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一 单项选择1 asportsfan mybrotherislookingforward the2016OlympicGamesinBrazil 中考 阜康 米泉 A Of inB With forC For atD As to2 Lifeis theunexpected Whateverwedo tryourbest 中考 烟台 A fullofB proudofC insteadofD becauseof A D 3 MustIleavenow It sstillraininghardoutside No you Youcanwaittilltherainstops 中考 黔西南 A don thavetoB couldn tC can tD shouldn t 点拨 以must开头的一般疑问句的否定回答用No needn t 或No don thaveto 故选A A 4 MoYan sbookshavebeensoldoutinmanybookstores hiswinningoftheNobelLiteraturePrize A becauseB sinceC asD becauseof D 点拨 根据逻辑推理 可知前后两部分是因果关系 但空后为动名词短语 故用becauseof 拓展 because引导原因状语从句 用于复合句 becauseof后跟名词 代词等 用于简单句 魔法记忆 because because很复杂 复合句 becauseof很简单 简单句 5 Learningtoloveislikelearningtowalk Yes westepoutbravely we llfindit snotsodifficult 中考 宜昌 A asifB eventhoughC aslongasD asfaras C 点拨 上下文推理法 联系下文 我们就会发现它没有那么难 可推测前文表示 只要 我们勇敢地迈出去 aslongas 意为 只要 表示条件 二 用所给词的适当形式填 空6 Theplanesucceededin land ontime 7 Whichseasondoyouthinkisthe busy seasoninayear 8 It sverylate We dbetter go homenow 9 Theyhadgreatfun swim inthesea 10 Manycountriesintheworldarelookingforwardto trade withChina 中考 烟台 landing busiest go swimming trading 点拨 语法分析法 lookforwardto中的to为介词 后跟动词的 ing形式 三 按要求完成句子worryabout abit directto attheendof haveagoodtime11 Thereis ofbeefinthefridge 12 We llhaveanexam thismonth 13 Thetraingoes Qingdao 14 Pleasedon t Tony Helivesverywellnow 15 Ifyoucometotheparty you here abit attheendof directto worryabout willhaveagoodtime 四 同义词转换16 Petercan tcomebecauseheisill Petercan tcome his 17 Wetouredthecitybybusandbytaxi We bybusandbytaxitothecity illness tookatour becauseof 点拨 because和becauseof之间可以进行转换 ill的名词形式为illness 18 You dbettergetbacktowork You dbetter towork 19 Theredboxisfilledwithtoys Theredboxis toys 20 Onlyifyoutellmethetruth I lltrytohelpyou youtellmethetruth I lltrytohelpyou return 点拨 替代法 befilledwith befullof 都表示 充满 fullof Aslongas
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