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Unit 11How was your school trip?Period 3Section B 1a-1d【课型】听说课学习目标1.通过学习1a和1c进一步巩固动词过去式的短语。2.通过听力训练,学会有目的地听,并培养在听的过程中获取有效信息的能力。3.通过听力活动中说话者的情感表达,加深对听力材料的理解。能模仿录音中的语音、语调并对听力材料进行转述。4.能就“学校旅行活动”这一话题,交流感受,增进了解。学习过程【自主学习】一、根据2d对话内容,试着用动词的适当形式填空。Last week,Eric (go)to the countryside and (visit)his grandparents. He (go)fishing and (feed) the chickens with his grandpa. It (be) so much fun. And the air (be)so clean.He (watch) the stars at night.His trip (be) great.二、就学校旅行情况向你的好友展开调查,并将调查结果写入下表。Who had a fantastic school trip?NameWhenPlaceWhat did he/she do?Tomlast weekendBeijing【新课导入】Step 1:Warming-up and revision1.Play the video.You can enjoy a short movie about taking a trip.2.Role-play the conversation of 2d.复习2d的对话。3.Pair work:Work in pairs and make up new conversations like this:两两活动,仿照示例编对话。A:Hello,.Long time no see.B:Hello,.A:How was your school trip?B:It was.A:What did you do?B:I went to.and.A:Did you.?B:Yes,I did./No,I didnt.But I.A:That sounds.Goodbye.B:Bye.4.Make up a story.Each student adds a sentence.每人一句,故事接龙。You can begin with:Last Sunday,I went to.5.Play a guessing game.看图片,猜一猜:What did.do?【新知呈现】Step 2:Presentation1.Match the activities with the pictures of 1a.将图片与英语词汇进行匹配。2.Write down the past forms of the phrases in 1a.在课本上写出1a中的动词过去式。3.Pair work:仿照示例编对话。Picture fA:Hello,.How was your school trip?B:It was fun.A:Really?What did you do?B:I went fishing with my father.【新知学习】Step 3:Listening1.完成1b听力任务。2.再听录音,选择正确答案。 a.went to the countrysideb.climbed a mountainc.went to an art museumd.saw some paintingse.drew picturesNamesWhere did he/she go?What did he/she do?TonyJane3.再听录音,将空格部分补充完整。Janes last school trip was .And she to the countryside.But the weather so cold.It and all day.Tony a great school trip.He to an art museum and there so many interesting things to see.He some really beautiful paintings.Then he lunch at the museum restaurant.After that,he went to a special art room and pictures.So Tonys trip was .4.再听录音,模仿录音中的语音、语调。观察与思考1通过今天的学习,我们知道了询问别人的旅行感受时,可以这样问:。在对旅行进行评价时,我们常常用到一些形容词。其中,表示肯定的、正面评价的形容词有;表示否定的、负面评价的形容词有。【拓展提升】Step 4:Pair work1.What was your last school trip like?小组讨论下列词汇的用法。interestingdifficultlovely(可爱的)slow(缓慢的,迟缓的)exciting(令人兴奋的,令人激动的)boringcoolhotluckylargeexpensive(昂贵的)terribledeliciousgreatcheapfast(快的)2.仿照示例编对话。A:How was your school trip?B:It was (评价词).A:What did you do there?B:I .A:How was the food there?B:It was delicious/nice/great/OK/bad/.A:How was the weather?B:It was (天气词).3.小组活动:Make a survey.根据自主学习2中的表格,小组内展开对话,并将调查结果进行汇报。You can report like this:In my group,Tom went to Beijing last weekend.4.Self-evaluation.(小组内开展好评价和自我评价)跟踪训练通过听力材料的学习,在描述Jane与Tony的旅行时,我们用的是一般过去时态。通过几节课的学习,你能否总结一般过去时态的用法?一般过去时态定义构成常用时间状语近几节课出现的动词过去式规则动词不规则动词【课堂练习】一、单项选择。1.Where did you go on vacation?I my grandma in Beijing.A.visitedB.visitC.visitsD.visiting2.When a meeting?Yesterday afternoon.A.had youB.did you haveC.will you haveD.did you had3.Here is in todays newspaper.A.something newB.new somethingC.anything newD.new anything4.What you ?I went to school.A.do;doB.did;doC.does;doD.did;did5.I went fishing last Sunday.A.ThanksB.I dont likeC.I like itD.That sounds great二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Ten students (go)shopping last week.2.My father (enjoy)(stay)at home on Sundays.3.What about (visit)our English teacher this weekend?4.I (not be)at home yesterday.5.Rose (not like)skating last winter,but now she does.自我反思1.我会写旅行活动的短语如: 2.通过和同伴交流上个周末或旅行中的活动及感受,总结一下用到了哪些句子。_3.我的易错点是:_参考答案【自主学习】一、went;visited;went;fed;was;was;watched;was二、答案不唯一。跟踪练习(略)【课堂练习】一、15 ABABD二、1.went2.enjoys;staying3.visiting4.wasnt 5.didnt like
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