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1 高三英语每日一练 103 Christmas is drawing near As I make preparations and watch people shopping for gifts around the malls I am 1 of a Christmas many years ago That particular year I did not get around to wrapping my gifts until the afternoon of Christmas Eve Suddenly I 2 to my horror that I had no present for my 3 But I had the grand total of thirty cents What could I buy with thirty cents Borrowing from my mother was impossible My sisters and I knew it was our resp onsibility to live within our means in other words our pocket money I 4 the department store for several hours finding nothing but candy bars that fell within my 0 30 budget I didn t want to give him candy but a gift that would have at least some 5 So I just kept searching Then I found it two plastic cups 15 cents each Wonderful the perfect 6 place for the coins my father took out of his 7 every night On Christmas morning I saw his face 8 as he opened my gift He told me how 9 he was and thanked me for these cups In my excitement I explained that I thought they could go on the bookshelf in his bedroom to hold his loose change He 10 and before dinner the cups were in place A couple of years ago after my parents passed away I flew to Georgia to clean out their house When I started on their 11 I stopped suddenly looking 12 at the bookcase There sitting on the second shelf were the two cups still serving their purpose and holding my father s last pocketful of coins I do not remember any of the other gifts I gave my father over the years and he probably didn t either But there is no 13 that those cups held more meaning to him than any 14 tie book or golf ball I could have given him He knew they were 15 with great care and given with all the love I had 1 A reminded B informed C warned D convinced 2 A recognized B feared C discovered D regretted 3 A mother B father C sister D brother 2 4 A watched B searched C examined D inquired 5 A use B quality C price D meaning 6 A storing B gathering C hiding D parking 7 A bag B suitcase C pocket D wallet 8 A lengthen B shine C darken D puzzle 9 A relaxed B encouraged C surprised D thrilled 10 A hesitated B refused C agreed D suspected 11 A kitchen B bedroom C study D living room 12 A excitedly B fearfully C pitifully D amazedly 13 A doubt B need C problem D sense 14 A previous B expensive C fashionable D ordinary 15 A put away B brought out C picked out D given away 答案 1 A 四个选项都可与of 连用 但只有remind of 表示 提醒某人 合乎 语境要求 2 C 令我害怕的是我发现余额不多 不足以给父亲买圣诞礼物 3 B 依据下文语境知道具体答案 4 B 于是我拿着仅有的30 分一家家商店搜寻着合适的礼物 5 D 这里表示圣诞礼物要有意义 6 A 依据上下文推断这里表示储存硬币 7 C 依据下文 父亲每晚都把口袋里的硬币放在塑料杯里 8 B 父亲圣诞节的早上看到我的礼物 眼睛闪烁着光芒 shine 闪闪发亮 这里表示 高兴 9 D 父亲告诉我他是多么的兴奋 thrilled刺激的 兴奋的 10 C 父亲同意我的提议 11 B 联系上文bookshelf in his bedroom to hold his loose change就可以知道 答案 12 D 看着书柜上父亲的硬币 我惊呆了 amazed感到惊讶的 13 A There is no doubt that 毫无疑问 14 B 它们比任何昂贵的领带 书籍和高尔夫球都珍贵 15 C 他知道那可是我精心挑选的礼物啊 put away收拾起来 bring out把 拿 出来 pick out挑选 give away赠送 3 April 15th is a special date for Americans But it is no holiday It is tax day It is the last day to pay any federal taxes owed on earnings from the year before The Constitution gives Congress the power to establish federal 联 邦 taxes State and local governments can also tax But the idea of national taxes took time to develop Not everyone liked the ideA In 1791 Congress approved a tax on whiskey and other alcoholic drink Farmers in western Pennsylvania who produced alcohol refused to pay They attacked officials and burned the home of a tax collector America s first president George Washington gathered almost 13 000 troops The soldiers defeated the so called Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 It was one of the first times that the government used its powers to enforce a federal law within a state At first the United States government collected most of its money through tariffs These are taxes on trade In the late 1800 Congress began to tax people s pay The Supreme Court rejected the personal income tax But in 1913 the states passed the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution This gave Congress the right to tax income Today personal income tax provides the government with more than 40 of its money Taxes collected to pay for retirement programs and other services provide 35 Income taxes on businesses provided 7 of federal money in 2002 And the government collects other taxes including customs The Internal Revenue Service collects federal taxes The I R S is part of the Treasury Department Most taxpayers do not owe the agency any money on April 15th Their employers have taken income taxes from their pay all year and already given it to I R S In fact most people get some money back But tax laws are often criticized as too complex The United States has what is called a progressive tax system Tax rates increase as earnings increase This year people who earn more than 312 000 are taxed at 35 That is the highest rate Individuals who earn less than 7 000 pay no income tax but they do pay other taxes 1 Which is TRUE about the American taxes A People can pay their taxes a
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