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2019高考英语考前50天特训系列综合练习题(详解)09 (限时25分钟). 单项填空1.Scientists have created _ intelligent food wrapping material that changes color if _ contents are going bad. A. an; 不填B. 不填; theC. an; theD. the; 不填2. I have decided to spend my summer holidays in France. _ Im sure youll have a good time. A. How are you? B. Let me see. C. Sounds wonderful. D. Well done! 3. Im exhausted. I _ on a design day and night. Youd better have several days off after finishing it. Otherwise you might break down. A. have been workingB. have workedC. workD. worked4. Living in a highly _ society,you definitely have to arm yourself with modern technology and skills. A. competitiveB. fierceC. attractive D. sensitive5. In order to remove poverty, the World Bank has switched its _ to providing assistance to developing countries. A. concernB. processC. focusD. struggle6.If you are unable to attend the interview, for _ reason, you should inform us immediately. Got it. A. thatB. whateverC. whicheverD. wherever7. I have sent several e-mails to the company for the advertised job, none of _ has been answered. A. whom B. thatC. whichD. whose8.Everyone will make a mistake. Yeah, but we should correct it _ it gets worse. A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. while9. When choosing a university, dont just think about its reputation; _ for the most suitable one for your goals. A. to lookB. lookingC. lookedD. look10.What happened to the young trees we planted last week? The trees _ well, but I didnt water them. A. might growB. neednt have grownC. would have grownD. would grow 11.We should consider the students request _ the school library provide more books on popular science. A. thatB. whenC. whichD. where12.Have you received your new shoes? Yes. And at the same time I got the jacket I _. A. had orderedB. orderedC. have orderedD. order13. After several rounds of competition, the little girl _ because of her excellent spoken English and quick response. A. put outB. picked outC. broke out D. stood out14. _ your ability to adapt to the new work, you are no worse than the others; you are just much too careless. A. In spite ofB. In terms ofC. In memory ofD. In search of 15. Would you mind if I took my pet dog to your birthday party? _. Its OK with me. A. I hate dogsB. By all means C. With pleasureD. Youre welcome. 阅读理解第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给旳四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项A new study suggests that early exposure to germs(细菌) strengthens the immune(免疫旳)system. That means letting children get a little dirty might be good for their health later in life. The study involved laboratory mice. It found that adult mice raised in a germ-free environment were more likely to develop allergies, asthma and other autoimmune disorders. There are more than eighty disorders where cells that normally defend the body instead attack tissues and organs. Richard Blumberg,who led the study, is a professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston,Massachusetts. He says, in 1989, medical researchers who sought to explain these diseases, first discovered that the increasing use of antibacterial soaps and other products, especially early in life, could weaken immune systems. Now, Dr. Blumberg and his team have what is the first biological evidence to link early exposure to germs to stronger adult immune systems. They say this exposure could prevent the development of some autoimmune diseases. In the adult germ-free mice, they found that inflammation(发炎)in the lungs and colon was caused by so-called killer T cells. These normally fight infection. But they became overactive and targeted healthy tissuean autoimmune condition seen in asthma and a disease called ulcerative colitis. Dr. Blumberg says the mice raised in a normal environment did not have the same reaction. He says their immune systems had been “educated” by early exposure to germs. Rates of autoimmune disorders are rising worldwide, but mostly in wealthier, industrialized countries. According to Dr. Blumberg, it might be high time that people were warned to be more careful with the early use of antibiotics (抗生素) and the prescription from their doctors. Rob Dunn is a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. He says the new study does not mean people should stop washing. “Wash your hands, but dont do it with antibacterial soap. Let your kids play in a reasonable amount of dirt and get outside and get exposed to a diversity of things”, says Rob Dunn. 16. Who first found immune systems might get harmed by overly using antibacterial products? A. A pr
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