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1 高考领航 2013 年高考英语总复习专题 10 名词性从句牛津译林 版 1 2012 年江西卷 It suddenly occurred to him he had left his keys in the office A whether B wher e C which D that 解析 考查名词性从句 It occurs to sb that 某人突然想起某事 此句型为主语 从句 it作形式主语 that从句为真正主语 故选D 答案 D 2 After three of four losses there were rumors Paul was going to be fired A why B when C that D which 解析 从句说明了名词rumors 的具体内容 故应该选t hat 引导同位语从句 答案 C 3 excuse Tom makes will not be believed because he always tells lies A No matter what B However C No matter how D Whatever 解析 根据题干结构和语境可知 此处不是让步状语从句 首先排除A C 此处是主 语从句 其中excuse 是名词 应用whatever 修饰 故选D 答案 D 4 Lily has some idea she s going to be when she grows up A what B that C as D which 解析 what 引导同位语从句 且在从句中作表语 很明显从句部分是对前面先行名词 idea 的进 一步说明 答案 A 5 Would you like to have a swim with us in the sea I will ask my parents A whether they will agree to do B if they let me go C if they will let me go D whether they allow me to 解析 go 是第一次出现 不可省略 此处表示 父母亲是否让我去 let me go 又 2 由 will可知应用一般将来时态 故C项符合题意 答案 C 6 The reason why I plan to go is she will be disappointed if I don t A because B that C why D how 解析 the reason后面的表语从句中应用that而不用 because 引导 答案 B 7 I rang you at about ten but there was no reply Oh that was probably I was seeing a doctor A when B why C what D that 解析 根据句意可知 此处表示 你十点钟打电话也许正是我看医生之时 此处需要 用 when引导表语从句 答案 A 8 That is I was born and grew up A there B in which C where D the place 解析 where 在此引导表语从句 B项不能引导表语从句 其他选项均不符合题意 答案 C 9 Many of the letters to the headmaster expressed the belief the student was innocent and he shouldn t be punished A who B whether C that D what 解析 根据语境可知 the belief后面是同位语从句 从句部分说明了先行词的具体 内容 故用that 答案 C 10 It is reported that are called public schools are decreasing in that country A what B as C which D that 解析 it是形式主语 that引导的从句是真正的主语 that引导的从句中又含有一个 主语从句 主语从句中又缺少主语 故用what 引导 答案 A
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