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班级_ 姓名 _ 分数 _ 听力部分一,听音,圈出你所听到的单词。每小题一分,共十分)1, light bring heavy2, find out search for nearly3, often always never 4, orange juice a few cans of Coke a few bars of chocolate5, weather forecast sunny and warm sunny and cool6, lotus seed nuts peanut 7, email my friends send greetings have breakfast8, wave goodbye play chess do her homework9, learn writing play games practice listening10, speak return taste二,听音,排序,请将正确的序号写在括号内。(每小题两分,共十分)( )( )( )( )( )三,听音,判断句子的正( ),误( )。(每小题两分,共十分)1,There will be a light wind in Changsha. ( )2,Katie always gets up at 6:30 am. ( )3,Id like a box of red bean mooncakes , please. ( )4,I will bring a big bottle of orange juice. ( )5,She often does her homework after dinner. ( )四,听音,将方框中选择正确的单词填空。(每小题两分,共十分) enjoy strong wind orange saw read1,I _ an interesting bird in a book yesterday.2, I _ many books during the holidays.3, I will bring a big bottle of _ juice. 4, I _ eating mooncakes.5, There will be a _ tomorrow. 笔 试 部 分一,书写,按正确的格式抄写单词和句子。(共二十分)1, What did you do during the holidays? 2, It will be sunny and warm tomorrow. 3, We can send greetings to our friends. 4, What are we going to bring for the picnic? 5, Katie always gets up at 6:30 am.二,单项选择。(每小题两分,共十分)( )1, This is CCTV. Its time_ the weather forecast. A.for B.on C in( )2, I _ _ with my friends during the holidays. A.plays games B played games C. playing games( )3, She often _her homework before dinner. A.do B. does C. did( )4, _will _ a light snow next Thursday. A. It, 不填 B There ,be C. It, is( )5, I will bring three _ of apple juice here. A.bars B bottles C.pieces( )6,I enjoy _ poems when looking at the moon. A.to read B.reads C reading( )7, We can find out_ countries on the computer. A. in B about C. for( )8, It will be sunny _Shanghai. A.at B. on C. in( )9, The Mid-Autumn Festival is _ . A.coming B to come C. come( )10, It will_ tomorrow in Changsha. A. rainy B rain C. to rain三,看图,选择。(每小题两分,共十分)A. B. C. D. F.( )1,This is CCTV. Its time for the weather forecast.( )2,I like my computer. I can find out about countries.( )3,I will bring a bottle of orange juice.( )4,There will be a strong wind in Beijing.( )5,I learnt words and sentences during the holidays.四,根据左边的情景对话,从右边选择正确的答案序号填在括号里。(每小题两分,共十分)( )1,Lets meet at the park at 9:00 a.m. A, Yes,it will.( )2,What can we do on the computers? B, I like the ones with red beans.( )3,What did you do during the holidays? C, I visited my grandparents.( )4,Which type do you like,Benny? D, OK. I cant wait for it.( )5,Will it rain tomorrow? E, We can search for a lot of things.五,阅读,判断正误,对(T),错(F)。(每小题两分,共十分)Mike is going to have a picnic with his best friends this Sunday. He is going to invite(邀请) Sally,Mingming, Jiamin, Ben and Janet to come. He is getting ready for it. He is going to buy some sandwiches, hamburgers, Coke and orange juice. He ll ask his friends to have the picnic on Maofeng Hill. Maofeng Hill is a big park in Guangzhou. They can get there by bus. Mike is going to meet his friends at the bus station in Guangwei Road at eight thirty.( ) 1. Mike is going to have a picnic this Saturday. ( ) 2. Mike is going to invite his best friends to have a picnic. ( ) 3. Mike is getting ready for the picnic.( ) 4. Maofeng Hill is a big park in Beijing.( )5.Mike is going to meet his friends at the bus station in Guangwei Road at 9:30.
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