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1 必修一Modules 1 3 综合技能测试 本卷分第 卷 选择题 和第 卷 非选择题 两部分 满分130 分 考试时间120 分钟 第 卷 选择题共 95 分 第一部分 基础知识运用 共两节 满分45 分 第一节 单项填空 共 15 小题 每小题1 分 满分15 分 从 A B C D四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1 2013 山师大附中月考 It is often said that teachers have very easy life A B a C the D the a 答案 B 考查冠词 句意 常听人说 老师们过着非常简单的生活 第一空后teachers 是复数 表泛指 不需要加冠词 第二空固定搭配have a life意为 过着一种 的 生活 故B项正确 2 2013 浙江省五校联考 If you want to buy it will take the school a lot of money A such good equipment B such a good equipment C so good equipment D so good an equipment 答案 A 考查 such 和 so 的用法 such 是形容词 修饰名词或名词词组 so 是副词 只能修饰形容词或副词 such 结构可分为以下三种 1 such a n adj 单数可数名词 2 such adj 复数的可数名词 3 such adj 不可数名词 如果such 后面的名词前 有 many much few little等词修饰 则不用such 而用 so 此题中equipment 为不可数 名词 故选A项 句意 如果你们要买这么好的设备 那要花费学校一大笔钱 3 2013 嘉兴市基础测试 The actor us greatly with his wonderful performance and excellent English A moved B interested C impressed D touched 答案 C 考查动词辨析 move 使某人感动 interest 使某人感兴趣 impress 给人留下印象 touch 接触 触动 只有C项符合句意 4 2013 西城期末 Mr Smith spoke slowly and clearly to all of us students could follow him A test B be sure that C examine D make sure 答案 D 句意 史密斯先生讲得慢而清楚是为了确保同学们都能跟上他 make sure that 确定 确保 be sure that 确信 test 检测 examine 检查 2 5 2013 东北三省第一次大联考 Mrs White prefers some voluntary work in a local hospital rather than nothing at all all day long A to doing do B to do to do C to do do D doing to do 答案 C 此题考查prefer to do rather than do 句型 意为 宁愿做 而不 愿做 6 2013 山西省七校联考 Mr Sandy plans to write a dictionary which will the new words that have appeared in the past few years A spell B pronounce C correct D cover 答案 D 句意 桑迪先生计划写一本包含近几年出现的新词在内的词典 spell 拼 写 pronounce 发音 correct 正确 cover 包含 7 2013 西安市高中第一次质检 I d appreciate if you would like to teach me how to use the computer A that B it C this D you 答案 B I d appreciate it if 是固定句式 it作 appreciate的形式宾语 真正 的宾语是if从句 8 2013 豫 南 九 校 联 考 Little Tom admitted in the examination that he wouldn t do that in future A to cheat to promise B cheating promise C having cheated promising D to have cheated promised 答案 C admit having done sth 承认做过某事 promise表示的动作是由主语 little Tom主动发出的 故用v ing形式 若用过去式作谓语则需要加并列连词and 9 2013 杭州市一检 The naughty boy made up excuses to avoid by his teacher A punishing B punished C to be punished D being punished 答案 D avoid doing sth 避免做某事 此处表示被动 故选D 10 2013 武汉市部分联考 My father is another job A considering to take up B considering taking up C considered to take up D considered taking up 3 答案 B consider doing 考虑做某事 由于前面有 is 因此应用现在进行时 故选 B 11 2013 开封市一模 The boy forward to a new bike A referred to look buying B referred to looking buy C referred to is looking buying D referring to looks buy 答案 C referred to是过去分词短语作后置定语 look forward to doing为固定短 语 盼望着做某事 故选C 12 2013 唐山市期末 How are you managing to do your work without an assistant Well I somehow A get along B come on C watch out D set off 答案 A 句意 没有助手你如何工作呢 唉 凑合对付吧 get along 进展 应付 对付 come on 改进 发展 完善 watch out 小心 留神 set off 动 身 启程 13 2013 宜春五校联考 He is unable to go to work the fall from his bike A as a result B as a result of C as the result D as result of 答案 B 句意 由于从自行车上摔了下来 他不能去工作了 as a result of 由于 的缘故 后面接原因 但as a result之后表明的是结果 C D两项在结构上是错误的 不是正确短语搭配 14 2013 淄博市期末 you call me to say you re not coming I ll keep waiting for you at the theatre A Unless B When C If D As 答案 A 句意 除非你打电话说你不来了 否则我就会在剧院一直等你 unless 除 非 如果不 引导条件状语从句 相当于if not 15 2013 山师附中月考 Did you enjoy your journey to the town We had driven more than 3 hours before we found the right way A Absolutely B No way C Not at all D Quite a lot 答案 C 考查情景交际 句意 你这次的乡村游玩得开心吗 一点也不 我 4 们开了三个多小时的车才找到正确的路 A 项 绝对 完全 B 项 没门 C 项 根本 不 D项 相当多 根据语境可知C项正确 第二节 完形填空 共 20 小题 每小题1 5 分 满分30 分 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从16 35 各题所给的四个选项 A B C D 选出 最佳选项 2013 忻州市第一次联考 As a teaching student I was sent on my first practice at a high school During my practice I 16 realized high school hadn t changed since I was there and still an awful place of cliques 派系 Jess a Year 8 student always respected her classmates 17 the lack of respect she usually received in return Kids constantly 18 her behind her back As a teacher your instinct 本能 is to 19 students like Jess but you soon realize that there s only so much you can actually do Tyson was at the 20 end of the scale 等级 A handsome Year 12 student and always surrounded by mates it was clear that he was a confident and 21 young man When Jess asked to perform a solo act 独唱 in the school talent show I 22 to allow her to take the stage fearing that she might face teasing However I knew that it would be 23 to say no on these grounds 24 her name made it onto the list of 25 The day of the show the whole school 26 in the auditorium 礼堂 Shortly after the acts began it was Jess s 27 Smiling she stepped onto stage The music started and to my horror she 28 the first line of the song She became 29 sang in the wrong key and forgot her lyrics 歌词 As she struggled 30 the song kids whispered and laughed Jess looked 31 and was about to give up when the sound of somebody clapping along to the 32 of the song began to rise above the crowd It was Tyson He was clappi
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