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第一部分选修7Unit3 第一部分选修7Unit3 第一部分选修7Unit3 第一部分选修7Unit3 第一部分选修7Unit3 轶事 奇闻 岸 海滨 大叫 呼喊 叫声 喊声 跳水 的动作 潜水 的动 作 俯冲 逃避 逃跑 逃离 慢跑 轻推 轻撞 网 网状物 网络 潮 汐 潮水 潮流 闪光信号灯 手电筒 闪光灯 吮吸 浅的 肤浅的 浅显的 陡峭的 界限 分界线 使人敬畏的 令人畏惧的 海豹 封条 印章 养老金 退休金 witness opposite pause drag urge relationship aware neat narrow narrowly sharp sharpen abandon abandoned reflect reflection scare scared scary accommodation accommodate tasty taste tasteless depth deep deeply deepen vivid vividly annual annually anniversary vividly vivid accommodations accommodate depth deeply deep tasty taste tastes tasteless aheadof aimat inthemeantime help out be becomeawareof upsidedown be scaredtodeath holdup beabouttodo getcloseto heldup upsidedown help out inthemeantime wasscaredtodeath become beawareof Itwasatimewhen wasabouttodo wherethereisawill thereisaway tohavingseen haswitnessed witnesses happenedtosee Walkingoutofthepark witnessed urgent should bekept urgesustostudyhard urgesusintostudyinghard urgesthatwe should studyhard playing carrying abandoned abandonedhimselftosmoking Abandoninghimselftosmoking Abandonedtosmoking on upon arereflected reflection with turn bursting to clean aware awareness areawareof to intheoppositedirection of scaring where Where wheretherewas intheplacewhere nothing therewasnothing 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放
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