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Module9Cartoonstories Unit2ThereareseveralfanclubsinChinawhichhaveheldbirthdaypartiesforTintin Whoisit acuteorange and whitefish 3 Whoisit ahugegreenmonster Whoisit theMonkeyKing HavocinHeaven大闹天宫 Tintin areporterwithredhairandasmallwhitedog Whoishe Whoisit Alovabledogwholivesinhisownprivatedream 生活在梦幻世界中 Readthepassageandanswerthequestions1 WhohavewontheheartsofyoungpeopleofChinaandallovertheworld 2 WhatdoesthestoryHavocinHeaventellsabout 3 Whichcommonexpressionisoftenusedbyuswhenweseeamessinthehouseoroffice 4 HowcanyouknowTintinisverypopular 5 Who sSnoopy 6 Arethecartoonsonlyforchildren 1 NemoandShrekL1 4 2 Ittellsamonkeywholeadsagroupofmonkeysagainst L10 13 3 HavocinHeavenL18 4 EversinceHergeinventedthecharacterin1929 hisbookshavebeentranslated L26 32 5 Snoopyisalovabledogwholivesinhisownprivatedreamworld L41 42 6 No theyaren tL45 47 Languagepoints1 wintheheartofsb 赢得某人的心 你能告诉我你是怎样赢得她的心的吗 Canyoutellmehowyou 那个歌手已经赢得了年轻人的心 Thesinger theyoungpeople wintheheartofher haswontheheartsof 7 把某东西还给某人returnsth tosb returnsbsth givesth backtosb He thebook meyesterday A returned toB return toC gave back 她已经把书还给图书馆了 She thebook thelibrary hasreturned to hasgiven backto 7 回到某地方returntosw getbacktosw I lltellhimthenewsassoonashe home A returnstoB returnsC returned 我将在两天后回到学校 I schooltwodayslater willreturnedto getbackto 8 eversince since从 开始 自从eversince since与现在完成时连用 动词要用持续性动词 Ithasbeen 时间段 since 一过句子since 时间点since 时间段 ago 从1980年以来她就没有回过家 She home 1980 他已经死了两年了 He twoyearsago I thebookeversinceIwasachild A boughtB haveboughtC havehad We vestudyinChencunMiddleSchoolsince A twoyearsB 2005C twoyearago hasbeendeadeversince eversince hasn tbeen 12 havesth done使某事被做 Ihadmyhair lastweek A cuttingB cutC cutted Mybikeisbroken Iwanttohaveit A repairB repairingC repaired 13 把某人单独留下leavesb onone sown alone遗留下某东西leavesth 离开某地 去某地 leavesw forsw 你们不能把小孩单独留下 Children athome I mykeysathome A forgetB leftC leave 他们明天就出发去伦敦了 They Londontomorrow shouldn tbeleftontheirown willleavefor notall是部分否定 后面接可数或不可数名词 补充 notall并非 都 不是所有的 1 并不是所有的学生放学后都要呆在教室 needtostayintheroomafterschool 2 不是所有的水都受到了污染 ispolluted Notallthestudents Notallthewater 随堂练习 三 mon10 bosses 随堂练习 四 1 B wontheheartsof allovertheworld2 Agroupofsheep3 beagainsttherulesof B4 B5 B ranasfastas6 madeamess 随堂练习 7 B B getsbacktoschoolreturnstoschool Haven t returnedthebiketohimHaven t giventhebikebacktohim8 B ever since9 translate into 随堂练习 10 C11 A12 C13 shouldn tbeleftontheirown shouldn tbeleftalone B 一 1 wintheheartof2 Agroupof4 inheaven5 makeamass8 eversince9 translate into10 morethan lessthan二 BADDCD 随堂练习 一 1 morethan2 eversincelastyear3 havesth done4 makeamess5 notall 6 translate into7 wintheheartofyoungpeople8 aboveall 随堂练习
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