases that warm Earth The harmful gases stay in the atmosphere above Antarctica researchers say They found that the west side of the continent is especially affected by global warming Scientists are concerned about the possibility that Antarctica s ice may melt more over time The icy continent is about 5 million square miles It is covered by glaciers and an ice cap 冰冠 about 7 100 feet thick If the ice melts that could cause sea levels to rise around the world Higher sea levels could lead to dangerous flooding in some countries Cool fix for Antarctica Experts are hopeful that conditions in Antarctica can be improved They say people can reduce global warming by using cars and electricity less often Even kids can help Wolf suggests Talk to your friends and family about global warming how it is harming penguins and how important it is to stop global warming today Look at the pictures and answer the question What can you learn from the above four pictures 答案 The earth is becoming warmer and warmer Which of the following can cause global warming 答案 ACDE Skim the text and sum up the main idea of each paragraph Para 1 A the cause of the earth s becoming warmer Para 2 B the consequence of burning fossil fuels Para 3 C the increase of carbon dioxide Para 4 D global warming will go on Para 5 E puzzles about global warming Para 6 F different attitudes to global warming Para 7 G an introduction to the passage 答案 Para 1 G Para 2 A Para 3 B Para 4 C Para 5 D Para 6 F Para 7 E Scan the text and then choose the best answer 1 What is mainly discussed in the text A Carbon dioxide B Water vapor C Gases in the atmosphere D Temperature increase 2 George Hambley thinks that more carbon dioxide A may lead to catastrophe B will do good rather than harm to the earth C will cause the spread of diseases D will encourage a great range of animals thus threatening human beings 3 What is the purpose of the last paragraph A To make readers disappointed with the problem B To make readers think about the problem C To show the author s opinion on the problem D To begin some discussion about the future 4 What will happen if we do nothing about global warming A It would cause the sea level to rise storms droughts famines and so on B The temperature will be surely lower C It doesn t matter D It has nothing to do with us 答案 1 4 DBBA Read the text carefully and write down the main idea of the text The passage puts forward different points of view about the effect of increased 1 in the atmosphere the 2 of the earth s increased temperature and the possible effects 答案 1 carbon dioxide 2 cause Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks 答案 1 fossil fuels 2 315 parts 3 100 4 sea level 5 droughts 6 diseases 7 disappearance 8 quicker 9 more 10 animals Fill in the blanks according to the text There is no 1 that the earth is becoming warmer no matter whether it is a natural 2 Scientists believe that greenhouse effect begins when we add huge 3 extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning 4 The increased amount of carbon dioxide is causing the global temperature to 5 Scientists also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide On the one hand Dr Foster thinks that an increase of five degrees would be a 6 Scientists can t predict the climate well enough to know what to expect On the other hand a scientist George Hambley predicts that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental 7 He 8 that more carbon dioxide will encourage a greater 9 of animals all of which will make life for human beings better However greenhouse gases continue to 10 in the atmosphere and the climate is going to keep
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