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Unit 1Can you play the guitar?Period 3Section B 1a-1f【课型】听说课学习目标1.掌握本课重点单词和短语:drum,piano,violin,play the drums,play the piano,play the violin。2.进一步熟练运用情态动词can谈论能力。3.通过听录音学会有目的地获取对话中的关键信息,同时在听的过程中进一步巩固本单元目标语言。学习过程【自主学习】一、认读并书写本课单词。1.个人自读,记忆单词。2.小组互相检查读、写情况。3.写出下列单词并展示。鼓 钢琴小提琴4.小组内核对答案。二、完成课本1a。【新课导入】Step 1:Lead-in1.Play the flash “Play the guitar”.2.Daily greeting.3.Check the homework.Let some students report what his/her family members can do.【新知呈现】Step 2:PresentationGuessing game 听猜游戏1.Listen to some sounds of the instruments.Guess what they are.2.Work on 1a.Draw lines to match the words with the pictures.【新知学习】Step 3:Work on 1b1.Listen and number the words 1-4 in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a.2.Pair work:Work on 1c.Ask and answer questions about the instruments.T:I can play the drums.Can you play the drums?S:Yes,I can./No,I cant.3.Game(Talent show)T:Please stand in front of your classmates.Act and say what you can do.Student A:(sing and dance)I can sing and dance.Student B:(play the drums)I can play the drums.4.Talk about yourselfUse “I can.but I cant.”.Step 4:Listening 1d1.Work on 1d方法指导:Listen to the key words.跟踪训练1.Bill can play piano.He can also play soccer.A.the;theB.the;/C./;theD./;/2.He wants to join the club.He can chess.A.chesss;play theB.chess;playC.chessing;playD.chess;plays theStep 5:Listening 1e1.Work on 1eTips:(1)Two listening tasks “can and cant”.(2)Dont write the full answers;mark them.2.Listen and fill in the blanks(1)A:Can you sing?B:No,I .But I play the guitar.(2)A:What can you do?B:I sing and I play the drums.(3)A:Can you play the piano?B:No,I .Frank play the piano.(4)A:Frank,can you play the piano?B:Yeah,I play the piano,but I sing or dance.【拓展提升】1.Pair work:1fHave students work in pairs and ask something about Bill,Cindy,Frank.(work on 1f)Student A:Can Cindy play the piano?Student B:No,she cant,but she can sing.2.Role-play the listening materialsOne is the teacher,and another three are students.3.Group work假如你是一名体育老师,正在为学校运动会招募运动员,在班上询问学生的体育特长。Have students work in groups of five and ask what they can/cant do.Useful expressions:What can you do?What cant you do?Can you.?NameCan doCant do【课堂练习】一、单项选择。1.Bob can play basketball but cant play violin.A.the;theB.the;/C./;theD.a;the2.Mary can play chess she cant swim.A.andB.orC.butD.so3.His brother plays piano every day.A./B.aC.anD.the二、看图完成句子。1.I can .2.My sister cant .3.My friend John can .4.My little brother cant.5.My father can .三、口语运用。学校的特长俱乐部要招生。请完成下面的对话。 Teacher:1.?Alan:I want to join the music club.Teacher:2.?Alan:I can sing.Teacher:3.?Alan:Yes,I can play the piano,but I cant play it very well.Teacher:4.?Alan:Yes,I can also play the guitar.自我反思1.我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences: 2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行: 3.我的易错点: 参考答案【自主学习】3.drum;piano;violin跟踪训练12 BB【课堂练习】一、13 CCD二、1.play the drums2.play chess3.play the trumpet 4.play the piano5.play the violin三、1.What club do you want to join2.What can you do3.Can you play the piano4.Can you play the guitar
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