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9AUnit3期末复习 Teenagepeoblems 易错单词 perhaps choice imagine mentionsuggestion cause strict valuable silence method solve dictionary chemistry progress pronounce pronunciation doubt肯定句 whether ifdoubt否定句 that 重点单词用法 1 madadj 发疯的 生气的mad 比较级 最高级 使我受不了 2 maybe probablyadv 或许 可能3 stomachn 肚子 复数 madder maddest drivememad perhaps stomachs 4 adj 宝贵的 贵重的n 价值 5 n 安静 寂静 沉默 adj 安静的 沉默的需要安静 valuable value silence silent needsilence 8 choicen 选择 动词 p pp 9 awakeadj 醒着的 动词 p pp 10 imaginevt vi 想象 名词 11 pronouncevt 发音 名词 6 reply 三单 7 correct 反义词 choose chose chosen wake woke woken pronunciation imagination replies incorrect correctly 副词 payattentiontoyourpronunciationpronounceallthewordscorrectly正确地发出所有单词的读音 两种发音 twopronunciations 1 少吃多锻炼2 别无选择 只能 3 熬夜到很晚4 保持清醒5 准时6 有时间顾及爱好7 很 值得一做8 花如此多的时间在家作上9 梦想10 给我提供些建议 offermesomesuggestions eatlessandexercisemore havenochoicebuttodosth stayuplate stayawake 及时 intime ontime havetimeforhobbies bewellworthdoing spendsomuchtimeonhomework dreamof about 提供给某人某物 offersbsth offersthtosb providesb withsth providesth forsb 11 对 着迷12 问题的原因13 陷入困境14 允许某人做某事15 对某人在 上要求严格16 培养某人的业余爱好17 考试得低分18 根据19 更好地管理你的时间20 在学习和爱好之间取得平衡 achieveabalancebetweenschoolworkandhobbies becrazyabout thecauseoftheproblem getintotrouble allowsb todosth bestrictwithsbinsth developone shobbies getlowmarksinexams manageyourtimebetter accordingto 21 帮助我们放松22 感到放松23 列出 的单子24 表达我自己有困难25 不要在意26 以 而自豪27 复习 回顾28 解决问题29 不客气30 和我同龄的许多学生 havedifficultyexpressingmyself makealistof goover solvetheproblem Don tmentionit helpusrelax feelrelaxed paynoattentionto pays paid beproudof manystudentsofmyage Youarewelcome That sallright That sOK Notatall Itisa my pleasure attheageof 在几岁时 31 期待你宝贵的建议32 对某人宝贵的 bevaluabletosbbeofgreatvaluetosb lookforwardtoyourvaluableadvice 33 和某人分享我的烦恼34 在字典中查这个生单词 sharemyworrieswithsb lookupthenewwordinthedictionary 37 对 在乎太多 35 在 上获得大 小的进步 makegreat littleprogressin 36 把 埋在心底 keepsthtooneself careaboutsthtoomuch progress为不可数名词 keepone ssecrettooneself 把秘密埋藏在心中 考点1dealvi 处理 点拨 whattodo howtodoit whattodowithsth howtodealwithsth 典型例题 Idonotknowhowtodealwithit 改同义句 Idonotknowwhatto it dowith 考点2imaginevt vi 想象 设想 点拨 imagine的用法如下 1 imaginesth2 imaginedoingsth3 imagine 从句 典型例题 我们不能想象没有友情的生活 Wecannot withoutfriendship imaginelife 考点3hardlyadv 几乎不 点拨 1 hardly表否定意义 不能同其他否定词连用 但可与ever any连用 2 在含有hardly的句中 反意疑问句要用肯定形式 Didyougotothecinemalastnight Oh no I gotothecinema Thetickets youknow aretooexpensive 2014宁波 A hardB alwaysC hardlyD often 辨析 hard hardly C 两者都表示 回答 answer属常用词 而reply较正式都可作名词 表示 对 的回答 答复 其后接介词to answer除表示 回答 外 还可表示接听 电话 或对门铃等声响作出反应 常与telephone door bell doorbell等连用 但reply不能这样用 考点4reply answer I mlookingforwardtohearingfromyou Please meassoonaspossible A replyB answertoC replytoD write C Takethemedicine Hecaughttheearlybus ontime intime ontime准时 按时intime及时 根据汉语提示完成句子 Sheoften 怀疑 whetherit sworthstudyingsohard 2 HeboughttwoEnglish Chinese 词典 forhersonsyesterday 3 Thesesuggestionswillbeofgreat 价值 toyou 4 The 方法 ofstudyisthatyoumustlistentoteacherscarefully 5 Mother sillnesswasalwaysagreat 令人发愁的事 tome doubts 基础过关 dictionaries value method worry 1 Theboywasmade hishomeworkthewholeafternoon 2 Nooneknowswhat millionsofyearsago 3 He likethissinceyesterday 4 I m fat Lookatmystomach 5 Pleasestop somuchnoise I mdoingmyhomework 6 Heenjoys outlateatnight 7 Iranghimuplastnightandhe tome todo 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 happen be do make reply get stay happened hasbeen getting making staying replied isworthspending havenochoicebuttodoit donotallowmetoplayoutside somuchtimeon dealwithit whytheyaresostrict achieveabalance betweenmyschoolworkandmyhobbies withme Paynoattentionto laughat How WhataboutreadingEnglishaloud Grammar 宾语从句 注意 连接词 语序 时态 连接词 1 that引导的宾语从句 从句部分相当于一个陈述句 2 if whether引导的宾语从句 从句部分相当于一个一般疑问句 当与or ornot连用 后接动词不定式 在介词之后 只用whether 不用if 3 wh 引导的宾语从句 从句部分相当于一个特殊疑问句 2 语序 陈述语序 3 时态 时态一致 1 当主句时态为一般过去时 从句用相应的过去时态 2 当从句表示客观事实 真理 谚语等 仍用一般现在时 3 当主句时态为一般现在时 从句可用任何时态 依语境而定 1 I mdoingmyhomework hesaid 2 Willyouhaveathree dayholiday mymotheraskedme Exercises Hesaid that hewasdoinghishomework Mymotheraskedmeif whetherIwouldhaveathree dayholiday 3 Whendidheleave Idon tknow Idon tknowwhenheleft 4 What sthematterwithher Canyoutellme Canyoutellmewhatisthematterwithher 如果宾语从句的引导词恰好在从句中作主语或主语的定语 则句子保持原有结构 中考链接 1 Doyouknow thegirlinblueis I mnotsure Maybeateacher 2013山东 A whoseB howC whatD which 2 Iknowhe sbeencuriousabouteverything butthat s Bepatient 2015无锡 A whatdokidslikeB whatkidslikeC whatarekidslikeD whatkidsarelike 4 Couldyoutellme Hisleftlegisbadlyhurt A whatthematteriswithhim B howhewas C whatisthematterwithhim D iftherewasanythingwrongwithhim 3 Wedon tknow A WhatistheboxinB whatisintheboxC whereistheboxD whatintheboxis 5 Couldyoupleasetellme atthe2014WinterOlympicGamesinSochi A howmanygoldmedalsdidChineseathleteswinB ChineseathleteswonhowmanygoldmedalsC didhowmanyChineseathleteswingoldmedalsD howmanygoldmedalsChineseathleteswon 6 Doyouknowif backnextweek Ifhe back pleaseletmeknow A hecomes willcomeB willhecome comesC hewillcome comesD w
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