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Unit 4Dont eat in class.Period 4Section B 2a-2c【课型】读说课学习目标1.能够认识、熟记并正确使用下列单词:dirty,kitchen,more,noisy,relax,read,terrible,feel,strict,remember,follow,luck。学生能够在语言的输出过程中正确地使用这些词汇。能够达到在用中学,在学中用的目标。2.通过教师阅读任务的引导读懂2b有关规则的短文,能准确快速地找到完成阅读任务所需的语言信息,并能通过小组讨论的方式解决阅读中存在的问题。3.能够借鉴并运用阅读中获取的目标信息,读懂含有规章制度的文章,并能和朋友谈论自己的家规。4.通过本课学习,养成良好的生活习惯,并学会体谅、理解父母。学习过程【自主学习】1.请在课前拼读下面的单词,并熟记。dirty,kitchen,more,noisy,relax,read,terrible,feel,strict,remember,follow,luck2.思考你的家规校规,并列举一下。【新课导入】Step 1:Lead-in 1.GreetingsUse “Good morning/Good afternoon/Hello/Hi.” to greet each other.2.Pair workT:What are the rules at school or at your home?S:Well,we cant arrive late for class.We must be on time.S:Dont watch TV after school.【新知呈现】Step 2:PresentationBefore readingFree talkT:Do you like your family rules?Why? When you are unhappy about something,who do you like to talk to?_【新知学习】Step 3:Reading 2bWhile reading任务一:Skimming:快速阅读2b中第一封信,并回答问题:Are there many rules in Mollys home?_How does Molly feel about the rules?_任务二:Scanning:1.Read the first letter in 2b carefully,then find out the sentences about Mollys family rules,then fill in the chart on the left using have to/must,can or cant.2.Students discuss the answers in groups and then check the answers with the teacher.Mollys family rules(have to/must,can or cant)FeelingDr.Knows adviceAt home1.She has to get up at 6:00 and make her bedIts terrible!We have to .2.At school1.2.3.Afterschool1.阅读2b中的第二封信,找出Dr.Know的建议,并填入表格的右侧。4.朗读2b,注意语音、语调。任务三:Read the passage again and find out the topic sentence of the passage.英文书信格式,开头句:结尾句:竞赛活动 根据表格,复述这两封信的内容。小组分工进行,评出表现最佳的小组。观察与思考After dinner,I cant relax either.观察本句话,总结either的用法。副词 either 在此处表示“也”,用于。Step 4:Group work1.List the rules of your family and tell the feelings._What rules do you think are fair(公平的)?_What rules do you think are unfair(不公平的)?_2.任务一:小组内讨论自己的家规;任务二:选代表把小组内的情况进行汇总,口头向Dr.Know进行电话求助。参考句型:Hi,Dr.Know,We have too many rules.I have to.Tom has to.Lily must.What can we do?任务三:其他小组学生给电话求助者以帮助。跟踪训练1.I can sing and dance too.(改为否定句)_2.她不是日本人,我也不是。(翻译句子)_3.我妹妹也不喜欢这首歌。(翻译句子)_【课堂练习】rulepracticejoinafterluckyforonatearlyEmily has so many .She has to do her homework school.She cant go out school nights.She has to wash the dishes after dinner,then she can watch TV half an hour.She has to be in bed ten oclock,because she has to get up next morning.She a music club.She has to the guitar every day.She doesnt think shes .自我反思1.我的收获:Words and expressions:_Sentences:_2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行_3.我的易错点:_参考答案跟踪训练1.I cant sing or dance either.2.She is not a Japanese.Im not,either.3.My sister doesnt like this song,either.【课堂练习】rules;after;on;for;at;early;joins;practice;lucky
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