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SummerinLosAngeles Module7 Unit1Pleasewritetomeandsendmesomephotos 第一课时 一 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 2分 10分 1 Itwillbe sun tomorrow 2 They leave forShanghainextMonday 3 MayIspeaktoLingling Oh sorry She prepare forhertrip 4 Idon tknowwhen go tomorrow 5 What you buy tomorrow Iamgoingtobuysomeclothes sunny areleaving willleave ispreparing togo are goingtobuy 二 根据句意用方框中词组的适当形式填空 5 4分 20分 makealist attheendof makesure askfor bytheway6 whatdoesyourfatherdo Jimmy 7 thatyouturnofftheTVwhenyouleavetheroom 8 Beforegoingtothesupermarket youshould ofthingsforshopping 9 thismonth theSmithsaregoingonatrip 10 JustnowJillcalledhermotherand help Bytheway Makesure makealist Attheendof askedfor 三 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 11 Whenit ssunny healwayswears 太阳镜 12 It sveryhottoday sohewearsanewpairof 短裤 13 Manyyoungpeopleare 发疯的 aboutWeChateveryday 14 Your 裤子 lookverynice Wheredidyoubuythem 15 Here sa 清单 ofshopping Pleasetakeitwithyouwhenyougoshopping sunglasses shorts crazy trousers list 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 IwillgotoHarbinformysummervacation Whataboutyou Ihaven tdecidedwhere A goB wentC goingD togo17 It sreally youtodrivesofastonsucharainyday Slowdown A crazyforB crazyofC wiseforD wiseof D B 18 haveyouhadthecar Forthreeyears A HowfarB HowoftenC HowlongD Howsoon19 Asateenager you havedreamsandworkhardforthem A mayB mustC shouldD might20 thatpairof alittlecheaper A Is sunglassB Are sunglassC Is sunglassesD Are sunglasses C C C 五 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 21 同学们都在为考试做准备 Allthestudentsare theexam 22 你准备好你的生日聚会了吗 you yourbirthdayparty 23 在路的尽头你会找到它 You llfindit theroad 24 你最好把所需东西列个清单 You dbetter thethingsyouneed 25 我不知道下一步怎么做 Idon tknow itnext preparing for Are ready for at the end of make a list of how to do 六 根据对话内容 选出恰当的句子完成对话 5 4分 20分 A Hey WenBo Whatareyoudoingatthemoment B 26 A Trip Whereareyougoing B ToNewYork 27 A Great It sagoodwaytolearnEnglishandmakenewfriends B Yeah 28 A Sure HowcanIhelpyou B ItsoundscrazybutIdon tknowwhatIshouldtake A It ssummerinNewYork Takesunglassesandenoughmoney B Is1 000dollarsenough E D A A 29 B Fortwoweeks A Humm 1 000dollarsisenough 30 B Thankyou A I mgoingcampingwithmyclassmates B Hopeyouenjoyyourselfthere C Well howlongareyougoingtostaythere D I mmakingalistofthingsformytrip E Canyouhelpme C B 第二课时 一 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 2分 10分 1 Ithinkthreedays be toolongforme 2 We dbetter exercise everydaytokeephealthy 3 Don tforget turn offthelightswhenyouleave 4 What syour weigh It sabout50kilos 5 you get anybooksabouttravelling Yes Ihave is exercise toturn weight Have got 二 根据句意用方框中单词或词组的适当形式填空 5 4分 20分 haveagreattime send bytheway writeto lighttrousers6 Haveyou yourmotheryet Shemissesyouverymuch Yes Ihave 7 WhenyougotoHainan you dbettertake 8 areyoufreetomorrowafternoon Yes Iam 9 Don tforget theletterintheafternoon 10 Thechildren atAnn sbirthdaypartyatpartythistimeyesterday writtento lighttrousers Bytheway tosend werehavingagreattime 三 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 11 LinShuhao 重 200poundsandisabout191cmtall 12 Youcanaddthemupandgetthe 总的 number 13 Mymotherisdoingexercisetolose 重量 thesedays 14 Showmeyour 护照 please 15 家庭寄宿 isagoodwaytolearnaboutlocalculture weighs total weight passport Homestay 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 HowmuchisthetickettoCentralPark Aone wayticket 40 andyoucan another 20foraround trip A costs payB cost spendC pay spendD spends pay17 2015 六盘水 Heisbusyworkingatschool butheneverforgets hismumaphonecalleveryday A givingB togiveC giveD gives18 Didyousleepwelllastnight Oh no noiseoutsidethehotelalmostdrovememad A ToomuchB MuchtooC ToomanyD Somany A A B 19 2015 牡丹江 Howsooncanyoufinishthework Withthehelpofthemachine twoweeks enoughforme A isB areC was20 I dlikesomebreadanddrinks No Thanks A SomethingotherB SomethingelseC AnythingotherD Anythingelse A D 五 按要求完成下列各题 5 4分 20分 21 Mysonspenttwentyyuanonhistoycar 改为同义句 Myson twentyyuan histoycar 22 You dbetterstayathome 改为否定句 You dbetter athome 23 Don tforgettotakeyourairticketwithyoubeforeyougetontheplane 改为同义句 takeyourairticketwithyoubeforeyougetontheplane 24 IwanttoknowhowIshouldlearnEnglishwell 改为简单句 Iwanttoknow Englishwell 25 She sgoingtostayinNewYorkforfivedays 对画线部分提问 isshegoingtostayinNewYork paid for not stay Remember to how to learn How long 六 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 26 顺便问问 你带字典了吗 doyoubringyourdictionary 27 九月底 我们将举办一场大型的晚会 We llholdabigeveningparty September 28 他的苹果手机出故障了 Thereis withhisiPhone 29 我在为我的旅行列清单 I m thingsformytrip 30 请给我写信并寄给我你的相片 Please meand meyourphotos By the way at the end of something wrong making a list of write to send Unit2FilloutourformandcometolearnEnglishinLosAngeles 第一课时 一 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 2分 10分 1 Wewillmeetatthe begin ofOctobernextyear 2 Moreandmorepeoplehave person computersnow 3 Somany choose Whichonedoyouwant 4 Theylove play computergameseveryafternoon 5 Alotofstudents train attheEnglishsummerschooleveryyear beginning personal choices playing train 二 根据句意用方框中词组的适当形式填空 5 4分 20分 tryout growup stayintouchwith dependon taketripsto6 Whethertogoforapicnic tomorrow sweather 7 MrBrown manyfamousplacesinBeijinglastyear 8 OurEnglishteacheralways us
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