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牛津高中英语 模块二 高一上学期 AdvancewithEnglish Task Unit3 Skillsbuilding1andStep1 Unit3 课件描述 本节课是以听 说为主的听力教学课 听力教学应当由易到难 循序渐进 重复操练 多听是提高听力的前提 但如何去听 如何获得准确的信息 则就不是多听能解决的问题了 多听是增强语感 提高听力之本 若再加上正确的听力方法 掌握必要的技巧及对策 则可获得事半功倍的效果 Skillsbuilding1andSteponeListening Keystohomework PartC1 Page104 flew haddone kept hadhoped believed2 went slept had fell hadbroken3 went hadplanned was woke noticed hadhappened4 landed hadmanaged hadtravelled PartC2 Page104 1 haddone2 have seen3 Had visited had been4 hadused5 Had seen hadseen6 hadwaited7 have been havebeen 395618251 047十八点十二分在他二十多岁时在18世纪三十年代九万零四百一十三 Readoutagroupofnumbers Ipaid233yuanformynewskirt Numberscanbeusedfor Date Age Percentage Price Iwillbethirty twonextweek ItistheseventeenthofFebruary 26percentofthestudentshavepassedtheexam MyQQnumberis956386348 Streetnumber QQnumber Faxnumber Telephonenumber Herfriendlivesat337NanjingRoad Pleasecall110 Myfaxis0512 62362362 Pluralforms about around under morethan atleast atmost orso Tomodifyanumber In2002 Stevebecamethe 1 persontoflyaroundtheworldaloneinaballoonwithoutstopping Hehadtotry 2 timesbeforehefinallysucceeded Stevewasinhislate 3 whenhecircledtheworldinaballoon Heset 4 worldrecordsinhislife In2004 heandhisteamsetaworldrecordbysailingaroundtheworldin 5 days Sadly in 6 hewasflyingaplanealonewhentheplanedisappeared Theplaneandhisbodywerenotdiscovereduntiloneyearlater first six fifties 116 58 2007 Heisamanfullofdreams Heismanwillingtoworkforhisdreams Henevergivesup Heissuccessful WhatdoyouthinkofSteveFossett 1 Mustbeolderthan18butyoungerthan 2 Experienceasaspeakerwouldbe 3 Mustbeabletospeak andChinese 4 Mustliveinornear 5 Availablebetween Mayand10June 6 Abletospeakfromtwoo clockuntil 7 Preparea hourspeech withanextrahalfanhourforquestionsandanswers 8 Mustbe andhappytospendtimetalkingtostudents 35 helpful English Nanjing 20 four two friendly 1 yourschoolname 2 June3 184 Nanjing5 English6 Chinese7 friendly KeytoPartB
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