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Module8TimeoffUnit1Icanhardlybelievewe reinthecitycentre LeadinEnjoythebeautifulpictures Tian anmenSquare TheGreatWall BeihaiPark TheForbiddenCity 几乎不 几乎没占去 时间或空间 指出 指明 用复数 风景 名胜渴的在 的顶端浪费 滥用 hardlytakeuppointoutsightsthirstyatthetopof waste Wordsandexpressions It salovelypark Theairisverycleartoday Cross 穿过 thebridge YoucanclimbuptotheBaita BeihaiPark Youcan hearthetraffic 交通 Nooneisshouting 喊叫 Youcanhearbirdssinging hardly ListentothetapeandcompletethesentencesaboutBeihaiPark 1 BeihaiParkisso thatyoucanevenhearthebirdssinging 2 Theparkisfamousforits thebridgeandtheancientbuildingsonthehill 3 Thelaketakesup oftheparkarea 4 Youcanpointoutthe ofBeijingfromthetopofthehill 5 Theydonotallowpeopletoswim quiet lake overhalf sights inthelake Nowlistenagainandcheck Languagepoints 1 Icanhardlybelievewe reinthecitycentre 我几乎不能相信我们位于市中心 hardly是否定词 意思是 几乎不 一般与情态动词can could连用 例如 Youcanhardlyseeapersonspitinapublicplace 在公共场所你几乎看不到一个人随地吐痰 辨析 hard用作副词 意思是 努力地 猛烈地 例如 TheystudyEnglishveryhard 他们学习英语很刻苦 2 Thisparkisfamousforitslake thebridgeandtheancientbuildingsonthehill 公园因湖 桥和山上的古代建筑而著名 befamousfor因 而著名e g ChinaisfamousfortheGreatWall 中国以长城而闻名 3 Idon tthinktheyallowpeopletoswiminthelake 我认为他们不允许人们在湖里游泳 1 当主句谓语动词是think believe feel guess expect suppose等表示 观点 信念 推测 臆测 等心理活动时 常常使用否定前置结构 即把宾语从句中的否定词not转移到主句中的表达方式 例如 Idon tbelievehewillcome 我相信他不会来 2 allow作 允许 或 许可 讲 其常用搭配 allowsb todosth 允许某人做某事 allowdoingsth 允许做某事 例如 Pleaseallowmetocarryyourbag 请让我替你拿包 Theyallowedsmokinginthisroomonly 他们只允许在这间屋子里抽烟 4 Let snotwasteanymoretime 我们不要再浪费时间了 waste意为 浪费 可以用作名词 也可以用作动词 常用的句型或结构 1 waste onsth 浪费 于某物上 2 waste indoingsth 浪费 做某事 3 awasteof 浪费 4 It swastefultodosth 做某事是浪费的 例如 Ishouldn twastemytimeincomplainingandworrying 我不应该浪费我的时间来抱怨和担忧 It sawasteoftimetotalktohim 和他谈话是白费时间 EverydayEnglish Hereweare Wow Icanhardlybelieve That stoobad Comeon 4 Readthesentencesandanswerthequestions hardlysightsthirstywaste 1 Icanhardlybelievewe reinthecitycentre DoesTonythinktheyareinthecitycentreornot 2 I msohungryandthirsty DoesDamingwantsomethingtodrink 3 Let snotwasteanymoretime DoesTonythinktheyarespendingtheirtimewellorbadly 4 ThenIcanpointoutthesightsofBeijingforyou DoesLinglingwantthemtolookatsomethingorlistentosomething No hedoesn t Yes hedoes Hethinkstheyarespendingtheirtimebadly Yes shedoes 5Listenandnoticehowthespeakerpronouncesthewords It ssoquietherethatIcanevenhearthebirdssinging Idon twanttoclimb Let swalkalongthelake crossthebridgeandclimbupthehill Nowlistenagainandrepeat 6Workinpairs Introduceaplaceofinterestinyourhometown StudentA You reavisitorfromanothercountry ListentoStudentB StudentB You reintroducingyourhometowntoStudentA Youcantalkabout whereitishowbigitishowolditis whatisspecialaboutitanyotherinformationyouknowaboutit Usetheseexpressions Iguess that I msure that Iknow that Ican tbelieve that Ithink that Practice 汉译英 1 我简直无法相信 2 欢迎到 3 因 而闻名 4 占用 时间或空间 5 指出 指明 6 在 的顶部 7 加油 快点儿 Icanhardlybelieve Welcometo befamousfor takeup pointout atthetopof Comeon 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Listen Canyouhearsomeone sing inthenextroom 2 Whydon twe have apicnicnextweekend 3 Let s notwait anymore There slittletimeleft 4 Theydon tallowpeople talk loudlyhere 5 I msurethatit be veryhotthere 6 It sbetter do somethinglatethannever singing have notwait totalk willbe todo HomeworkWriteashortpassageaboutwhatyourfamilymemberssaidtoyoulastnight Heavenneverhelpsthemanwhowillnotact 自己不动 叫天何用
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