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component1湍流的参数设置?反应方程的各种参数设置?: 流体性质设置入口边界条件设置 出口边界条件设置网格的设置component2: 建模部分矩形1矩形2 chamfer1mesh control edge 1Form Composite Edges 1(cme 1)That concludes the geometry for the reacting jet. Now define a coupling variable that can be used to apply the outlet conditions from the previous model to the inlet of the current将compent1出口边界值作为compent2的入口边界条件。Linear Extrusion 1 (linext1)数据传递REACTING FLOW(RSPF)入口边界条件1设置物质浓度入口1边界条件物质浓度入口2边界条件出口边界条件反应项的定义Apply an unrealistically high reaction rate to model the reactions as iiifmitely fast. In this case the reaction rate will be given by the turbulent mixing.Use the tabulated heat capacities to create interpolation functions, one for each species.the heat transfer interface.初始值的设置热源项设置网格设置:Edit Physics-Induced Sequence.求解设置:求解1直接求解求解2设置Now solve the reacting isothermal jet. The complicated reactions reduire adjustment of the CFL-number controller parameters. Word 资料
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