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智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福阅读材料之如何为你的挚爱写一封情书出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别Youre in love and you want to know how to write a love letter. With modern technology, sometimes its hard to sit down and pen a handwritten letter.你坠入爱河,很想知道怎么写情书。可现代科技发达,有时很难静下来用笔墨传情。More men seem to be love letter scribes than women.Thats not to say women dont write them, but have you ever noticed that a man who might not be able to express himself that well verbally, finds his voice and clarity in writing?男人似乎比女人更喜欢书信方式。不是说女人很少写信,而是觉得,有些男人或许言谈上不善表达,但在文字方面却非常得心应手。Its not that easy to write a letter expressing your deepest romantic feelings, though. It takes time, practice and patience to get it just right. A few pointers will help you in your quest to shower your romantic love with words that will melt the heart.当然,写信表达内心的浓情蜜意并不容易,这得付诸时间、练习和耐心。想用甜言蜜语融化对方的心吗?请看以下建议:The Letter Opening 书信开头When you start your letter, say why youre writing it in the first place. Is it a special occasion? Is it her birthday? Has he been feeling under the weather? Use those prompts to get you started.首先要说明自己为什么要写这封信。是什么特别的时刻吗?抑或是她的生日?他是不是也有同样的感觉?信的开头可以引用这些做铺垫。For example:例如:To My Dearest Love,我的挚爱:When I saw your hair blowing in the wind, as you walked through the park on that July 4th afternoon, my heart just melted. I needed to express my feelings for you with pomp and circumstance with the fireworks of a hand-written letter.7月4 号那个下午,看你秀发飘飘走过公园,我整颗心都融化了。我一定要写这封信,向你表达我内心的欢喜与激动。Talk About How You Met in the Letter信中重温你俩的邂逅In the next paragraph, talk about what you have in common that brought you together. Did you meet while skiing? Do you attend church together? Do you have pets that allowed you to meet? This brings back a good memory that will give your significant other a sense of nostalgia and mutual understanding. 接下来就讲讲你俩如何因志趣相投走到了一起。是滑雪邂逅吗?还是做礼拜时遇见了彼此?抑或是各自宠物让你们结成了欢喜冤家?重温这些往事不仅能勾起对方的回忆,还会增进彼此的理解。I will never forget that day when I went to the dog park and my pooch stole your dog treats. I couldnt believe he tore into the whole bag and you just laughed. My breath caught right there. Your smile lifted my mood. Ill never forget that look of appreciation you had when I brought some homemade doggie snacks to make up for it. That was when I knew I couldnt wait to take you on a proper date.我一直记得那天在公园,我的狗狗偷吃了你家狗狗的零食。真不敢相信,那家伙竟然扒烂了整个零食袋,而你却只哈哈大笑,那一瞬间,我连呼吸都停止了。你的微笑顿时点亮了我的心房。我也一直记得,当我送上自制的狗狗零食表达歉意时,你是多么感激,那一刻我就知道,你就是缘分注定的那一位。You may not need to do this in subsequent love letters, but for the first one or two, recounting how you met is sure to bring a smile to his or her face.以后写信未必都要提起这件事,但前两封信里说起当初的邂逅肯定会令对方感到开心。Talk About What You Love About Him or Her坦白你到底爱他/她什么。What is it exactly that made you fall in love? Was it her eyes? His confidence? Does she “have it together”? Tell about all the things that made you go wild for your love.究竟是什么使你爱上他/她呢?是她的眼睛?是因为他散发着自信的魅力?还是因为她“内外兼备”呢?倾情告白,告诉对方你为什么爱得如此痴迷吧。 After I met you, I found out that you had a great career, a house, and youre just brilliant! Youre a teacher and you work with children what a wonderful calling. Your patience, gentleness and beauty just attract people toward you. Your eyes are the deepest blue Ive ever seen. Theyre like the crystalline waters of the Caribbean Sea, reminding me that one day, I want to go there with you.自从认识你后,我发现你不仅工作出色、经济独立,而且还才华横溢!教书育人的老师,真好!你耐心、温柔又美丽,总是不自觉地感染身边的人。你有一双最最湛蓝的眼睛,就像加勒比海那澄澈的海水,时时提醒我:总有一天,我要和你一起去那里!Next, Write About How Youve Changed Since Meeting Your Love接下来,讲讲自从遇见他/她,你有了怎样的改变。Do you notice that youre a better person since meeting him or her? Do you get butterflies in your stomach when you think of him? Does a smile come to your face at the mention of his name? Talk about that. This lets your love know that your life has changed for the better always a good thing.有没有觉得,自从遇见他/她,你变得更好了?每次想到他,心有没有扑通扑通乱跳?每次提到他的名字,你的嘴角是不是会不自觉地上扬?那就说出来吧。让对方知道因为有他/她,你的生活已经变得更加美好。This morning, I was getting coffee before work. I kept picturing you standing next to me, with the scent of your hair making my senses go wild. Just thinking of you made me grin widely. The person behind the counter kept wondering just what was making me smile so big and even asked me, Why the big smile? I just answered, Ive met the love of my life and Im complete now.今天早上上班喝咖啡的时候,我总忍不住想象你就站在我身边,秀发芬芳,撩得我心醉神迷。只要想到你,我就忍不住微笑,后面的人感到奇怪,还问我:“干嘛傻不愣登地发笑?”,我跟他说:“ 我遇到了真命女神,再也不孤单啦!”Close the Letter书信结尾After you have expressed everything you want, close the letter. Affirm your commitment to the relationship. Talk about how youre moving forward as a couple.倾诉完心中所有感受后,就该收笔了。一定要表达你对这段关系的重视,承诺用心经营、一起携手到老。My love for you grows daily. My heart is full of wonder and excitement at the relationship we share. I want to be by your side through this life: through the ups and downs, the triumphs and defeats. Youre my partner and together were unstoppable.我对你的爱越来越强烈,现在我满心都是恋爱的惊奇和兴奋。亲爱的,我希望今生能一直相伴在你左右,跟你一起经历风雨、一起分享苦乐。你就是我的伴侣,我们至死也不要分离。Some Writing Tips写信小贴士:At first, writing a
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