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Unit 3How do you get to school?Period 4Section B 2a-2c【课型】阅读课学习目标1.能理解并使用词汇:cross the river,bridge,ropeway,afraid,between.and,come true。2.能通过预测、略读、扫读、跳读等阅读策略快速获取信息,完成相关的阅读任务。3.理解篇章结构,能根据结构线索运用所学目标词汇来复述故事。4.关注偏远地区学生的生活,珍惜自己的生活学习条件,努力学习。学习过程【自主学习】运用所学目标词汇和句型描述自己的出行方式。take the train/bus/car/subwayride a bikewalkby bus/train/car/subwayon foot 注意恰当使用 “take” 和 “by”。_【新课导入】Step 1:Lead-in1.Talk about students different ways to school.T:How do you get to school every day?S:.2.Talk about Toms trip to school and learn some new words.【新知学习】Step 2:Dealing with 2aBefore reading1.Look at the picture and the title of the reading.2.Predict the topic of the article.While reading1.Skimming:Whom is the story about?2.Scanning:Read the passage and answer the questions.(1)How does students,like Liangliang,get to school every school day?(2)What is Liangliangs feeling about his trip to school?(3)What is the students and villagers dream?3.Intensive reading (1)Why does he go on a ropeway to school?(2)Why does Liangliang like to go to school?(3)Can their dream come true?How?(小组讨论How?)4.Scan the passage again and fill in the blank of 2c with the target language.观察与思考1填入句子中的单词,是形容词;,是副词。 是来形容名词的,有时候也作表语,也就是放在be动词的后面。 可以修饰动词、形容词和副词。5.Read the passage carefully and discuss the difficulties with your group members.观察与思考21.It is easy to get to school.It is their dream to have a bridge.句子中作形式主语,真正的主语是 和。翻译时应该将动词不定式翻译到前面来。2.Hes like a father to me.句中的be like 应翻译成。其中like的词性为。 6.Retelling:Retell the story from the following chart.Crossing the River to SchoolHowGo on a ropeway to.Because.OpinionBe not afraidBecause.DreamTo have a bridgeCome trueGroup work 六人一组,讨论:1.讨论我们怎样帮助亮亮村实现他们的梦想?2.亮亮村的学生将来会怎样去上学。语言提示:Can their dream come true?How can we help them?How do students go to school?What do they think of their trip to school?Report:Student A tells how we can help them.Student B tells the way to go to school.Student C tells opinions of the trip to school.【课堂练习】一、单词拼写。1.My d is to be a teacher.2.There is no boat,so we cant cross the r.3.There is a road(公路) b the two villages.4.We need to build(建造) a b over the river.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.The (village)never leave their village.2.There are many (boat)on the river.3.Its difficult (do)the job.4.Jim runs (quick)to school.5.It takes him five minutes (cross)the river.三、阅读理解。People travel to work in different ways.Some people go to work on foot because they live near their workplaces.Some people go to work by bike because they live farther away,or they like riding bikes.And they think its good for their health.Today more people have private(私人的) cars.So they can go to work in their cars.In the south of China,many people even go to work by boat because water is around their houses.Will people go to work by plane?I think so,if necessary(如果需要的话).根据短文内容,判断正误(T/F)。()1.All people like to go to work by bike.()2.Some people think its good to go to work by bike.()3.Today more people drive to work.()4.In the north of China,many people go to work by boat.()5.The writer thinks some people will go to work by plane if necessary.自我反思我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences: 我是否读懂描述出行方式的短文呢?我能简单描述一下自己的出行路况和方式吗?_参考答案【自主学习】根据实际情况作答。【课堂练习】一、1.dream2.river3.between4.bridge二、1.villagers2.boats3.to do4.quickly5.to cross三、1.F2.T3.T4.F5.T
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