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1 高考领航 2013 年高考英语总复习 4 3 Unit 3 Tomorrow s world 练习 牛津译林版 单项填空 1 2012 年重庆卷 Sam has been appointed manager of the engineering depart ment to take place of George A B the C the the D the 解析 考查冠词 句意 Sam已被任命为工程部经理来取代George 职务或官街前不加 冠词 take the place of 意为 取代 为固定结构 答案 D 2 I m worn out the bike doesn t work well so I can t go farther A apart from B except for C beside D besides 解析 此处考查besides 作副词的用法 意为 此外 而且 其他几个选项无此用法 apart from except f or 除了 beside 只用作介词 意为 在 旁边 和 相比 答案 D 3 The murderer was recognized in a restaurant and to the police A delivered B set C gave D send 解析 句意 谋杀犯在餐馆被认出来 然后被送往警察局 set 搁 放 give 给 不符 合句意 send 送 派遣 符合句意但不是被动语态 故只有A项符合要求 答案 A 4 2012 年马鞍山质检 I an email address for my dad so that I could email him reg ularly A put up B made up C went up D set up 解析 句 意 我为爸爸建了一个邮箱地址 以便经常给他发邮件 put up搭建 张 贴 make up 构成 化妆 go up 上升 增加 set up建立 开办 答案 D 5 Deeply his unhappy childhood the boy s seemed quite odd A relating to personality B associated with character 2 C inked by virtue D connecting to morality 解析 句意 与他不幸的童年相关 这个男孩的性格似乎很古怪 be related to be associated with 表示 与 相关 故排除 A D两项 character性格 特性 perso nality人格 个性 v irtue德行 morali ty 道德 道义 根据句意可知选B 答案 B 6 2012 年芜湖模拟 Tom was stuck in trouble the other day for he was of abusing a lady A accused B scolded C reminded D told 解析 句意 汤姆前几天陷入麻烦之中 因为他被控诉辱骂一名女士 accuse 控告 控诉 scold 责备 remind 提醒 tell告诉 辨别 根据句意 A项正确 答案 A 7 湖北高考 Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health It may also be good for building A respect B friendship C reputation D character 解析 考查名词辨析 语意表示独自远足利于塑造性格 用character building表示 品格培养 注意第一句中的 Hiking by oneself 其他选项不符合题意 答案 D 8 A number of people have been to do the work A employed B used C agreed D suggested 解析 句意 许多人被雇来做这项工作 use 使用 不合句意 agree suggest 后 不接 sb to do sth 故选 A 答案 A 9 Don t mention that at the beginning of the story or it may the shocking ending A give away B give out C give up D give off 解析 句意 故事开始的时候不要提那件事 否则它会泄露令人震惊的结局 give away 泄露 符合句意 give out 分发 散发 耗尽 give up 放弃 give off 发出 放出 答案 A 3 10 2012 年苏州模拟 You are have you seen a doctor A burning down B burning away C burning up D burning out 解析 句意 你在发烧 看过医生了吗 burn up 发烧 体温高 通常用于进行 时 答案 C 11 2012 年无锡一中月考 Next week I will go to a job interview Will you give me some suggestions Introduce yourself in a special way to make yourself A work out B turn out C stand out D pick out 解析 考查动词词组 根据语境可知 此处答话人在给对方提建议 以使对方在下周的 面试中脱颖而出 因此用stand out 显眼 突出 答案 C 12 创新题 If you ask why I plan to study in the United States the only answer is that it is a n for me A puzzle B advantage C challenge D average 解析 考查名词 根据语意 此处表示到美国留学是一个 挑战 puzzle 迷惑 advantage 优势 average 平均数 答案 C 13 Middle school students should be taught how to make postive choices when with personal conflicts A faced B facing C to face D having faced 解析 考查省略句 face 的用法有sb be faced with sth 与 sb face sth 因此在 此题中 when 后的完整表达是 they are faced with personal conflicts 由于其主 语与主句主语一致 故省略了they are 答案 A 14 2012 东北三校模拟 The young man several attempts to beat the world reco rd in the high jump decided to have another try 4 A to make B making C made D having made 解析 考查非谓语动词 句意 这个年轻人曾几次试图打破跳高的世界纪录而未能如愿 他决定再试一次 分析句子成分可知 应用非谓语动词 主语与make存在逻辑上的主 谓关系 排除C项 不定式表将来或目的 排除A项 make several attempts发生在 decided 之前 故用现在分词的完成式 故选D项 答案 D 15 2012 衡水中学一调 I ve got to go now Must you I you could stay for dinner with us A think B thought C have thought D am thinking 解析 考查时态 根据语意可知 此处表示 原以为 对方可以留下来吃晚饭 因此用 一般过去时 答案 B 阅读理解 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C和 D 中选出最佳选项 A Our aim is to take our art to the world and make people understand what it is to move said David Belle the cofounder of parkour 跑酷 Do you love running It is a good exercise yet many people find it boring But what if making your morning jog a creative one Like jumping from walls and over gaps and ground rolls Just like the James Bond in the movie Casino Royale Bond jumps down from a roof to a windowsill and then runs several blocks over obstacles on the way It is just because of Bond s wonderful performances that the sport has become popular worldwide Yes tha t s parkour an extreme street sport aimed at moving from one point to another as quickly as possible getting over all the obsta cles in the path using only the abilities of the human body Parkour is considered an extreme sport As its participants dash around a city they may jump over fences run up walls and even move from rooftop to rooftop Parkour can be just as exciting and charming as it sounds but its participants see parkour much more than that Overcoming all the obstacles on the course and in life is part of the 5 philosophy 哲理 behind parkour This is the same as life You must determine your destination go straight and jump over all the barriers as if in parkour and never fall back from them in your life to reach the destinatiion successfully A parkour lover said I love parkour because its philosophy has become my life my way to do everything Another philosophy we ve learnt from parkour is freedom It can be done by anyone at any time anywhere in the world It is a kind of expressio
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