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Reading 板块 教学设计 课件 Unit 2 Languagepoints Unit2 课件描述 本课件涵盖了课文中出现的重要词汇 句型知识 重点放在语言的综合运用上 通过详细实例 结合具体的实际应用需求 讲练结合 循序渐进地启发学生理解并学会正确运用 Revision Whattopicdoesthisletterreferto 2 RetellthethreeadventurousactivitiesthewriterwilldoduringhiscomingtravelinAfricaaccordingtothefollowingclues 1 totraveloncamels wheretoleaveandhowtogohowandwheretotravelhowlongtotravel 2 totraveldowntheNile whenandwheretostart howtotravelandwhy whattowear 3 totraveltoseewildanimals wheretolive whattodrinkandeat whattobuyandwhy howtogetclosetowildanimals 1 Ihavebeenquitebusyarrangingmy L6 arrange n arrangefor todosth arrangementn I ve himtomeetherattheairport Wordsandexpressions arrangedfor 2 somanyexcitingplaces L6 我很羞愧犯了这么多错 IfeelshamedthatI vemadesomanymistakes TIP 1 somany n countable somuch n uncountable sofew n countable solittle n uncountable 2 suchlittletoys 小 3 We regoingtoridecamels L10 TIP bycamel onthecamel s oncamelsbybike onthebike s onbikesbycar inthecar s incars 骑骆驼旅行时要小心危险 Watchoutfordangerswhiletravelingoncamels We llbetravellingbycamel L13 4 campingintentsandsleeping L13 分词作状语 表伴随性动作 Hecamein and 唱着跳着 Hecamein byagroupofstudents 跟着 singing dancing followed Thestormleft alotofdamagetothisarea A causedB tohavecausedC tocauseD havingcaused D 5 onclearnights L15 这故事发生在一个寒冷的早晨 Thestoryhappenedonacoldmorning atnight inthenightonacoldnightonSaturdaynightonthenightof 用适当的介词填空 April 1976 April1 1976 themorningofApril1 1976 9 00 themorningofApril1 1976 in on on on at 6 toseeinthedark L16 a 在暗处 Acatcansee b 秘密地 一无所知 Wewerecompletelykept abouttheplan inthedark inthedark 7 includingthecow sblood L27 include contain e g Whiskycontainsalargepercentageofalcohol Detailedinstructionsareincludedinthebooklet TIP Allthepersons includinghim gotinvited whoincludehim with himincluded 8 tocarrymysuppliesoffoodandwater L29 e g Thedraught hitareasaremoredependentuponsuppliesoffood TIP 1 n asupplyoffood afoodsupplysuppliesoffood foodsupplies 2 vt supplyAto forBsupplyBwithA Compare provideAforBprovideBwithA Themediasupplies everyday A lotsofinformationtousB usforlotsofinformationC alotofinformationwithusD ustoalotofinformationThewatercompanycutoffthe ofwaterfornogoodreasons A provideB supplyC offerD source A B 9 trytogetascloseaspossibleto L34 e g Thefirefighterscouldn tgetclosetotheburningbuildingontime 1 be get closeto adj 2 followsb closebehind adv 3 upclose4 withone seyesclosed vt 5 close closely 区别 close adj adv 常与to连用 近的 地closely adv 严密地 仔细地 密切地 用close和closely填空1 Shestood toherteachersothatshecouldwatch 2 Thepolicemanexaminedhisroom 3 Theywatchedthethief 4 Theyhavebeen friendsformanyyears close close closely closely closely 10 haveguns fordefence scaretheanimalsaway L34 e g Thesightofthesnakescaredtheboyaway TIP 1 scare away off stiff todeath 2 scared scary 区别 3 scare frighten defenceindefenceofdefendvt Theybuiltawallto thecityagainsttheenemies Theybuiltawall thecityagainsttheenemies defend indefenceof Twoimportantdrills 1 incase clausee g Incaseanythingimportanthappens pleasecontactmeintime TIP 1 Incaseoffire pleasecall119 2 You dbettertakeanumbrellaincase 3 inthis that no any manycase s Takeahatwithyou thesunisveryhot Takeanumbrellawithyou rain Iwouldprefertostayonthebus Don tworry I llgothere willIgivein incase incaseof Inthatcase inanycase Innocase Johnmayphonetonight Idon twanttogoout hephones A aslongasB inorderthatC incaseD sothat C Idon tthinkI llneedanymoneybutIwillbringsome A atlastB incaseC onceagainD intime Icanthinkofmanycases studentsobviouslyknewalotofEnglishwordsandexpressionsbutcouldn twriteagoodessay A whyB whichC asD where B D 2 whatever however n clauses e g I lljustsaywhatevercomesintomyhead Whoeverbreaksthelawshouldbepunished TIP whatever however adv clauses nomatterwhat how e g Keepcalm whateverhappens nomatterwhat Sarahhopestobecomeafriendof shareherinterests A anyoneB whomeverC whoeverD nomatterwho hashelpedtosavethedrowninggirlisworthpraising A WhoB TheoneC AnyoneD whoever C D Consolidationexercises ThoseflowersaresospecialthatIwoulddo Icantosavethem A whateverB nomatterwhatC whicheverD that2 Hesat againstthewallandlistenedtotheteacher A close closeB closely closelyC closely closeD close closely A D 3 HaveyouheardfromJanetrecently No butI heroverChristmas A sawB willbeseeingC haveseenD havebeenseen4 With electricalequipment woodandpaperinoneplace thereisadangeroffire A somanyB somuchC suchmanyD suchmuch B B 5 Wehave inyourbillthecostoftheteapotyoubrokejustnow A increasedB includedC containedD charged6 Onseeingtheaccident hefelt A scaryB scaredC scareD scaring B B 7 Youshouldtrytogetagoodnight ssleep muchworkyouhavetodo A howeverB nomatterC althoughD whatever8 Amiddle agedwomancame tothebusstoponly thebushadgone A torun tofindB running tofindC andran findingD running finding A B HomeworkFinishexercisesonpage94to95
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