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Unit1Ilikemaths Module7 Myschoolday ByQiWeixingPinghuChengguanMiddleSchoolonNov 27 2008 Thisisourschool Doyoulikeourschool teachers friends classmates classrooms trees subjects 科目 What syourfavouritesubject Ilikemathsbest Whataboutyou Idon tlikemaths ButIlike best Askandanswerinpairs art English Chinese chemistry maths history science Aguessinggame Whatisthesubject 1 Itisalessonwearehavingnow 2 Itisfantastic 奇妙的 Inthislesson wecanknowanimals plantsandeventheuniverse 宇宙 3 Wecandrawbeautifulpicturesinthisclass English science art 4 Inthislesson weknowLuXun andalsointhislesson welearnhowtowriteagoodpassage Chinese 5 Manyboyslikeit IttakesusintoaworldfullofnumbersandX Y Z maths 6 It saboutthepeopleandthingsbefore DoyouwanttoknowCaocao DoyouwanttoknowKangXi Inthisclassyoucan history 7 Tobecarefulinthisclass Inthisclass weknowtomix 混合 differentthingsisinteresting chemistry Thinkitover 仔细考虑 Howmanylessonshaveyougottoday Whatarethey Whenisyoursciencelesson WhenisyourEnglishlesson WhenisyourChineselesson Canyoutellthetime It sat7 40 It sat1 15 It sat10 55am science politics classmeeting Chinese English skill computer It sseveno clock Whattimeisit Let slearn 7 00 9 00 It snineo clock Whattimeisit It seightthirty Whattimeisit It shalfpasteight Let slearn 8 30 It ssixtwenty It stwentypastsix 6 20 Listen lookandrepeatthetime Activity1 It stwelveo clock It shalfpastsix It seleveno clock It shalfpastone Matchthepictureswiththesentences It shalfpasteight It ssixo clock It shalfpastfour d It stwoo clock Activity2 Seewhoisclever 看看谁聪明 8 05 7 45 1 15 2 00 3 30 fivepasteight eightofive sevenforty five aquartertoeight onefifteen aquarterpastone twoo clock threethirty halfpastthree 8 00a m eighto clockinthemorning 3 30p m halfpastthreeintheafternoon It sattwoo clock Askandanswer Whenisthehistorylesson Ihavehistoryattwoo clock art 8 00 English 9 15 history 10 20 maths 11 30 Chinese 1 00 chemistry 2 15 science 3 30 Pairwork Whenisthe It sat Wehave at Listenandanswer Whatdayisittoday Wholikesmaths What sBetty sfavouritelesson It sFriday Daming History Activity4 listenandcheck thetruesentences eighto clock halfpastone history Activity5 Practisereadingandtrytoimitateit Practicereading SaysomethingaboutDaming LinglingandBetty Daming haveChinese 8 00 science 9 00 maths 10 00 likemathsLinglinghavechemistry 11 30 art 1 30 English 2 30 nothavescience notlikemathsBettyhaveEnglish 9 00 science 10 30 art history intheafternoon lovehistory A What is today B It sThursday What ourlessonstoday A Inthemorning we ateighto clock We atnineo clock WehaveEnglish IlikeEnglish B What intheafternoon A We scienceat andwe history Whatsubjectdoyoulike B I science It sfunny day it are haveChinese havemaths atteno clock about have have atfouro clock like halfpasttwo Canyoudoit OurSchoolTimetable Monday 1234 567 Chinesesociologysciencemaths EnglishmusicP E Time 1234 567 7 408 559 5510 55 1 152 153 10 A Whatdayisittoday B It s A Whatareyourlessons B Wehave Butwedon thave A Whenis B Wehave at A Doyoulike B Yes Ilike ButIdon tlike Pairwork Activity7 Todayis Wehave lessons Inthemorning wehave at Wehave at Wehave ninefifty five Wehave at9 55a m Intheafternoon wehaveP E attwofifteen Wehave Ilikemusic best butIdon tlikemaths Today wedon thavechemistry Activity8 Monday seven Chinese sevenforty sociology eightforty science at maths Sumup IhaveWehave Idon thaveWedon thave IlikeIdon tlike artchemistryChineseEnglishhistorymathsscience ateighto clock athalfpasteleven inthemorning intheafternoon subjects time 1 Readandrecitetheconversation Rememberthenewvocabulary 2 Makeasimilardialogueaboutyourschooltimetableafterclass 3 DoBook1 2 M7U1 Homework Thankyouforlistening Goodbye Workingroups Designaone dayschooltimetableyoulikeinyourgroup 小组活动 设计一张你们喜欢的一天的课程表 Makeareportlikethis Todayis Wehave lessons Inthemorning wehave at Wehave at Intheafternoon Ilike best butIdon tlike Today wedon thave Talkaboutyourlessons Makeareportlikethis TodayisFriday Wehavesevenlessons Inthemorning wehaveChineseateighto clock WehaveEnglishathalfpastnine Intheafternoon wehavehistoryatoneo clock Wehave Ilikeart best butIdon tlikemaths Today wedon thavechemistry
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