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1 Unit 1 Living well 写出下列必考单词 1 项目 进入 入口n 2 笨拙的adj 3 文学 作品 著作 文献n 4 保龄球n 5 方便的 有用的adj 6 尊严 高贵的品质n 7 收益 利润n 8 同伴 伙伴n 9 辞职vi vt 10 证书n 1 entry 2 clumsy 3 literature 4 bowling 5 handy 6 dignity 7 profit panion 9 resign 10 certificate 写出下列单词的变化形式 1 伤残 无力 无能n 伤残的 无能的adj 2 雄心 野心n 有雄心的 有野心的adj 3 好处 利益n 有益的 受益的adj 4 缺席 不在某处n 缺席的adj 心不在焉的adj 5 赞成 认可v 不赞成 不认可v 赞成 认可n 答案 1 disability disabled 2 ambition ambitious 3 benefit beneficial 4 absence absent absent minded 5 approve disapprove approval 2 用所给的单词的适当形式填空 1 This interruption makes him annoy 2 The girl swims well in spite of her disable 3 The young man with great had an plan to build a school in the poor village ambition 4 As we all know fresh air is to our health and the new park us all so we should keep it clean benefit 5 I wish you will not of my choice because your means a great deal to me approve 答案 1 annoying annoyed 2 disabled disabilities 3 ambitions ambitious 4 beneficial benefits 5 disapprove approval 翻译下列必背短语 1 对 有益 2 适应 3 上气不接下气 4 实现抱负 5 因 而生 的气 6 总而言之 7 取笑 8 切去 省去 停止 9 闲坐着 10 在许多方面 答案 1 be beneficial to sb sth 2 adapt oneself to sth 3 out of breath 4 realize one s ambition 5 be annoyed with sb for sth 6 all in all 7 make fun of 8 cut out 9 sit around 10 in many ways 3 根据括号里的解释 用适当的短语完成下列句子 1 It s rude to the people just because they are in rags laugh at 2 I m too busy to here spend time doing nothing useful 3 You can stay at home and needn t come here any longer you are fired that is to say 4 Reciting as many articles as you can will your writing do good to 5 He quickly the new school adjust to 答案 1 make fun of 2 sit around 3 In other words 4 benefit be beneficial to 5 adapted to 重点句型 1 Just accept them for who they are and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do p 3 要接受他们 给他们鼓励 使他们能像你们一样过得丰富多彩 充实美满 句型 as adj a an n as 和 一样 常用来比较前后两者在某 方面相等 When you grow up you will be as tall and strong a man as your father 长大了你会和你爸爸一样高大结实 4 用上述句型完成下列句子 1 锻炼身体和学习一样都是生活中重要的组成部分 2 英语和数学一样都是很重要的科目 答案 1 Taking exercise is as important a part in our life as studies 2 English is as important a subject as maths 2 I read in the newspaper today that you are to be the architect for the new Bankstown cinema p 8 今天我从报上了解到 您将成为班克斯敦新影院的建筑设计师 句型 be to do sth 即将做某事 表示一种 可能 或 应该 发生的 事情 You are to hand in your homework before Friday 你们应该在星期五前交作业 5 用上述句型完成下列句子 运动会将于下周五举行 答案 The sports meet is to be held next Friday 3 Every time I returned after an absence I felt stupid because I was behind the others p 2 每次缺课回去以后 我就觉得自己很笨 因为我比别人落后了 句型 every time 从句每当 每次 这里是名词词组用作连词 引导 一个表示时间的状语从句 类似用法的名词短语还有 each time next time last time the moment the second the year等 Last time I saw her she was a little girl 上次见到她时 她还是一个小女孩 6 用上述句型完成下列句子 每次谈到他的儿子时 他都兴高采烈 答案 Every time he talked about his son he was very pleased 用上述句型翻译下列小片段 虽然有残疾 Jane 却是一个有抱负的女孩 她喜欢写作 下个月将参加写作比赛 上次看到 她时 她告诉我她获得了英语口语比赛的第一名 她说她一定要像别人一样过丰富多彩的生 活 答案 Though disabled Jane is an ambitious girl She likes writing and is to take part in a writing competition next month Last time I saw her she told me she had won the first place in an English speaking competition She said she was to live as colorful a life as anybody else 语篇领悟 7 根据课文 Marty s Story 完成下列短文 Marty is a 1 able but a fairly positive person 2 never feels sorry for himself and has learned to adapt to his disability Marty always tries hard to live 3 good life He is realistic 4 his disability 5 he never stops doing as much as he can He keeps 6 busy doing things like 7 write and computer programming that do not require physical strength He has friends with whom he can go to movies and football matches and he has lots of pets He 8 studies hard He is a 9 mental strong independent boy Therefore he is able to live as rich and full a life as everyone 10 1 disabled 2 who 3 a 4 about 5 but 6 himself 7 writing 8 also 9 mentally 10 else 考点活用 根据所给中文 用所学词组 句型完成英语短文 我妈妈已经八十多岁了 她仍然很健康 爬山的时候 她比我还快 从没见她有上气不 接下气的时候 当别人问她长寿的秘诀时 她说 我天天打太极 太极对健康非常有益 刚学时动作做不好 很多人都取笑我 但我并不介意 慢慢地 我和别人做得一样好了 特 别是要学会开心地生活 换句话说 不要为一点点小事就生气 总之 如果你能快乐度过每 一天 你就能长寿 My mother is more than eighty years old and she is healthy When we go climbing she is faster than I and she is never out of breath When 1 she said I practise Taiji every day It is very beneficial to health At first I could not do it very well and 2 However it never bothered me Gradually 3 In particular you must learn to live happily 4 don t be annoyed at any trifles All in all if you can live happily every day you can 5 1 asked the secret of her longevity 2 many people made fun of me 3 I could do it as well as others 4 in other words 5 enjoy longevity 1 Although some may think the cinema is noisy it is suitable for Sally s condition p 1 虽然有人会觉得这个电影院太吵了 但是它却适合Sally的情形 词语归纳 suit v 适合 8 n 套装 suitable adj 合适的 适当的 be suitable for sb sth 适合某人 事 be suitable to do sth 适合做某事 Do you think this present is suitable for a little boy 你认为这件礼物适合一个小男孩吗 选用上述单词或短语完成下列小段落 It was really difficult to find a 1 job but I was lucky to get one because the manager thought I
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