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1第7章 采样SamplingWang ZhengyongGenerated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.2Main contents采样(Sampling)信号的重建(Reconstruction of signals)信号内插(Interpolation)欠抽样(Undersampling)Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.37.0 引言采样定理是从连续信号到离散信号的桥梁,也是对信号进行数字处理的第一个环节。)(stfD/A)(nf )(ngA/D)(tg)(tp)(tf量化编码数字滤波器周期信号运用数字方式处理模拟信号Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.4(1) 信号稳定性好(4) 系统灵活性强(2) 信号可靠性高离散信号与系统的主要优点:(3) 信号处理简便Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.57.1 采样定理Sampling TheoremGenerated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.6?Problem:一组等间隔的样本值是否可用来表示唯一的连续信号?(否),.2,1,0),()()(321 kkTxkTxkTxGenerated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.77.1.1 冲激串采样(Impulse-training sampling)Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.8相乘时域抽样)(tx0t1、采样定义( ) ( )Tp t t0tT)(txp0t)()()()()(nTpnTtnTxttxtx p(t): 采样函数T: 采样周期xp(t)量化编码x(t)数字信号)()( ttpTTs2采样频率:Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.9采样过程的频谱变换 np t t nT FT 2skP j kT ( ) pnx t x t t nT FT1( ) ( ) ( )21 2 2( ) ( ); 2ps snX j X j P jX j nT T 其中1 1( ) ( ) ( ) ( )p s sn nX j X j n X j nT T 频谱重复抽样后的信号的傅里叶变换是抽样前信号的傅里叶变换以抽样频率为间隔重复,但幅度为原来的1/T。Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.10时域抽样x(t)p(t)xp(t)X(j )P(j)Xp(j)Xp(j)Aliasing 混叠现象T2s 乘积卷积理想抽样的傅里叶变换AA/TGenerated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.1122 , 2,( ) ,( , ) ( ) .: ( ) ( ),| |s M MMpM Mp MTTX jX jX j TX j 即时各周期不重叠且在 区间内与 形状相同即)( jXAMM0TA/sss)( jXps M 只要抽样频率满足:2s M 就能用一低通滤波器恢复出来x(t)。Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.12几点认识( ): 11 0 , , pn X j X jTT 时 包含原信号的全部信息幅度差倍。 s2 , pX jX j 以 为周期的连续谱有新的频率成分即 的周期性延拓。2s M )( jXAMM0TA/sss)( jXps M Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.13低通信号与带通信号采样定理 低通信号采样定理:定理1 带通信号采样定理:定理22、采样定理Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.14Nyquist,美国物理学家,1889年出生在瑞典。1976年在Texas逝世。他对信息论做出了重大贡献。1907年移民到美国并于1912年进入北达克塔大学学习。1917年在耶鲁大学获得物理学博士学位。19171934年在AT&T公司工作,后转入Bell电话实验室工作。1927年,Nyquist确定了对一带宽有限的连续信号进行抽样,若抽样频率达到一定条件时,根据这些抽样值可以在接收端准确地恢复原信号。为不使原波形产生“半波损失”,采样率至少应为信号最高频率的2倍,这就是著名的Nyquist采样定理。Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.15MM( ) ( ) 0,| | ;T 2( ) ( ) :( ) ( )sin ( )MsMnx t X jx t x nTt nx t x nT c 带限信号 的频谱满足 则当抽样间隔或采样角频率满足:或者信号 可由 唯一表示为Ms 2奈奎斯特率:(Nyquist Rate)采样频率:12 2s M s Mf fT 或带限信号)( jXAMM低通信号采样定理:Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.16信号重建:-p t nTn=-(t)= ( )x(t)连续信号xp(t)抽样信号xr(t)( )H j理想低通滤波器xr(t)= x(t)抽样后的样本通过增益为T,截止频率满足:MscM 的理想LPF,滤波器的输出即为x(t)。Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.17X(j)1M-MXp(j)1/TM-Ms-s2s M H(j)Tc-c( )M c s M Xr(j1M-Ms M Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.18?Problem:(1)只要采样周期T2T0,信号x(t)=u(t+T0)-u(t-T0)的冲激串采样不会有混叠.(2)只要采样周期T/0,FT为X(j)= u(+0)-u(-0) 的信号x(t)的冲激串采样不会有混叠.(3) 只要采样周期T2/0,FT为X(j)= u()-u(-0) 的信号x(t)的冲激串采样不会有混叠.Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.192 2 21 2 1 21(2 ) ( ); | | 2 2 21( ) ( ) ( )* ( ); | | 2 2 2FTFTx t X jx t X j X j X j 1 1 1 2 2 21 2( ) ( ) 0,| | ; ( ) ( ) 0,| | ;( ) ( ) (2 ) FT FTx t X j x t X jx t x t x t 计算 的采样频率.例1:1 2s 1 2Sampling period: 2 Sampling frequency:22( 2 )TT 解:Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.200sin( t)( ) Nyquist .x tt计算 的 率1 1 12 2 2 1 21 2( ) ( ) 0,| | ;( ) ( ) 0,| | ; ( ) ( ) ( ) .FTFTx t X jx t X jx t x t x t 计算 的采样频率例2:例3:Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.21Ideal sampling(理想抽样)Practical sampling(实际抽样)Natural sampling(自然抽样)Flat-top sampling(平顶抽样,零阶保持抽样)7.1.2 零阶保持抽样Sampling with a Zero-Order HoldOrder
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