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A it is likely that adolescent boys are the target audience of computer games ads B adolescent boys always buy more computer games than other people C young boys like computer games only so they will just buy computer games D only adolescent boys will buy computer games for playing computer games is their favorite 1 The sentence Adolescent boys are more likely to buy computer games than any other group Para 3 Page 42 implies A 推理判断题 不能选择阅读文章中直接 出现的句子作为答案 答案必须是在原文基 础上联系上下文 对句子内容进行推理判断 答案从第三段第二 三句推断得出 选 项B内容绝对 且不是推断的内容 选项C D 内容片面 表达有误 学生必须关注 only always never nothing none 等表达绝对的 词 A Whether the budget can be afforded B Which target audience the products are intended for C Which medium can best display the products D How to advertise the products with the right technique 2 Which of the following is NOT the factor in choosing the right medium D 细节理解题 题目关键词choosing the right medium 关注文章副标题Use a suitable media 选项A对应原文第 六段第二 四句 选项B C对应原文第七段第一句 选 项D只是重复题目意思 并没有提到为广告选择合适媒体 需考虑的因素 A conscience to be worthy citizens B desire to save money C curiosity to know more about the product D focus on the rich and famous people 3 The advertisement on the right probably appeals to people s B 推理判断题 题目关键词appeal to 因此关注阅读文 章副标题appeal to your target 结合原文第五段第一句 和广告中的宣传 buy one get one free 买一送一 符合 商家通过价格优惠手段吸引消费者 4 Governments all over the world spend a large sum of money on such ads as road safety The governments want to make use of advertisements function of A informingB educating C EntertainingD persuading B 细节理解题 在原文第二段找到答案 5 The purpose of this text is to A inform people of the functions of advertisements B persuade people to buy the products advertised by some advertisements C tell people how to make effective advertisements D warn people not to be cheated by some dishonest advertisements C 推理判断题 解答文章目的 purpose 主要内容 main idea 或作 者态度 attitude 的题目 有共同突破口 学生可通过文体和作者态 度排除部分答案 本文作者态度中立 objective 写作目的 主旨 都不应有个人主观观点 因此可排除选项B和D 此外 要注意信息 的全面 选项A内容不够全面 选项C内容全面 也呼应了文章题目 A To make advertisements and earn a lot of money B To persuade people to buy a certain brand of rice C To persuade people behave in the way advertisers want D To talk people into seeing a movie at their cinema 1 Advertisers go to a lot of trouble and expense to make adverts and so they want to make sure they achieve their purpose Para 1 Page 48 What does their purpose refer to 1 C 细节理解题 2 This is why many countries have a government organization which examines complaints about ads Para 4 Page 49 The word examine is closest in meaning to A StopB check C receive D make 2 B 词义猜测题 A The famous people cannot be used in advertisements B Ads about alcoholic drinks or tobacco are forbidden all over the world C Ads that are concerned about violence cannot be shown during television programs for children D With the laws and advertisers codes of conduct made people will not be affected by false advertising 3 Which of the following statements is TRUE 3 C 推理判断题 A we should blame the consumers themselves if they are cheated by dishonest advertisers B consumers should be responsible to protect their rights and interests C schools should educate students about the skills used in the advertisements D consumers should turn a blind eye to the techniques used by the advertisements 4 It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that 4 B 推理判断题 5 We may find this text in a an A advertisement B magazine B C travelling brochure D encyclopedia 5 D 推理判断题 技巧点拨 中心句通常在段落首句 第 3 4 5段中心句在第2句 均是提出问题 或表明现状后用for this reason this is why this means等句子引出该段真正主旨内容 此外 要理清文章的思路 第1段总起全文 第2 3 4 5段服务主题和第1段 还要 把相同或相近的段落内容 第2 3段 有关 制定相应制度 内容相近 简化和整合 Reading 2 Keeping Advertisers Honest Page 48 写作步骤 1 结构分析 2 提炼 改写中心句 3 整合和修饰 Stage 1 Structure analysis 步骤一 结构分析 Answer the following questions to better understand the structure Fill in your answers accordingly in the blanks and finish the mind map of the text 回 答以下问题 理解文章结构 在图表相 应处填上答案 完成文章思路图 回答以下问题 理解文章结构 在图 表相应处填上答案 完成文章思路图 1 What is the title of the passage 2 Which paragraph serves as the introduction to the whole passage 3 How many subtitles are there in the passage What are they 4 What is the relation between the title and subtitles 1 Title Title Keeping Advertisers Honest 2 Para introduction to the whole passage Para 1 introduction to the whole passage 3 subtitles 1 The law 2 Advertising organizations 3 Complaints organization 4 The consumer 4 Stage 2 Topic sentence and key words 步骤二 提炼 改写中心句或关键词 Figure out topic sentence for each paragraph underline the key words in each topic sentence and rewrite the key words in your own words if possible 找 出每段的中心句 并在中心句中划出关 键词 尽量用自己的语言改写关键词 ParagraphsTopic sentencesRewrite the key words if possible 1 Fortunately most countries have developed ways to control advertising and prevent false or unsuitable advertising to keep advertisers honest 与题目 呼应 ParagraphsTopic sentencesRewrite the key words if possible 2One way to control advertising is to make laws that prevent advertisers doing the wrong thing Make laws and certain rules ParagraphsTop
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