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一 单项选择1 MayIhave yournewcamera Tom A lookatB alookC alookatD look2 Don tbeafraid mistakesinpublic A tomakingB ofmakeC makeD ofmaking D C 点拨 固定搭配法 beafraidofdoingsth 意为 害怕干某事 3 Whenyouareswimming yourears Youcanuseearplugs 耳塞 tostopwatergettingintoyourears 中考 临沂 A takeafterB takepartinC takeoffD takecareof4 Thebusiscoming Oh myGod It sfull I mafraidwecan t it 中考 乐山 A getupB getonC getoff 点拨 语境判断法 由语境可知 公交车上满座了 恐怕我们无法上车了 故选B D B 5 Whydidn tyouwritedownwhattheteachersaid Becauseshespoke fast Icouldn tfollowher 中考 营口 A too toB very thatC enough toD so that D 点拨 分析句子结构法 分析句子结构可知 第二空后面是一个句子 可以排除A C选项 B选项没有这样的结构 故选D 二 用所给单词的适当形式填空6 UncleLiwassurprised see meinBeijing 7 It sstupidofyou make afooloftheteacher 8 He think IwasinBeijingjustnow 9 Sheoffered lend hernewcomputertome 10 Choosetherightplace andmakeyourself comfortably tosee 点拨 It sstupidofsb todosth 表示 某人做某事是愚蠢的 tomake thought tolend comfortable 点拨 offertodosth 表示 主动要求做某事 三 从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空lookfor gopast geton takeoff takecare11 It stoohotintheroom You dbetter yourcoat 12 Tom thekeyseverywhere buthedidn tfindthem 13 Daming Thecariscoming 14 Whentheoldlady thebus ayoungmanstooduptoofferherhisseat 15 Dad peoplestandinginthesupermarket andhispetdogwasbehindhim takeoff lookedfor Takecare goton wentpast 四 同义句转换16 Takecare Keepawayfromthefire Keepawayfromthefire 17 Pleasegetyourbooksready Please yourbooks 18 Tomysurprise ImetmyfriendLisainParis Iwas meetmyfriendLisainParis Becareful have ready surprisedto 19 It snotcleverofyoutosayso It s ofyoutosayso 20 It sbettertoofferothershelp It sbetterto help others stupid offer to
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