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第I卷(80分)1 选择填空(35分) ( ) “Whats your name, please?” “_” A. My names Lucy.B. Im nine.C. Shes Meimei. D. Im fine.( ) “Hello! Good morning!” “_” A. Good morning. B. Good. C. How do you do? D. Thanks.( ) “How are you, Peter?” “_” A. Fine, thanks.B. Guess.C. How are you, Lin Tao? D. How do you do?( ) “_, Li Lei. ” “Nice to meet you, too.” A. How are youB. Whats your name C. Nice to meet you D. How old are you? ( ) “_” “Im fine. And you?” A. Can I have some water?B. How are you? C. How old are you? D. How do you do?( ) _ you Ann? A. are B. Are C. Is D. am( ) Whats _ name? A. you B. is C. your D.she ( ) Nice to _ you. A. MeetB. thankC. See D.meet( ) “Hello!” “_” A. Thanks you.B. Hello! C. Oh! D.Good.( ) I _ Bai Ling. A. is B. are C. am D.be ( ) 11.(衣物的尺寸)小号 AUNB.LC.SD.M( ) 12Is that a ruler? No, _.Ait is Bit isnt Cthat is Dthat isnt( ) 13_ name is Jenny. AShe BHer CHis Dmy( ) 14I dont have _ ID card.Aan BThe CAny Da( ) 15Thats a girl. Her name is _.AWang Xiaoling BWang Xiao Ling CWang xiaoling DWang xiao ling( ) 16Thank you very much. _. ANo thanksBThank you.CNot at allDThats right ( ) 17.-Whats this in English? -_. A.Its a ring B.I like English. C.Thats right. D.It isnt.( ) 18.-Can you spell your name, please? -_. A.Yes,I am. B.My name is Nick. C. Yes, J-O-H-N,John. D.No,Im not.( ) 19.-Is this _eraser? -No,it isnt. A.hes B.he C.her D.she( ) 20.-Are you Jim Green? -_.And Tom Green is my brother. A.Yes,Im not. B.Yes,I am. C.No,Im not. D.No,I am.( ) 21.-Is this _book? -Yes,its_English book. A.a a B.an an C.an a D.a an( ) 22.This is_ orange jacket. A.a B.an C.the D./( ) 23.-How _ Dale? -He is fine. A.am B.is C.are D.be( ) 24._ is a good boy. A.Frank B.Helen C.Cindy D.Grace( ) 25.下列字母前后顺序正确的一组是_ A.EDB B.GHI C.JIK D.OPN( ) 26.下列字母所含读音不同于其他的一项是_A. Qq B.Ll C.Mm D.Ff( )27. _ is my sister.A. They B. This C. Those D. These( ) 28. These _ my brothers.A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 29. Thanks _ the photo _ your family.A. of, of B. for, for C. for, of D. of, for( ) 30. _ boys are her friends.A. This B. These C. That D. They( ) 31. Paul is _ English boy. He is 12.A. a B. the C. an D. /( ) 32. Hello, _! A. Mr. Jim B. Mr. Alan C. Mr.Green D.Mr.Frank( ) 33. _ Jenny. _ name is Tom. A. Im, My B. Her, My C. Im, His D.Im, his( ) 34. Whats her telephone number? -_. A. Its 786-1356 B. Its Jim163.com C. Im 88567301 D.Its 786-1356( ) 35. My names Alex Cooper. Alex is my_ name. Cooper is my _ name.A. first, last B. last, first C. second, family D.family, first二、完形填空。(10分)My (36) is Lucy. Im a (37) . Im (38) . Im (39) now. My teacher is a (40) . Her name is Wang Pei. She is an (41) teacher. David is my friend. He is English. He is fourteen. David and I (42) in Class 3, Grade1. I am (43) Number 1 in Row 2. He is in the same row. His English is (44) . He has(有) a parrot. (45) name is Polly.( )36AnameBnumberCclassDrow( )37AmanBwomanCgirlDboy( )38AJapanBChinaCAmericanDAmerica( )39Aat the schoolBat schoolCin the schoolDgood( )40AboyBmanCEnglishDwoman( )41AJapaneseBEnglishCChinese Dgood( )42AareBamCisDbe( )43AinBatCDon( )44AwellBOKCgoodDfine( )45AItsBItsCIt isDits三、阅读理解(30分,每题1.5分)(A)My name is Tom.Im nine.This is my mother.Her names Linda Johnson.Her telephone number is 13052864515.And this is my father.His name is Mike Johnson.His phone number is 13120884699.And this is my sister.Whats her name?Her name is Mary.Look!The boy is my brother Nick.Mary is eight and Nick is six.根据短文回答问题46.Mother is_.A. Mary Johnson B.Mike Johnson C.Linda Johnson47.Fathers telephone number is_.A.13120884699 B.13120884966 C.1305286451548.Mary is_.A. six B.nine C.eight49.My brother is_.A. Tom B.Mike C.Nick50.My family name is_.A. Johnson B.Nick C.Mike ( B )Hi,Im Chen Na. My English name is Grace.This is
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