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Unit 2 The United Kingdom 2 核心单词重点短语经典句型 1 unite vi 在于 一致 4 province n 5 clarify vt 6 accomplish vt 7 conflict n 8 unwilling adj 9 union n 10 credit n 11 currency n 12 institution n 13 convenience n 联合 团结 王国 consist 省 行政区 澄清 阐明 完成 达到 实现 矛盾 冲突 不愿意 的 不乐意 的 联合 联盟 结合 协会 信任 学分 赞扬 信贷 货币 通货 制度 机制 公共机构 便利 方便 3 核心单词重点短语经典句型 14 rough adj 15 roughly adv 16 nationwide adj 17 vt 吸引 引起注意 18 architecture n 19 collection n 20 administration n 21 port n 22 countryside n 23 enjoyable adj 24 description n 25 furnished adj 26 fax n vt 粗糙的 粗暴的 粗略地 粗糙地 全国性的 全国范围的 attract 建筑学 建筑艺术 收藏品 珍藏 收集 管理 行政部门 港口 城市 乡下 农村 令人愉快的 使人高兴的 描写 描述 配备好装备的 带家具的 传真 机 用传真传输 文件 4 核心单词重点短语经典句型 27 possibility n 28 plus prep adj 29 quarrel n vi 30 alike adj 31 arrange vt 32 wedding n 33 vt 折叠 对折 34 sightseeing n 35 n 快乐 高兴 喜悦vt 使高兴 使欣喜 36 royal adj 37 uniform n 38 splendid adj 39 statue n 可能 性 加上 和 加的 正的 零上的 争吵 争论 吵架 争吵 吵架 相同的 类似的 筹备 安排 整理 婚礼 fold 观光 游览 delight 王室的 皇家的 高贵的 制服 壮丽的 辉煌的 极好的 塑像 雕像 5 核心单词重点短语经典句型 munism n 41 thrill vt 42 pot n 43 error n 44 tense n 45 consistent adj 共产主义 使激动 使胆战心惊 罐 壶 错误 过失 谬误 时态 一致的 6 核心单词重点短语经典句型 1 consist of 2 divide 把 分成 3 refer to 4 break from 挣脱 束缚 脱离 5 to one s 为 带来荣誉 值得赞扬 在 名下 6 take of代替 7 提起 收拾 接电话 取回 接人 恢复原状 偶然 得 到 8 break 机器 损坏 破坏 9 leave 省去 遗漏 不考虑 10 in of为了纪念 由 组成 into 提到 涉及 查阅 参考 away credit the place pick up down out memory 7 核心单词重点短语经典句型 1 To their credit the four countries work together in some areas eg the currency and international relations but they still have very different institutions 值得赞扬的是 这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作 例如在货币 和国际关系方面 但是有些制度仍然区别很大 2 was the longitude line 她最感兴趣的是那条 通过天文台的 经线 3 the man who had developed communism have lived and died in London 这似乎是一件怪事 这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过 并且在伦敦去世 do What interested her most It seemed strange that should 单词拼写 1 Jane was 不愿意的 to admit she was wrong 2 There is growing concern over the future of the 乡下 农村 3 Too much is spent on 管理 and not enough on patient care 4 The Hong Kong Bank is Hong Kong s largest financial 公共机构 5 The Tower of London is a great 吸引 to tourists 6 We have 完成 all we set out to do 7 His statement is not 一致的 with what he said at yesterday s meeting 8 He 安排 the wedding for his close friends 8 attraction accomplished consistent arranged unwilling countryside administration institution 9 9 He was d to hear that his son got admission to Peking University 10 He seized the 机会 to invite her home for dinner delighted occasion 10 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 consist of break away from leave out break down to one s credit keep one s eyes open in memory of take the place of divide into refer to 1 The printing machines are always which annoys him a lot 2 I couldn t make sense of the passage You must have some important information while copying it 3 New Zealand is a country lying off the eastern coast of Australia two big islands and many smaller ones 4 She couldn t attend the meeting so her assistant 5 The town was named after Mr Smith his great contributions to its development breaking down left out consisting of took the place of her in memory of 11 6 if you want to find the boy in red sweater 7 Emma passed such a difficult examination 8 Under no condition will the Chinese allow Taiwan to China 9 We pairs and each pair takes a region 10 Writers often a dictionary Keep your eyes open To her credit break away from are divided into refer to 12 单项选择 1 As some experts say shopping by television will never take place of shopping in stores because many people find shopping at a store great enjoyment A a B the a C a theD a 2 Though he didn t go to college he won two gold medals four silver medals A thanB plus C byD beyond B B 解析 第一空考查短语take the place of 代替 第二空enjoyment作 乐事 令人愉快的事 讲时 是可数名词 解析 介词plus表示 加 13 3 What the doctors most was that they could not find the cause of the strange disease A enjoyedB puzzled C chargedD promised 4 I heard from my mother just now and I was anxious the letter to read it A foldingB unfolding C to unfoldD to fold B C 解析 由后面的 他们找不出这种怪病的原因 可知 这是一件最让医 生们困惑的事情 因此答案为puzzled 解析 be anxious to do sth 渴望 急切地做某事 排除A B两项 fold 折叠 对折 unfold展开 打开 14 5 What he said a great effect upon us A haveB does have C havingD to have B 解析 分析句子结构可知 空白处需填一个动词 故排除C D两项 从句作主语时 谓语动词通常用单数 故排除A项 does在此处表示 强调 完成句子 1 你拾金不昧的行为是非常值得表扬的 It is greatly that you gave back the money you found 2 我们能做什么来帮助他们摆脱困境呢 What can we do to help them to the difficult position 3 一年有365天 One year 365 days 4 这条河在这里被分成两条小溪 The river two streams at this point 5 在你方便的时候给我买这些书 Please buy these books for me 15 at your convenience break away from to your credit consists of is divided into
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