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高考英语作文万能模板1 提纲作文控制性的作文类型,它要求考生根据所提供的题目和提纲要点,紧扣短文的中心思想进行写作。 万能模板1:Nowadays,theres a widespread concern about_/Nowadays,_are becoming more and more popular in _(引出话题)In _,there are various kinds of _,for example,_(对提纲一的描述)。WE enjoy them very much._are my favorites,which_.Besides,they also _(对提纲二的描述).Here I have some suggestions.To students,youd better _;to school,they should_(提纲三的阐述).Dear fridnds ,please actively take part in _,which will not only _,but also_(发出号召).万能模板2:_(某一现象)is more and more common among _(人群)。Concerning this,different people have different opinions.Some people hold the view that_(观点一)。It not only _(持观点一的原因)but also_(持观点二的原因).Whats more,_(持观点三的原因). While others hold the opposites opinion about this.They believe that_(持观点二的原因之一).Meanwhile,_(持观点二的原因之一). From my point of view/In my opinion/From my standing point/As far as Im concerned,we should _(我的观点).We should pay more attention to _,and only by doing so can we_(我的建议).2 图画作文主要以图画为裁体,附带少量文字提示或说明,要求考生从观察入手,通过对话面的理解,发挥想象力,用文字清楚的描述图画的内容。其中一种题型为:要求考生根据图画的寓意联系某种现象或道理,并发表自己的见解。万能模板1(寓言故事较多):As is shown in the picture,_(图画内容介绍).It is a common phenomenon in China that _(图画现象).There are many reasons for that.Firstly,_(原因一).Secondly,_(原因二).Thats why_(图画寓意).In my opinion,only by_can they _(阐述观点).万能模板2:_(人物)and _(人物)took part in_(活动/事件).yesterday/today/last week.On the way to _,we_(活动/事件起始),and then we_(活动/事件发展).By the time we_(活动/事件结果).Through this _(活动/事件),we learned_(总结意义和收获).It was quite an experience for us,which Ill never forget for the rest of my life.3 图表作文图表类作文通常以表格形式或图形形式来呈现,题材多为说明文、应用文和议论文。此类题型要求考生根据图表提供的数据和文字内容进行分析讨论,得出令人信服的结论,或对某一结论进行分析评价。万能模板1: According to a recent survey,_(指出一种现象),while_(同时有别的情况发声). There are chiefly three reasons for it.Firstly ,_( 原因一);secondly,_(原因二).Apart from the above reason,_(原因三). By doing _(上文涉及之事),_will _(将有什么样的好处或坏处出现).Whats more,_(介绍另一方面的意义).万能模板2: As is shown in the chart,_%_(现象一),and _%_(现象二).Another _%_(现象三).The rest_(现象四). As we all know,_do much harm to_(引出不良现象的弊端),even causing people to _(后果一).At the same time,_(后果二).But to our sadness,_(不良现象). How do we protect ourselves from _(不良现象)?I think we should _(方法一).In addition,its very important for us to _(方法二).Do remember that _(号召).4 开放作文开放类作文不等同于一般的提纲作文,因为它不像提纲作文那样所给的要点很全面,写作是按照一定的“框框”进行发挥即可,而要求考生凭借试卷上所提供的线索(包括文字提示和图画),利用发散性思维,去合理的想象、推理,然后写出一篇合情合理的文章。图画类开放作文要求考生根据对所给画图画的理解描述图画所表达的内容并发表自己的看法。万能模板1: From the picture we can see /As can be seen in the picture_(描述图片内容).Obviously_(表面情况分析),which means _(相关结论).But actually_(深层分析),because_(提出理由).For example,_(提供例证)and it shows_(另一结论).In my opinion,it may be right that_(观点一),but_(观点二).In this way,_(建议与期待).万能模板2: As the saying goes_(名言或谚语).It reminds us that_(释义).However,_(阐述对立现象). First of all,_(理由一).For example,_(举例说明).Secondly,_(理由二).Another case is that _(举例说明).Furthermore,_(理由三). In my opinion,_(我的观点)。In short,whatever you do,please remember the saying_(名言或谚语).If you undersand it and apply it to your study or work,youll surely benefit a lot from it.5 应用文1. 普通书信 Dear., Im _(自我介绍)。I am writing to talk about_(主题).I like it very much mainly for the following reasons.First,_(原因一),I think_.Whats more,_(原因二).However,_(存在问题).Therefore,Id like to suggest_(提出建议). Best regards. Yours sincerely, _(署名)2. 申请信 Dear., Im_from _(自我介绍).Im writing to_(写信目的),for I believe that_(申请的主要原因).Therefore I recommend myself to you without hesitation . I think I am qualified for_(申请的事件).For one thing,I_(本人优点一)。For another,I_(优点二)。I hope I can _(表达渴望)。 I paln to _(计划一),have them _(计划二)and_(计划三).Whats more important is _(达到的效果). I hope you can offter me the opportunity./Im looking forward to your early reply. Yours _(署名)3. 求职信. Dear. , My name is
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