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英语教学课件 S 八年级上册 Module1Amazingthings Unit1Encyclopaedias Speaking 1 Tolearntostresstheimportantwordsinasentence2 Totalkaboutapersonorathingfromanencyclopaedia Objectives Whenwespeak weusuallystresstheimportantwords nouns verbs adjectives adverbsandnumbers inasentence Wedonotusuallystressunimportantwords e g a the he of is and haveandcan Sentencestress Daisy Happybirthday Benny Thisisforyou Benny Anencyclopaedia Thankyou Daisy Daisy You rewelcome I msureyou lllearnmanythingsfromit Benny Yes I msureIwill It salwaysusefultohaveanencyclopaediaaroundthehouse Daisy True It llbeagreathelpwithyourstudies Whocanreadthesentencesbest go Ready 1 一般来说 在句子中需重读的词都是实词 比如 名词 动词 形容词 副词 数词 代词等 不重读的多为虚词 比如 冠词 连词 介词 感叹词等 Thestreetsarewideandclean Iamsogladtoseeyouagain 哪些词在句子中需重读 2 有时候虚词也要重读 以下几点需注意 1 强调或突出某个虚词或be动词时 应将其重读 例如 Wesawhimplayingbytheriver 强调是我们而不是别人看见 2 介词在句首时往往要重读 例如 Onmywaytoschool mybikewasbroken 3 be动词及助动词和not结合时要重读 例如 I msorryIcan tdothat Didn tItellyouyesterday 4 句子末尾的be动词和助动词一般要重读 例如 Areyouastudent Yes Iam 注意 上文刚出现过的并且重读的单词 第二次提到时一般不再重读 如 Howmanyboysarethereintheroom Therearetwentyboysinit Readtheconversationbelowandstresstheunderlinedwords Daisy Happybirthday Benny Thisisforyou Benny Anencyclopaedia Thankyou Daisy Daisy You rewelcome I msureyou lllearnmanythingsfromit Benny Yes I msureIwill It salwaysusefultohaveanencyclopaediaaroundthehouse Daisy True It llbeagreathelpwithyourstudies Role play 1 Roleplaytheconversationingroups 2 Roleplaytheconversationinfrontoftheclass Let sseewhichgroupdoesthebest Speakup Enjoythepictures 蒙娜丽莎 最后的晚餐 基督受洗 柏诺瓦的圣母 抱银貂的女子 AllthosewerefromDaVinci Leonardo Teamracing Activity Let sseewhichgroupfinishtheformfirst Ready FinishitaccordingtothepartofReadingLookitup 1452 1519 countryside Italy showedgreatintelligenceandartisticability learnttodomanydifferentthings manyinventions famouspaintings painter inventor musician engineer scientist Whatareyouinterestedin Lookitupinanencyclopaedia Inpairs talkaboutit Followtheexample S1 DoyouknowanythingaboutLeonardodaVinci S2 Yes Hewasagreatpainter HismostfamouspaintingistheMonaLisa S1 Whenandwherewasheborn S2 HewasborninItalyin1452 S1 Didhedoanyotherthings S2 Yes Hewasalsoaninventor musician engineerandscientist Teamracing Activity Talkaboutafamouspersonyouareinterestedin Workingroups Forexample MarkTwain WaltDisney AbrahamLincoln Whichgroupwilldothebest 1 FinishtheexercisesinLearningEnglish 2 PreviewWritingonpage11 Homework
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